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Crossroads Note: Just a small warning...this story is not completely historically accurate. Actually, it’s probably not even close, but please bare with me and over-look the errors! Gracias.

Jimmy looked around the once-familiar town and wondered if he had made the right decision in coming home after his long absence. Home. He rolled the word around in his head and decided he liked the feel of it. It had been six years since he had been in Sweetwater, but even still he was amazed at the changes. Numerous shops and mercantiles littered the sides of the bustling main street and a multitude of people were roaming the small streets, not even giving him a backwards glance.

There once was a time when he would have recognized every face he passed, and maybe even exchanged a cordial word or two. Now, he had to navigate through the teeming crowd, struggling to find anything familiar. Then he spotted it, the old Marshall’s office. He and the others had spent many an afternoon languidly stretched in front of the small building, enjoying the peace, or more often than not, listening to Teaspoon’s pearls of wisdom.

His face darkened suddenly as his thoughts turned to the kindly ex-station master and why Jimmy had come home after all these years. He sighed audibly and brought his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose where a monstrous headache was beginning to form. He vaguely heard the scuffling of boots on the sidewalk in front of him but paid no attention to them until a familiar voice caused him to look up sharply.

“Welcome home Jimmy. We been waitin’ for you.”

Jimmy stared into the clear blue eyes of the man who had been his best friend. The eyes held no warmth or compassion. But neither did they house recrimination or hostility. Instead they were void of emotion and Jimmy was struck with the change in Kid. Outwardly he was still the same. Tall and slim, his posture straight and proud. His hair was shorter than he had worn it during the express days, but a few curls fell across his forehead. Although his face was not completely covered by a beard, a slight stubble shadowed his once clean-shaven countenance. Kid noticed his friend’s quiet observation and slowly smiled. Although the grin didn’t reach his eyes, Jimmy had caught a glimpse of the old Kid. He shook his head. That’s when a shiny object pinned to Kid’s vest caught his attention.

“Marshal?” Jimmy asked in amazement.

“C’mon let’s go to the saloon for a drink and I’ll tell you all about it.” Kid replied quietly as he steered Jimmy to the boisterous tavern across the street. Jimmy fought the urge to look at Kid in surprise. When had Kid started drinking?



Jimmy looked around the smoke-filled room at all the inhabitants. Many were engaged in card games at small tables, while others sat around the piano singing loudly and off-key. He hadn’t expected this many people to be here at this time of day, but it was just one other thing that had changed during the past few years.

He followed Kid to the bar and sat beside him, worried at how many people the young man seemed to know. Jimmy hoped it was because he upheld the law, and not because he frequented the place. A short, friendly looking man put a small glass in front of Kid and filled it with what smelled to Jimmy like whiskey. He then turned to Jimmy questioningly.

“I’ll have the same.” Jimmy said, glancing nervously at Kid. When the bartender had filled Jimmy’s glass, he walked toward the other end of the bar, giving the pair some privacy.

Kid sat staring in his glass for a few seconds before downing the contents in one large gulp. Jimmy did the same and felt the familiar, almost comforting burn down his throat. Jimmy looked sideways at Kid, not sure how to start the conversation, but Kid saved him from even trying.

“Before you start in on the drinking, I don’t work for Russell, Majors and Waddell anymore.”

“I understand.” Jimmy responded quietly, even though he didn’t. “ long have you been Marshal of Sweetwater?” Jimmy asked, desperately trying to steer the conversation towards safer subjects.

“Almost five years now.”

“Five years? But I thought--”

“You thought I was going home to fight? So did I...until Lou miscarried our child. I couldn’t just leave her in Rock Creek, and she wasn’t well enough to travel all the way to Virginia.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, so am I.” Kid said bitterly. Jimmy had never seen his friend so resentful and he wondered what else had happened in the past six years to have changed Kid so.

Suddenly he was wracked with guilt. After Noah’s death, he had run away with Rosemary to join the abolitionist cause. He hadn’t even waited until the end of the Express. He had left in the middle of the night, not saying goodbye to anyone. After his departure, he hadn’t bothered writing any letters, fearing he would be scorned and rejected by his friends. Now he knew what a mistake it was. How much he’d missed out on.

