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::chapter 17-bring it to her::

Nicole had just finished getting Adrienne ready for the concert when there was a knock on the door to her room. Nicole, who knew Symone never knocked, was puzzled as to who it could be.

“Oh, hey Krysti.” she said, letting the girl in. Krysti was all decked out for the concert, in a short black skirt and a red sparkly tube top with a black shrug over it.

“We need to do something.” she said, dramatically, sitting next to Adrienne on the bed. “Symone is refusing to go to the concert, and if she doesn’t go, she’ll never forgive herself. Plus, a certain jerk-of-a-band-member owes her an apology.” Nicole nodded in agreement.

“But she doesn’t want to see Justin. At all.” Both girls sat pondering for a few moments. Symone was very stubborn, and they knew there was almost no way she would go to the concert, even for front row seats and backstage passes. Not once she set her mind to it. Krysti’s eyes started to gleam, as an idea formed in her mind.

“Hey, Nicole, JC likes you, doesn’t he?” Nicole blushed.

“I guess so. We’re friends.”

“Well, I know Lance likes me, he even asked me out again.” Krysti was never one to be shy about the facts. “And if I asked him a favor, he would probably want to help...”

Nicole smiled. “And what would that favor be?”

Krysti grinned. “Well, Symone said she wouldn’t go to the concert. She never said anything about the concert being brought to her.” she said, innocently. *****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****

“He did WHAT?” two other voices chorused.

Chris nodded, grimly. “I don’t think he can even believe he called her that.” Chris was re-telling that afternoon’s events to Joey and JC, with Lance filling in some of the details he got from Krysti. Justin was still sleeping upstairs.

“Is he going to be okay?” JC asked, concerned about both Justin’s’ health, and the concert that was just a few hours away.

“He’ll be fine by the concert, he was just tired out. But guys, don’t bring it up if he doesn’t. You’re probably all as mad as I was, but I think he really feels bad about it.”

Joey snorted. “Damn right he should! I have never know Justin to mistreat a lady, and I can’t believe he did it over some stupid basketball game.”

“Well, we all know that Justin’s temper can get the better of him, especially when he is seriously stressed out. He’s said things to all of us he didn’t mean. And I think this was just an extreme of that case.”

‘Yeah, but it was still wrong. Nicole has 4 backstage passes, so when Symone comes back after the concert, Justin needs to apologize to her, agreed?” JC said. The other three nodded. Chris was about to speak again, when a cell phone started ringing. “Me.” Lance said, taking a few steps away from the group. He answered the phone, and the group saw his face light up. “Krysti.” They all whispered, before cracking up.

“Hey, Krys.” Lance said.

“Hey, look, I know it’s last minute, but I have a really big favor to ask you, and the rest of the guys.

“You name it, I’ll get them to do it.” Lance said, charmingly.

“Well, Symone is refusing to go to the concert. Ya know, cause of what Justin did.”


“Well, Nicole and I were thinking of ways to get here there. Justin really needs to apologize, but Symone is so stubborn!”

“Just like Justin.”

“Yeah, so, we thought, if she doesn’t want to go to the concert, why not bring the concert to her.” Lance let a slow smile creep onto his face. He loved the idea.

“But Justin won’t go, if he knows it’s to see Symone.”

“Then don’t tell him. It’ll be dark by the time you’re done the concert. We can just come backstage to meet you, give you’re driver the directions, and meet you there. Just tell Justin you’re going to see a sick fan of something. A dying wish, I don’t know. He won’t know where you’re going!”

" You are amazing, Krysti. In more than one way.” Lance said. “I’ll check with the guys, but I doubt there will be any problems.”

"You’re wonderful, Lance! Well, I have to finish getting ready, and I’m sure you do, too, so look for me in the front tonight, and I’ll see you afterwards! Bye!”

“Bye.” Lance clicked off his phone, excited to share the plan with the others.

::chapter 16::

::chapter 18::

::she got game::

