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Lou shifted in the saddle tiredly. They had been riding non-stop for hours now and the sun had begun to dip low behind the horizon. She estimated that there was only about an hour of sunlight left in the day. She had no idea where they were heading, only that they were riding south. Jesse had been silent the entire ride as had his men.

Then suddenly, the riders entered a small clearing with a small brook running off to the side. Any other time, Lou would have thought the place beautiful with its tall green grass and blooming wild flowers. However, now she eyed it with distaste and looked secretly for a way to escape.

"Don't even think about it Lou." Jesse said, breaking into her thoughts. "I already told you, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

Lou was about to voice her denial, but thought better of it. Jesse knew her too well. Lou was pulled roughly from the horse by one of Jesse's companions; a tall stocky man with piercing gray eyes. She grunted in surprise, but said nothing. She still didn't speak as the man led her away from Jesse and tied her hands and feet together maliciously with rope. The bindings dug painfully into her wrists and ankles, but she only stared at him defiantly.

He started laughing at her, his eyes gleaming with cruelty. She looked over to where Jesse was ordering the others to make camp. Some wisps of dark hair fell over onto his forehead as he removed his hat, and for one moment, Lou was reminded of the boy she had known. However, that memory faded suddenly as he turned his cold gaze in her direction.

"Collier, get over here." Jesse suddenly called to the heavy man.

"What about her?"

Jesse gestured to a short, dark-haired man now walking towards them. Collier understood Jesse's intent and walked towards the younger man. She heard the exchange between Collier and his relief and shivered unconsciously.

"Watch her close Miguel…if she tries anything, shoot her."

The man barely looked at her as he came to stand before him, giving Lou a chance to observe him quietly. He couldn't have been that much older than Jesse, though his eyes looked like they had seen more than a man twice his age. He wore his long raven hair so wildly that it almost obscured his handsome face. She looked down as his intelligent gaze turned to her, eyeing her with the same frankness as she had him.

Her muscles were sore, and her lower back was aching painfully. All she wanted to do was stretch her cramped limbs and fall asleep on a soft mattress, but she knew that was not to be. Surrendering herself to her fate, she tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but a large hand clamped down on her shoulder.

"Don't move." The quiet voice commanded.

Though the voice seemed gentle, Lou knew how deceptive it was. Sighing loudly, she stopped moving and looked out into the middle of the clearing where Jesse was helping to build a fire. She was thirsty beyond belief, and the sound of the brook nearly drove her insane.

"Can I have some water?"



"I said no."

Lou eyed her captor in disbelief. She knew it was going to be a long night and she wondered idly what Kid was doing. No doubt he knew by now of her abduction, but she couldn't guess how he would proceed. She knew that he loved her; their argument early that morning had assured her of that, but she also knew he loved justice. Would he just hand Frank over to Jesse in exchange for her? She knew him too well to know that he wouldn't do that. She suddenly hated Jesse at that moment for forcing her husband into such a predicament. She wondered though if she hated Jesse because of the choice he was forcing Kid to make, or because now she was forced to acknowledge that her husband's love for justice was stronger than his love for her.


Kid placed his hands on his lower back and stretched. He had spent the better part of the morning with Teaspoon and Cody, mapping out what trails they would take to deliver Frank to Laramie. Teaspoon suddenly walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"How's Lou, son?" He asked unexpectedly.

"She's pregnant." Kid said quietly, his voice bitter.

"But I thought-"

"Yeah well, so did I." Kid shook his head as if to rid himself of the memories of the conversation he'd had earlier with his wife. He was ashamed at the way he'd handled the situation. Lou had been extremely happy and obviously proud, but Kid had stomped on her dreams of becoming a mother, and he knew he could never take those words back. They'd be on his conscience for the rest of his life.

"She'll be fine Kid."

"How can you say that Teaspoon? I know you've seen the way her face goes white whenever she tries to do anything physical…hell, she can't even walk to the water hole without becoming winded. How's she goin' to handle labor?"

Teaspoon was about to respond when suddenly Jimmy burst into the office, his chest heaving and his face red. They knew something was wrong from the way his eyes stared at them miserably. Kid thought for one awful moment that Lou had lost the baby. He would never forgive himself, and he knew that she wouldn't either.

"Jimmy, what in the tarnation?" Teaspoon asked as he extended a ladle filled with water. Jimmy waved him away with his hands, his eyes seeking Kid's.

"Jesse's got Lou." He said finally as he caught his breath.

"What?" Kid exploded as he took a menacing step towards Jimmy. Cody, who'd been in the back with Frank, suddenly appeared, having been worried at the sounds of his friend's voices. Jimmy didn't even seem surprised to see him and didn't greet him.

"They rode in this morning and just took her…he wants Frank. He said he'd send us word in a few days."

"They just rode in huh? What in the hell were you doin'?" Kid asked as he lunged for his friend.

"Relax Kid, it ain't Jimmy's fault son." Teaspoon soothed, knowing that Jimmy was already feeling guilty enough.

"The Hell it ain't. He let that bastard just ride in and take Lou."

Jimmy's angered flared suddenly. He didn't let them take Lou, he wasn't able to stop them. Did Kid really think he would ever intentionally let anything happen the woman they both loved? He straightened his back and glared at the man before him.

"Maybe if you'd been home you could have stopped him." Jimmy spat, enjoying the look of guilt that passed over the young man's face.

"You two arguing ain't goin' to help get Lou back." Cody interjected.

Jimmy and Kid stood toe-to-toe, eyeing each other angrily. Kid lowered his eyes first and took a step back. "I'm sorry Jimmy…I know it ain't your fault. I'm just worried is all."

"I know Kid…me too." Jimmy replied just as quietly.

"Now that's settled, what are we goin' to do?" Teaspoon asked.

The room grew silent, but it was Kid who spoke first. "Whatever happens…I ain't lettin' Jesse have Frank." He left the small office hurriedly, ignoring the shocked glances of his friends.