“How’s Teaspoon doin’?” Jimmy asked quietly.

“Same as ever...he stayed in Rock Creek as Marshall. He comes by every couple of months. Actually, he was the one who thought I should write you.”

Jimmy vividly remembered the letter he had received from Kid not too long ago. The handwriting had been erratic and hurried. The body of the letter had been short and concise. Kid had apologized for his previous behavior and asked forgiveness. He had also asked that Jimmy return to visit them. There had been no mention of his position as Marshal, nor had there been any mention of Lou. Jimmy had thought it strange, but the whole letter had been strange. He was surprised to find that it was Teaspoon who finally convinced Kid to write to his best friend, and not Lou. At the advent of the war, she had been faithful in her letter-writing, never missing a week. However, Jimmy never had the heart to read them, his anger at Kid transferring to Lou. Eventually the letters became fewer, until they ceased all together. Eventhough he never dared to open the crisp envelopes, somehow he still longed for them. He suddenly cleared his throat and trying to sound as nonchalantly as possible asked Kid what he had been wanting to since he first saw him.

“And’s Lou?”

Kid shook his head and looked at Jimmy, as if deciding whether he should answer. Finally, Kid took a deep breath and turned his attention to his hands, which were curled around the empty glass. “She...she ain’t doin’ so well. She’s had about five miscarriages in the past six years. Last one nearly killed her. The Doc said that she can’t have anymore babies. It’d be too dangerous for her anyway. She hasn’t been the same since. Her health ain’t what it used to be.”

Bile rose in Jimmy’s throat as he looked at his friend. He wanted to throttle the man in front of him, or at least yell at him. What in the hell was he doing in the local saloon while his wife was home sick? But looking at the tears in Kid’s eyes, he didn’t have the heart. This is what had changed his friend, and Jimmy wouldn’t begrudge him a drink or two if it took his mind off his problems. Hell, he was guilty of indulging in alcohol too when things got too difficult for him. Instead, he called the short man back over to them and motioned to their empty glasses.

The lone man stood on the edge of the vast hill and surveyed the town below him in a mixture of distaste and longing. His face was still smooth and lineless giving away his youthfulness, but there was a hard gleam in his blue eyes that warned everyone he was not to be trifled with. A light breeze caressed the land, causing the tall grass around him to dance. He turned around and walked over to a small fire where several men were sitting.

“We’ll strike tomorrow.” he said simply as he hunkered down beside an older man.

“Remind me again why we’re doin’ this?” A gruff voice from across the fire demanded.

“I already explained this to you. They’re gonna be bringing Frank to the Marshal for transport. I know this man...he ain’t just goin’ to let him go without a fight. But if we have something he wants, that evens things a little.” he replied softly.

***************************************************** *****************************************************

Lou was just beginning to nod off in the large chair before the fire when she heard the sound approaching horses in the yard. She always tried to wait up for Kid, but she knew how often he was detained in town for petty thefts and occurances. Still, she never went to bed until she knew he was safe in the house. No matter how many times he chided her, she could not be convinced to do otherwise.

She rose from the cushioned seat and walked out on to the porch. She lifted her eyebrows curiously at the second unfamiliar rider. She knew that Teaspoon wasn’t due for another two weeks and her husband didn’t usually bring anyone to the house. She walked down the steps cautiously and waited patiently as her husband dismounted. She could tell from the clumsy way he approached her, he had been drinking again. Lou sighed in frustration, but held her tongue in check.

Kid wasn’t a heavy drinker, but every now and then he’d come home with the smell of cigars and alcohol on his clothes. She had never said anything, knowing that Kid needed to escape from life at times. The pressure of being Marshal to the bustling town sometimes became too much for him to deal with.

The way he was walking towards her now warned her that this time he had gone far beyond a drink or two. She had never seen him in such a state and it shocked her to the core. He was suddenly in front of her now, grinning widely and gesturing to the other rider, now dismounting his horse in the same fashion as he had.

