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BEHIND THE BROKEN WORDS is a production Anthony Zerbe performs with his long-time friend Roscoe Lee Browne. The two men read the poetry of W.H. Auden, Richard Wright, Seamus Heany, T.S. Eliot, Robinson Jeffers, e.e. cummings, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dylan Thomas, and William Butler Yeats. In addition, drama scenes from Alfred De Musset, Edmund Rostnad, Derek Wolcott and Jean Giradoux are included as well.

It's All Done With Mirrors is a one-man show which features the writings of e.e. cummings.

PRELUDE TO LIME CREEK is Anthony's adaptation of lyricist and poet Joe Henry's still unfinished novel "Lime Creek". Prelude To Lime Creek is an excerpt from a tale of a Wyoming Ranching family, traced through the years.

For more information on locations and times for these shows, follow the link. Poety In Motion