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::chapter 8-eyes::

Justin and Al decided to take a walk through the streets of Paris. It seemed to Justin that it had been too long since he had experienced the culture of Europe, but he shared all his knowledge with Al. He still had to walk around in disguise, but Alicia insisted that she would call him by his real name, unless they were in the presence of the other Backstreet Boys.

“Hey Justin, come look at this.” Alicia said standing on a small bridge in the park they were strolling through. Justin followed her gaze to see a couple on a bench, staring intently into each other’s eyes. They weren’t talking or kissing, just looking into their lover’s soul. And the most special thing about them was that they had to be in their early 70’s.

“Man,” Justin said. “That’s amazing. I want something like that Ali. I want to find a person that will just stare into my eyes to pass the time.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. I have all but given up that hope though.” Al sighed dramatically and cocked her head, which was placed in the palms of her hands. She looked up and directly into Ni…Justin’s eyes.

Justin furrowed his brow. “Why do you say that?” Their eyes were still connected.

“I don’t know…I just have the worst luck with guys. I don’t think I am attractive to the good ones.”

“What? You have got to be kidding me.”

“Nope. They say they love me trying to get what they want, and when they realize it isn’t that easy, they are out the door.” Alicia allowed a tear to escape, and Justin reached up and wiped it away carefully, not breaking his gaze.

“What about Nick?” Justin asked.

Al sighed. “Nick’s my best friend. He’s a great guy, and he’s beautiful and talented and famous and smart and fun and…and why would someone like him want someone like me?”

“Ali, I have a confession to make.” Justin said after a few moments of silence. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, “I am someone like him, and I would kill for someone like you.” Justin kissed her cheek, and straightened up.

After a beat, while the shock of his statement wore off, Al grabbed his hand. “Thanks Justin, you know just how to cheer me up. Now, let’s get going, there is a lot more Paris to be seen.

Nick fell asleep amid his own cries for Leigh’s forgiveness. He couldn’t do this without her. His sleep was forced, and every little sound seemed to wake him up. LA was never known to be the quietest place on earth, so Nick was tossing and turning all night. At about 1 in the morning, he heard a creaking sound, as the door to his room was being opened. He sat up straight in the bed, not knowing who was there, or what their motivation for being in his room was.

“Jus…Nick?” Leigh’s voice called softly through the darkness, somewhat slurred.

“Yeah Leigh?”

Leigh walked over to the bed and sat down. “Can I sleep with you tonight? I don’t want to be so alone anymore.”

Nick pulled back the covers and let her slide in. She had a faint smell of alcohol on her breath, but nothing too severe.

Leigh pressed herself against Justin’s body, but knowing full well that it was the home of her boyfriend’s soul and personality. Leigh had spent all day thinking, and when a thought became too much to handle, she had a sip of some sort of liquor. She wasn’t drunk, though. She was seeing it clearly for the first time. Never had she felt the sparks from someone’s touch as she did when Nick was caressing her. Even now, with his hand on the small of her back, he was sending charges up and down her spine. She longed to feel what she had felt that morning with him. “Nick?”

“What is it Leigh?”

“Will you…” Leigh’s voice trailed.

Nick raised her head and locked his eyes with hers, memorizing the golden flecks. “Will I what, Leigh?”

Leigh sighed as his warm breath tickled her face. “Make love to me Nick.”

Nick’s body tensed dramatically. “Leigh, I can’t…I mean, you know I’m not Justin, right? You are drunk or confused or…”

Leigh cut him off by pushing him prone on the bed. “I am not drunk, or confused, or even stupid. I feel it, don’t you?” She could tell by the look in his eyes that he did.

“Yes.” Nick breathed.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I feel it…and yes, I’ll make love to you.” Nick craned his neck as his lips met hers in a searing kiss that seemed to last all night.

chapter 7

chapter 9

::what you wish for::


::alernate reality::