“I brought some company Lou.” Kid slurred as he reached out to kiss her.

Lou backed away in horror. He reaked of whiskey and cheap purfume, and for once, Lou wasn’t going to accept his behavior. Kid looked at her, hurt evident on his handsome features. His eyes became hard and he looked back at the still-unknown rider.

“You see the welcome I get Jimmy?”

Jimmy? Lou looked at the other man sharply. Although his face was obscured by both the dark and his hat, she recognized the hard set of his jaw and the long auburn hair. She was torn between being happy at seeing her old friend, or angry at his state. It had been six years since she’d seen him last, or heard from him for that matter. He had never responded to any of her numerous letters, not even a line saying that he was all right. For so long Lou had waited for something, at times it was the only thing that kept her going. But she had been disappointed. It had come to the point that she had to stop writing to perserve the small hope still left inside. Now here he was, albeit severely inebriated.

“I can’t believe you two.” Lou said harshly, her anger boiling to the surface.

“Oh come on Lou, is that any way to welcome our guest?” Kid responded.

“He ain’t welcome in my house like that...and neither are you Kid.” Lou said quietly as she turned her steely gaze on her husband.

“Are you tellin’ me I can’t even go in my own house?” He asked incredulously.

“You can sleep in the barn tonight, because you’re not setting one foot inside my home.” Lou returned evenly, crossing her arms across her chest in defiance.

“Come on Kid...” Jimmy finally spoke, tugging at his friend’s arm, hoping to avoid any conlict.

“Hell no. This is my house too and if I want to sleep in it, I will!” He yelled as he began to walk towards the porch.

Lou stepped in front of him, stubbornly refusing to let him pass. He tried to go around her, but she predicted his every step and continued to block him. His blue eyes lit up in fury, and for one small moment Lou was actually afraid he would hit her. Instead he threw his arms up and stalked away to the barn, mumbling incoherently. Jimmy glanced at Lou apologetically and followed Kid to the barn.

When the two men were out of sight, Lou sunk to the ground and tried to curb the tears already brimming from her large eyes. Slowly she regained her composure and, standing on unsteady legs, walked into the house to spend the first night in a long while away from her husband.

********************************************* ************************************************

Kid awoke with a start that he instantly regretted as the steady pounding in his head became sharper and more pronounced. He moaned and lay back down on the itchy hay. Where had this monsterous headache come from, and why was he sleeping in the barn? Then memories of the night before began to flood rapidly and he moaned again. He sat up again, the pain this sudden rush of movement elicited Kid endured as a penance for his previous night’s conduct.

Kid had always prided himself on the fact that he wasn’t much of a drinker. He had seen what alcohol could do to a person first-hand growing up. Although he had a drink every now and then to relieve the tension, he had never been drunk. He lowered his head in shame as he remembered the look in Lou’s eyes. She had been so disappointed. And scared. He would never forgive himself for hurting Lou as he had. He looked over to where Jimmy was sleeping soundly in one of the empty horse stalls. Why had he gotten so carried away?

Heaving himself up gently, he went in search of his wife, rehearseing what he was going to say to her. He didn’t think he could bare the look of reproof that was sure to be evident in her expressive eyes, but he knew he deserved it. As he walked into the house, the smell of bacon assaulted him and it was all he could do to keep from running out to the porch to vomit. The room was spinning a little and placed his hand along the wall for support.

Lou stiffened as he entered the kitchen, but she didn’t turn to greet him, or even acknowledge his presence. Instead, she kept her attention on the sizzling breakfast, her back straight and unforgiving. At that point he wanted her to scream at him, or throw things. Anything was better than the silent treatment.

“Lou...uh, I’m sorry.” Kid said, surprised at how hoarse his voice sounded in the quiet room.

“I know.” Lou replied softly as she turned around.

“I don’t know what got into me, I just--”

“It’s all right Kid, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I understand.” Lou continued as she sat at the table. “I know things haven’t turned out the way we planned. I know you’re unhappy.”

