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::chapter 13-I have a secret::

The ballroom of the Plaza Hotel looked like a musical award show had just taken place when the party started on January 29th. The doors opened at 11 PM and it seemed to Justin and Nick that every person that they had invited had shown up, despite the short notice they had given them. The guys had planned a joint party to take place on the night after Nick’s 20th birthday, and head into the morning before Justin’s 19th. They had just sent out invitations to everyone they knew, knowing that it really didn’t matter to them who showed up. There were only two people who mattered: Leigh and Alicia. This party was for them.

They had arranged for a limo to pick Al and Leigh up and give them a day of pampering before they came to the party. Nick and Justin had even gone shopping, finding the perfect dresses for the women they loved and had the dresses shipped to the spa where the girls had spent the day. Now, all the guys had to do was wait for their ladies to make their entrance.

Nick strolled over to Justin, who was talking to JC and Lance, and asked to speak to him in private. “Are you sure they are coming?” he asked anxiously.

“Chill Carter, the limo driver just paged me, they should be here any minute.” Justin laughed as Nick let out a ragged sigh of relief. Truth be known, he was nervous, too, but his feelings for Al were so consuming of him, that he had to let her know how much he cared. On the outside he remained calm, cool and collected, but on the inside, his feelings were in a frenzy.

His eyes darted to the door subconsciously, and, as if in a dream, there she was. Alicia’s dark brown hair had been curled and styled at the back of her head, with wispy strands framing her face. The dress he had bought for her, an emerald green gown that fell to just below her knees, looked a million times better than he had even thought it would, bringing out the vivacity in her matching eyes, and making her tanned skin glow. She was the epitome of perfection.

Nick, too, was focusing all his attention on the entranceway. Leigh stood beside his best friend, and she looked so beautiful that he could swear right then that she was a goddess of some sort. She was of course wearing the dress he had selected, a shimmery, brown-gold floor length gown. Her blonde hair was down, brushing her bare shoulders and shining in the light from above. She was the epitome of perfection.

“Looks like its show time Timberlake.” Nick said, as he managed to slow his heart rate.

The guys went behind the stage to get ready, without even saying hello to the woman they had been waiting on.

Al and Leigh had and a blast that day, and their eyes scanned the room for Nick and Justin, so they could tell them that they are the best friends in the entire world. But, as they looked, and even walked around some, the birthday boys were nowhere to be found.

Defeated, they made their way to the table where the Backstreet Boys and Nsync were seated, noticing that there was still no sign of either blonde heartthrob.

“Hey guys, have you seen Nick?” Al asked.

“Or Justin?” Leigh chimed in.

“Nope, sorry guys, they disappeared a few minutes ago, but they did say that you two were supposed to sit at the special table they set up for you in front of the stage over there,” said Brian, pointing.

“Oh, all right. We’ll see you guys later?”

“Count on it,” said Joey. “Make sure you ladies save me a dance.”

The girls smiled, and walked to the table that was dead center in front of the stage. There was a place card in the middle that read ‘Reserved for the two most beautiful women in the room…and the best friends we have ever known.’ Al and Leigh smiled at this, and sat down. There was a slip of paper on their plates, and they curiously picked them up and read them. Al’s read ‘Al, I have a secret. Justin.’ while Leigh’s said the same, signed by Nick. Just as they were about to ask the other woman if they had any idea what this was about, the lights dimmed, and two figures stepped onto the stage. Wearing tailored black tuxedoes; they had never looked better to either of the girls.

Justin spoke first into his microphone. “Hey guys, we just wanted to come up here and thank y’all for showing up to our little party and for all your well wishes for out birthdays.”

“It’s a pleasure to work with, be friends with and or know all of you,” said Nick.

“But there are two people here that mean everything to the both of us. As our best friends, they help us through all the tough times that come along with our lives, and we could never repay them. Leigh Leigh, you are my sanity in the insanity, and I love you.”

Nick spoke, “Ally, you are my laughter and the best smartass I know, and you keep me grounded. I love you girlie.”

Then, in a softer tone, Justin whispered, “Alicia, I have a secret.”

