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“Why are we doing this again?” Chris asked from the back seat of the van.

“Because all our parents insisted that if we were to tour this fall we had to take the entire summer off, and Johnny agreed. And since they got to pick where we’re staying, it’s a remote farm, away from all civilization.” JC said from the drivers seat.

“But it has horses!” Lance pointed out, before getting a face full of pillow from Justin.

“Oh yeah, Grandma’s Valley. Sounds like a real winner of a time. We’re going to be stuck as far from our normal lives as we can get in some valley with an old grandma.”

Justin was the crankiest about this whole deal. He hated no being near his family, and his public. They had even made him give up his cell phone and pager, so no one could get in touch with him, or any of the other guys.

“Oh, stop whining Justin. Imagine, no rehearsals, no media, no management...” Lance tried to console the younger man.

“And no females!” Joey pointed out.

“Gee, just kill all my attempts to make him feel better, Joe.” Lance said. sarcastically.

“Sorry, but hey, he better learn to face reality. No clubs, no parties, no women.” With each word Joey spoke, Justin’s pout got deeper.

“Look, J,” JC started, “You barely made it to the end of the last tour. You need this vacation the most, especially with that whole Symone thing.”

Justin knew JC was trying to make him feel better, but honestly, that name was the last thing he wanted to hear right now.

“Oh, stuff it, JC! I don’t need to hear the pathetic excuses as to why we need to be away from the people we need the most!” Justin and Symone has always had a fiery relationship, and one day the sparks just caused too much heat. They said words they didn’t mean, but couldn’t take back.

“I have to agree with him on that part.” Chris spoke up, twisting the gold band that encircled his right finger. His wife, Terri, had insisted on giving him time alone with the guys for the first couple of weeks. She would be out to join them at the end of June.

“Well, looks like we can kill the conversation, I think we have arrived.” JC turned onto a gravely road that led up to a low, one-floor house. You could see the stables and grassy fields and a wooded area in the back. Though it was remote, they all had to admit that Grandma's Valley was breathtaking. JC stopped the car and the other guys began to climb out. It had been a long drive, and they were all glad to stretch their legs. Justin, anxious to get away from the group, began walking slowly towards the house. He opened the screen door, and stepped in, looking around for some sign of life.

Justin looked around the room, it was big, with a cooking area, a couple tables, and a living room type place, al spread out in one huge room. There was two doors on the far wall, and another on the opposite end.

“Hello?” Justin called, walking into the center of the room.

“No one home?” Joey said, his arms loaded with gear. He set it all down with a clatter, as the other 3 trudged in and did the same.

“Great. We get here, and no Grandma. I hope she didn’t up and die on us.” Lance joked.

“Nah, she did that a few months ago. You missed it, boys.” Five heads whipped around at the voice. It was clear and sweet, with a touch of impishness in it. A girl, maybe 20, stood in front of them. She was wearing a pair of well-worn jeans and a flannel work shirt, knotted at the waist. Long, honey-colored hair was pulled in a French braid.

“I’m Emmiline Valley, and you must be our charges for the next three months,” she said, reaching out a hand. They each shook it, introducing themselves.

Our charges?” JC asked, noting her earlier reference.

“Yeah, my sister, Anna, and I run this place. Our Grandma Mayla left it to us when she died a few months ago. She was just out finishing up some chores in the barn. She should be in any second. I sure am glad y’all are here, we really need some help in the barn, and in the house. But I thought they people who booked you said there was 6?” Emmiline asked, tilting her head.

“There will be, in a few weeks. My wife, Terri, is coming out after she finished up with her school stuff.” Chris volunteered.

“Aw, how sweet. But no hanky-panky, ya hear?” Emmiline grinned, and winked. Chris pouted slightly.

“So, where should we put out stuff?” JC asked, pointing to the mess of bags in the middle of the floor.

“Just head in that door over there.” Emmiline pointed at the solitary door on the far wall. “There’s 6 sets of bunk beds, and 6 dressers, with an adjoining bathroom. Y’all can get settled, why I try and figure out what we’re going to feed you.” Emmiline headed to the kitchen area as the boys went to their new room.



::alternate reality::