Kid stood there stunned for a moment. Her wounded eyes were more than he could stand and he rushed in font of her, kneeling. “Lou, I’m not unhappy. I love you.”

“I know you love me Kid...but I also know that things ain’t right between us. They haven’t been for a while...that’s why you stay in town so much.” Lou explained.

Kid looked in to her eyes, but saw no anger, only resigned acceptence. He couldn’t deny that most of his time was spent in town. He would be lying and both of them knew it. Before he could say anything in protest, Lou continued.

“Kid, I ain’t blamin’ you. I never really knew just how unhappy you were until last night.”

“Lou, please--”

“I was planning on telling you this when the timing was right, but I guess I could wait forever for the perfect time and place.”

“What is it?” Kid whispered, scared by the hesitancy and doubt in her troubled eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she smiled and grabbed his large hand. “I’m goin’ to have a baby Kid.”

Time seemed to stand still for Kid in that moment. Lou was waiting for a reaction, but he couldn’t process the information. The doctor had told them it was impossible for Lou to have any more children. The last miscarriage had done so much damage. Kid looked at his wife, frail but still beautiful and knew that there was no way she’d be able to survive labor.

“Dammit! Doc said there was no way you could become pregnant!” Kid finally exclaimed as he disentangled his hand from Lou’s and stood up.

Lou’s face had become a shade paler, but nothing prepared her for his next words. “There must be somethin’ we can do...I remember stories of ladies gettin’ rid of babies they didn’t want--”

“Kid, what are you sayin’?” Lou asked dangerously quiet as she stood to face him.

“ can’t have this baby, do you understand?” Kid inquired, softening his tone.

“No I don’t understand! And if you say anything more about getting rid of this baby I swear I’ll never forgive you.” Lou returned.

“You’ll die! Can’t you see that? Do you think I’m blind? You’re not well Lou, and I won’t lose you.” Kid screamed hysterically.

“I know that I may not survive--”

“May not? May not? Lou, you will just ain’t strong enough--”

“Or woman enough?”

“God Lou, that’s not what I’m sayin’! Is that why you want this baby so bad to prove that you can?”

“After all these years you still don’t understand me, do you? I want this baby because I love you.”

“If you loved me, you wouldn’t risk this. You’d--”

“Kill my baby? Don’t ask me to choose Kid, don’t you dare.” Lou screamed.

“How long have you known?” He asked quietly, his voice full of fury.

Lou shifted uncomfortably before meeting his icy glare head on. “Three months.”

“You’ve known for three months and didn’t tell me?” He asked incredulously, his eyes traveling to her small form.

Before she could reply, Kid stormed from the house. Lou stood still in the middle of the kitchen for a moment before deciding to follow him. She stood on the porch as he stalked angrily off to the stables. “Kid, where you goin’?” She yelled after him.

He didn’t turn around or even slow his pace, but continued to the barn. Lou knew that he was too angry to talk about anything rationally now. She felt small for not telling him of the baby sooner, but she had wanted to make sure that everything would be all right. She’d had too many disappointments in the past to put much hope in the small life inside of her. However, the doctor had assured her that the baby seemed to be doing fine and had a great chance of making it to term. He had also warned her of the extreme dangers involved.

Kid soon emerged on Katy’s back. He didn’t even give her a backwards glance as he rode off into town. She sighed and leaned her forehead against the tall column on the porch. She had never seen Kid so angry before. The things he had said earlier had cut to the bone, but she knew he was only concerned for her. It might take time, but he would realize that this baby was a blessing. He had to, because soon it would be the only thing he had left.

Kid rode into town, his knuckles gripping the leather reigns so tight his knuckles were white. He knew he had to calm himself if he planned on getting anything done, but that was easier said than done. Shock and anger mingled together creating an emotion Kid couldn’t quite understand.

The Doctor had assured Kid that there was no way Lou could have children. It hadn’t been that much of a surprise to him then. He was more surprised that it hadn’t happened earlier, considering the numerous miscarriages Lou had suffered so close together. He had been disappointed, but never let his wife know. It was enough for him that she was alive, even if she was frail and weak. However, Kid began to wonder if maybe he hadn’t hidden his feelings as well as he’d thought.