“Leigh, I have a secret,” Nick echoed. Music began to play over the speakers, and the lights came up on the back of the stage, where the members of Blessid Union of Souls were standing with their instruments. The introduction ended, and Justin brought the mic up to his mouth to sing.

So you're scared, to show your feelings
Baby, I do understand
Well, I don't make a promise I can't keep
And I vow to be a real good friend
In those big green eyes I see a glow of love
I just hope that I'm the one you're dreaming of.

Let me be the one to love you
Let me be the one to care
Let me be the one to light your flame
Oh, baby, oh, baby, let me be the one

Alicia was already in tears, and her eyes were locked with Justin’s. Nick began to sing his verse now, his eyes fixed on Leigh.

We spend all our time together
We can't stand to sleep alone
When you say you have to leave for now
I miss you before you're gone

All along we thought this was absurd
Every moment that we spend goes by too fast
Darling, darling take this chance with me
'Cause I have eyes only for you
Oh, baby

Justin and Nick began to sing together, and as they did, made their way off the stage and in front of the table where Leigh and Alicia sat, tears streaming from their glistening eyes.

Let me be the one to love you
Let me be the one to care
Let me be the one to light your flame
Oh, baby, oh, baby, let me be the one

Don't be scared to show your feelings
'Cause, baby, I do understand
I don't make no promises that I can't keep
And I vow to be a real good man

Tonight, tonight, tonight
Oh, let me be the one
'Cause I love, I love, I love, I love you, baby**

The song faded into oblivion and the crowd melted away as the couples looked into each other’s eyes.

“So, that was your big secret Justin?” Al asked shakily.

“I love you Al, ever since the second I saw you I knew, and I want to spend every day for the rest of my life passing the time just looking into your eyes. Will you let me?” Justin tried hard not to sound too desperate, but his heart was in her hands and he was praying that she wouldn’t brake it.

“I have never wanted anything more in my entire life.” Alicia said, cupping his face and pressing her lips desperately to his, losing herself in the man she loved.

“Leigh, say something.”

“Nick, I…oh, God, I…”

Nick’s face was crestfallen as she began to cry harder. “It’s fine, I understand. You can’t make yourself love somebody. I will never stop loving you Leigh, remember that.” He began to dart through the crowd, his vision blurred by hot tears. He had tried, and he had failed. He lost the only woman he would ever love, and he wasn’t sure that he would be able to pick up the pieces and continue. He made it to the long hallway that led to the lobby, before his sobs consumed him, and he had to stop. He couldn’t believe that he could even still breathe without Leigh. She was his everything and she…


He looked up and saw her running toward him, her hair flying behind her, his Leigh. Only, she wasn’t his anymore. Speaking was extremely difficult, but Nick managed to choke out, “You don’t have to explain Leigh, I understand. Please don’t make this any harder than it is…”

Leigh cut him off by placing her hands tenderly on his shoulders and forcing him to look her in the eye. “God, it is you.”

“It is me? What?”

“The man I fell in love with. There you are, right there,” Leigh replied, her eyes holding fast in their gaze. “I love you Nick. As much as you love me and more.”

“That’s impossible. There isn’t any measurement of love greater than what I feel for you.” And with that, their lips, their bodies and their souls connected.

The medallions were misleading, you see. Justin and Nick had found friends in each other, but they had found their other halves in Alicia and Leigh. The Backstreet Boys and Nsync went on to further their careers, and Justin and Nick remained close. They were the happiest they had ever been, and though they talked frequently, they never discussed that week that they had spent in the other’s body. They hardly even think about it. But whenever they see a shooting star, or blow out a birthday candle, they always remember. ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ But neither could wish for anything more.

And not too far away, twin sisters watch their fame and happiness escalate, and they smile at each other. They know. One has a framed picture of Nick Carter over her bed that reads, ‘Irony sucks, doesn’t it honey? Love always, Justin Timberlake.’

"I am glad we helped them out, Cal."

"Me too, Libs, me too."

The sisters never fought another day in their lives.

** Let Me Be The One by Blessid Union of Souls**

chapter 12

what you wish for index


::alternate reality::