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The girls stood face to face, nose to nose. Someone standing on the outside looking in would probably comment that they looked like one girl with her face to a mirror. It was true; the girls were identical, beautiful. The 16-year-old twins were both sweet girls, outgoing and athletic. Everyone in the small town they resided in knew the dynamic duo. They went absolutely everywhere together, shared all of their most intimate secrets. They were best friends in the most pure sense of the word, never arguing about a thing. That was, until now. In the last year, they found the one thing they disagreed about, and suddenly they were at each other’s throats.

“How can you say that? *Nsync has moves that the Backstreet Boys couldn’t do with superpowers!” One unnecessarily shouted.

“Speaking of superpowers, what is with that Joey guys Superman obsession? That’s a tad bit pathetic, don’t you think?” said the other, equally loud.

“At least he doesn’t think he’s God, unlike your precious Nick!”

“Oh, and Justin Timberlake is the most humble human being to walk the planet? Please!”

“As a matter of fact…” the *Nsync loving twin was cut short, noticing her sister’s medallion glowing, the garnet stone illuminating her features. By the shocked expression on her sister’s face, she could tell that hers was doing the same thing.

“Um, what’s happening?” the other girl asked. Her sister merely shrugged, not trusting her voice.

The medallions were a gift from the woman who delivered the girls in Hong Kong. Their parents had been there on vacation when their mother had gone into labor. The twins were born one at 11:58 PM on The 29th of January, and her sister at 12:03 AM the next day. Her gift was said to help the twins to settle the “pressing and hurtful words,” or so it said when the Chinese was translated off the back. Never had they imagined that their feud would be over boybands.

A voice broke into their thoughts. “You must send these medallions to the two over whom you fight. They will help you to settle this.”

“How do we do that?” they thought simultaneously.

“Write identical letters, as identical as the necklaces and yourselves. Once they are out of your hands, all the fighting will stop. Tell the two that they may make a wish, and make it count.” The voice faded as the last word was spoken.

“Did you hear that?” one of the girls asked her sister, incredulously.

“Yeah. I guess we better get writing.” The pair sat at the table in the center of their room, and began their task. If it meant that they wouldn’t fight over this stupidity anymore, they were willing to try anything.

“Hey guys, come look at this.” Justin Timberlake said, motioning for his friends to join him at the desk. They had a few minutes between a meet and greet and their show and were just hanging out and reading some fan mail.

“Woah that’s pretty cool!” exclaimed Chris Kirkpatrick, taking the necklace from his younger friend.

“What does the letter say?” JC Chasez inquired.

Justin began to read the letter aloud. “Dearest Blonde-One- we write this letter identical to another, and send it with this medallion. It has been a lifesaver for us, as have you. We are twins, you see, born on the days between yours and the other to whom we write. One of us loves you and your music, while the other cant stand the thought of either. By accepting this necklace, you are helping us to settle our only feud. In appreciation, you make use it to make a wish. Make it count. And be careful what you wish for.

“That’s it?” asked Lance Bass, puzzled. “No signature or anything?”

"Dude, you better wish for a harem or something like that!" Joey Fatone said at the same time, his eyes sparkling.

“Nope.” Justin siad to Lance, while rolling his eyes at Joey. “Its probably just some stupid joke. The necklace it pretty cool though.” He reached over to Chris and took it out of his hands, studying it once again. It was a small tarnished silver medal with a garnet, his birthstone, set in the middle, and hung off a black leather cord. On the back some form of Asian writing was inscribed, Justin couldn’t tell what. He stuck the necklace in the pocket of his jeans, next to his phone, for safekeeping. The stage manager entered the room at that moment, and the guys looked up at him. Justin sighed, inaudibly. ‘Duty calls, yet again.’

“Hey guys, come look at this.” Nick Carter said, motioning for his friends to join him at the desk. They had a few minutes between a photo shoot and interview and were just hanging out and reading some fan mail.

“Woah that’s pretty cool!” exclaimed Howie Dorough, taking the necklace from his younger friend.

“What does the letter say?” Brian Littrell inquired.

Nick began to read the letter aloud. “Dearest Blonde-One- we write this letter identical to another, and send it with this medallion. It has been a lifesaver for us, as have you. We are twins, you see, born on the days between yours and the other to whom we write. One of us loves you and your music, while the other cant stand the thought of either. By accepting this necklace, you are helping us to settle our only feud. In appreciation, you make use it to make a wish. Make it count. And be careful what you wish for.

“That’s it?” asked Kevin Richardson, puzzled. “No signature or anything?”

"Dude, you better wish a harem or something like that!" AJ McLean said at the same time, his eyes sparkling.

“Nope.” Nick told Kevin, while rolling his eyes at AJ. “Its probably just some stupid joke. The necklace it pretty cool though.” He reached over to Howie and took it out of his hands, studying it once again. It was a small tarnished silver medal with a garnet, his birthstone, set in the middle, and hung off a black leather cord. On the back some form of Asian writing was inscribed, Nick couldn’t tell what. He stuck the necklace in the back pocket of his jeans, next to his wallet, for safekeeping. The interviewer entered the room at that moment, and the guys smiled at her. Nick sighed, inaudibly. ‘Duty calls, yet again.’

::chapter 1::

::what you wish for::