There had been pride in Lou’s eyes when she broke the news. She was ecstatic that she had beaten the odds, and done what the doctor had said was impossible. Kid knew he had over-reacted, but he was scared out of his mind. Scared for her, and what would become of him if he lost her.

As he dismounted Katy, he discovered three horses tethered to the railing. One he recognized as Teaspoon’s, but he was at a loss to place the others. Taking a deep breath he tried to put on a neutral expression. There was no use concerning Teaspoon in his current problem.

“Hey Teaspoon, what are you doin’ here? I thought you weren’t due for another couple of weeks.” Kid asked as he entered the modest office.

Teaspoon looked up from the desk he was sitting at. Although it had been almost more than six years since he had been station master to a bunch of rowdy youths, he still hadn’t aged much. His hair was a little whiter, and his stomach was larger, but his countenance was still the same. He smiled wryly, but Kid could see there was something wrong.

“Well now Kid...I brought you two visitors. One I’m sure you’ll be happy to see, and the other...well...”

Before Kid could ask the enigmatic man what he meant, he saw a flash of uniform coming from the back room where the cells were located. It took him a minute to recognize the lithe form in front of him. Shoulder-length blonde hair framed a large face, now covered fashionably with a trim mustache and beard. The blue, almost turquoise eyes, still sparkled in mischief as he flashed white teeth at Kid.

“Billy? Is that you? Well I’ll be damned!” Kid exclaimed as he crossed the room to embrace his friend tightly.

“Good to see you Kid!” Cody returned as he slapped his old friend on the back.

“What are you doin’ here?”

Kid felt his stomach turn queasily as Cody and Teaspoon exchanged glances. Something was definitely up. Cody dug into his uniform jacket to retrieve a crisp white envelope, handing it to Kid, who opened it immediately. His heart sank further and further as he read each word.

“Where is he?” Kid asked as he gave the envelope back to Cody.

“I just locked him up in the back.” Cody said quietly.

Kid nodded and walked to the cells. The lone occupant didn’t acknowledge his presence as he stopped in front of the bars. He kept his blue eyes trained ahead, staring at the wall. His dark hair was longer than it had been when Kid had seen him last, and his face seemed older.

“Frank James.” Kid breathed, trying to get a hold on his emotions.

The man who was responsible for Noah’s death, and Jesse’s lost innocence sat before him, still as stone. His eyes held a fierceness that had never been there before and Kid shivered unconsciously. Frank looked at him then and smiled chillingly.


Lou walked down the porch steps slowly. It was almost noon and Jimmy still hadn’t made his way into the house. She figured he was still sleeping, but she had missed him so much in the past few years and was eager for the company. All her anger at his conduct the night before vanished as she looked at his sleeping form.

He lay sprawled with his hat covering his face, seemingly oblivious to the horse eating hay around him. Lou covered her mouth to stifle the laugh threatening to explode, but it did no good. Soon she was doubled over, gasping for breath while wiping away tears. She hadn’t laughed like this in what seemed like years, and it felt good.

If Jimmy could ignore the hungry beast, he couldn’t Lou’s raucous laughter. Soon he was removing his hat and looking at her through squinted eyes. She only began to laugh harder at the straw in his hair, and soon even Jimmy cracked a smile. It had been a long time since he’d heard her laughter and it was music to his ears.

He looked at her now and thought how beautiful she was. Her once-cropped hair now hung down her back freely, pulled back from her face by two ivory combs. her face, usually pale, was flushed with red. Her eyes looked alive and impish, just as they had when they rode for the Express. The only indication he had that anything was wrong was the way she held on to the wall of the stable for support. Finally the last of her laughter died down and she extended a small hand down to Jimmy.

“Are you done?” Jimmy asked sarcastically, even as he took her outstretched hand.

“Mmm hmm..” Lou muttered as she bit her lip. Jimmy didn’t miss the slight wince that cross her face as she pulled him to his feet.

Before he could inquire of it, she launched herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, burying her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her securely and was frightened at how frail she felt, as if she’d break if he held her too firmly. She looked at him, her cheeks wet from the tears she was rapidly shedding.

“What is it Lou?” Jimmy asked panicked as he brought his rough hands to gently swipe the rolling tears.

“I’m just so happy to see you.” Lou whispered as she reached out her hand to touch his face, as if to determine whether he were really there. “I’ve waited so long.”

Jimmy’s face dropped in shame. “I’m sorry about that Lou. I--”

“’s all right Jimmy.” Lou silenced him by placed her small finger on his lips. “Let’s go into the house and catch up.”

Jimmy nodded his assent and let Lou lead him out of the barn. “Where’s Kid?” He asked suddenly, hoping the two of them had managed to make up.

A shadow crossed Lou’s face momentarily at the mention of Kid’s name, but she quickly smiled. “He’s gone to work.” she said simply.

Just then they heard the sound of approaching horses and Lou’s head snapped behind her to see who could be riding at such break-neck speed. She felt her knees go weak as her mind began to race furiously. Maybe it was someone from town, coming to tell her that Kid had been hurt, or worse. An acute pain struck her heart as she thought of their last angry parting that morning. However, Lou calmed herself as she registered that they were not coming from town since they were riding in from the west.

“Who’s that?” Jimmy asked.

“I don’t know.” Lou replied absently as she took a few steps forward. She tried to catch a glimpse of the approaching riders. The only thing she could discern was that there were four of them.

Time seemed to drag on forever as they waited for the riders to come closer. Finally they pulled their horses to a halt a few feet in front of the curious pair. One man, the leader she supposed, dismounted his horse and strode towards them. Lou still didn’t recognize the tall man in front of her, but there was something familiar about him.

“Hey Lou.” He said simply, smiling lopsidedly at her. She looked at him in confusion, slightly cocking her head to once side. The voice was as alien as the face. However, as she studied his face more carefully, her heart began to flutter wildly. It was hard to reconcile the two images in her mind: that of the man in front of her, and the boy he’d been not too long ago. But it was definitely him; she knew from the way his blue eyes sparkled now, and the smile splitting his face.

“Jesse!” Lou gasped, right as he pulled his gun out to point it at her chest.

Before Jimmy’s gun even cleared the holster, the three other men pulled their guns and pointed them at him. He was fast, but not fast enough to drop the others before something happened to Lou. He couldn’t believe that Jesse would do anything to harm the woman, but the years had evidently brought great change to him.

“Drop the gun Jimmy...I don’t want to hurt either one of you.” Jesse comanded in a steely tone.

Jimmy looked to Lou who had been silent thus far. Her back was straight, and she was trying to mask the fear he was sure was surging through her at that moment. She turned to look at him, urging him with her eyes to do as he was told. Cursing under his breath, he put the gun back in the holster and stared defiantly at the tall man.

Jesse laughed and walked closer. “You don’t mind if I take that gunbelt from you now, do you Jimmy?” he asked mockingly.

Jimmy silently complied with Jesse’s order, but instead of handing the belt to him, he threw it to the ground, watching in satisfaction as Jesse bent over to pick it up. As Jesse straightened himself, he came to stand in front of the older man. They both regarded eachother cooly, and would have stood that way for a while had Lou not spoken.

“What are you doin’ here Jesse?”

“What, don’t tell me you ain’t happy to see me Lou.” Jesse responded, coming to tower over her.

“There was a time I would have been...but now...” Lou’s voice trailed off as she thought of all the things she’d heard about him.

Jesse lowered his eyes, but said nothing for a moment. Then he looked up to meet Jimmy’s eyes over Lou’s shoulder. He smiled crookedly, and removed his hat. “Well’re just goin’ to have to set aside your feelin’s...seems like we’re gonna be spendin’ some time together.”

“What are you talkin’ about?” Jimmy asked.

“This don’t concern you Hickok, so stay out of it.” Jesse warned. He looked back to Lou, the smile gone from his face. “You’re comin’ with me for a few days.”

“If you think I’m goin’ anywhere--”

Jesse cut off her protest as he shoved his gun painfully into her side, causing her to gasp in surprise. Jimmy made a move to approach them, but the silmutaneous clicking of gun hammers from Jesse’s companions stopped him in his tracks.

“Oh, I ain’t askin’ Lou. You see, The army’s got Frank...”

“What does that have to do with me?” Lou asked. “They’re bringing him through here on the way to Laramie.”


“Kid ain’t gonna allow them to go no further if I got his precious wife...I plan on making an even exchange.”

“And what if he refuses?” Jimmy asked quietly.

“He’ll be a widower.” Jesse said simply as he grabbed Lou’s arm and drug her to his horse.

“You’d hurt her?”

“If I had it’s been real nice visitin’ with you Jimmy, but we got to be goin’. You tell Kid I’ll be in touch real soon.” Jesse said as he boosted Lou onto his horse.

“I ain’t gonna let you do this Jesse.” Jimmy cautioned.

Jesse said nothing as he walked over to Jimmy. Suddenly with lightning speed he brought the butt of his gun against the side of Jimmy’s head, sending the man crashing to the ground. Lou jumped off the horse and ran to Jimmy’s side, kneeling down.

“Have you forgotten everything he’s done for you? Everything we’ve done?” Lou yelled as her fingers gently caressed the welt already beginning to show on his handsome face.

“Get up Lou...we ain’t got time for this.”

When Lou made no move to stand up, he dragged her roughly to her feet. He tightened his grip on her arm, but she refused to allow him to know that he was hurting her. “What’s happened to you?” Lou asked softly.

“More than you know.” Jesse answered cryptically as he mounted his horse, pulling her up behind him.

Lou looked behind her at Jimmy’s prone figure as Jesse spurred his horse away. She was filled with dread. She didn’t think that Jesse would hurt her, but there was something in his eyes that scared her. She sent a silent prayer that Jimmy would be all right, that they all would.


Jimmy brought his hand up to his temple and winced in pain. He squinted his eyes against the blaring sunlight and suddenly sat up as he remembered Lou. The sudden motion caused him to double over, nauseated.

He had to get to town and warn the others. He had no idea where Jesse was taking Lou, but he figured it couldn’t be too far if he was planning on contacting Kid. Kid. He definitely was not looking forward to explaining to his friend what had happened to his wife.

Guilt began to overwhelm him at his inability to protect the petite woman. he wanted to believe that Lou would be all right, but there was something about Jesse that made Jimmy shiver inwardly.

Lou shifted in the saddle tiredly. They had been riding non-stop for hours now and the sun had begun to dip low behind the horizon. She estimated that there was only about an hour of sunlight left in the day. She had no idea where they were heading, only that they were riding south. Jesse had been silent the entire ride as had his men.

Then suddenly, the riders entered a small clearing with a small brook running off to the side. Any other time, Lou would have thought the place beautiful with its tall green grass and blooming wild flowers. However, now she eyed it with distaste and looked secretly for a way to escape.

"Don't even think about it Lou." Jesse said, breaking into her thoughts. "I already told you, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to."

Lou was about to voice her denial, but thought better of it. Jesse knew her too well. Lou was pulled roughly from the horse by one of Jesse's companions; a tall stocky man with piercing gray eyes. She grunted in surprise, but said nothing. She still didn't speak as the man led her away from Jesse and tied her hands and feet together maliciously with rope. The bindings dug painfully into her wrists and ankles, but she only stared at him defiantly.

He started laughing at her, his eyes gleaming with cruelty. She looked over to where Jesse was ordering the others to make camp. Some wisps of dark hair fell over onto his forehead as he removed his hat, and for one moment, Lou was reminded of the boy she had known. However, that memory faded suddenly as he turned his cold gaze in her direction.

"Collier, get over here." Jesse suddenly called to the heavy man.

"What about her?"

Jesse gestured to a short, dark-haired man now walking towards them. Collier understood Jesse's intent and walked towards the younger man. She heard the exchange between Collier and his relief and shivered unconsciously.

"Watch her close Miguel…if she tries anything, shoot her."

The man barely looked at her as he came to stand before him, giving Lou a chance to observe him quietly. He couldn't have been that much older than Jesse, though his eyes looked like they had seen more than a man twice his age. He wore his long raven hair so wildly that it almost obscured his handsome face. She looked down as his intelligent gaze turned to her, eyeing her with the same frankness as she had him.

Her muscles were sore, and her lower back was aching painfully. All she wanted to do was stretch her cramped limbs and fall asleep on a soft mattress, but she knew that was not to be. Surrendering herself to her fate, she tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but a large hand clamped down on her shoulder.

"Don't move." The quiet voice commanded.

Though the voice seemed gentle, Lou knew how deceptive it was. Sighing loudly, she stopped moving and looked out into the middle of the clearing where Jesse was helping to build a fire. She was thirsty beyond belief, and the sound of the brook nearly drove her insane.

"Can I have some water?"



"I said no."

Lou eyed her captor in disbelief. She knew it was going to be a long night and she wondered idly what Kid was doing. No doubt he knew by now of her abduction, but she couldn't guess how he would proceed. She knew that he loved her; their argument early that morning had assured her of that, but she also knew he loved justice. Would he just hand Frank over to Jesse in exchange for her? She knew him too well to know that he wouldn't do that. She suddenly hated Jesse at that moment for forcing her husband into such a predicament. She wondered though if she hated Jesse because of the choice he was forcing Kid to make, or because now she was forced to acknowledge that her husband's love for justice was stronger than his love for her.


Kid placed his hands on his lower back and stretched. He had spent the better part of the morning with Teaspoon and Cody, mapping out what trails they would take to deliver Frank to Laramie. Teaspoon suddenly walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"How's Lou, son?" He asked unexpectedly.

"She's pregnant." Kid said quietly, his voice bitter.

"But I thought-"

"Yeah well, so did I." Kid shook his head as if to rid himself of the memories of the conversation he'd had earlier with his wife. He was ashamed at the way he'd handled the situation. Lou had been extremely happy and obviously proud, but Kid had stomped on her dreams of becoming a mother, and he knew he could never take those words back. They'd be on his conscience for the rest of his life.

"She'll be fine Kid."

"How can you say that Teaspoon? I know you've seen the way her face goes white whenever she tries to do anything physical…hell, she can't even walk to the water hole without becoming winded. How's she goin' to handle labor?"

Teaspoon was about to respond when suddenly Jimmy burst into the office, his chest heaving and his face red. They knew something was wrong from the way his eyes stared at them miserably. Kid thought for one awful moment that Lou had lost the baby. He would never forgive himself, and he knew that she wouldn't either.

"Jimmy, what in the tarnation?" Teaspoon asked as he extended a ladle filled with water. Jimmy waved him away with his hands, his eyes seeking Kid's.

"Jesse's got Lou." He said finally as he caught his breath.

"What?" Kid exploded as he took a menacing step towards Jimmy. Cody, who'd been in the back with Frank, suddenly appeared, having been worried at the sounds of his friend's voices. Jimmy didn't even seem surprised to see him and didn't greet him.

"They rode in this morning and just took her…he wants Frank. He said he'd send us word in a few days."

"They just rode in huh? What in the hell were you doin'?" Kid asked as he lunged for his friend.

"Relax Kid, it ain't Jimmy's fault son." Teaspoon soothed, knowing that Jimmy was already feeling guilty enough.

"The Hell it ain't. He let that bastard just ride in and take Lou."

Jimmy's angered flared suddenly. He didn't let them take Lou, he wasn't able to stop them. Did Kid really think he would ever intentionally let anything happen the woman they both loved? He straightened his back and glared at the man before him.

"Maybe if you'd been home you could have stopped him." Jimmy spat, enjoying the look of guilt that passed over the young man's face.

"You two arguing ain't goin' to help get Lou back." Cody interjected.

Jimmy and Kid stood toe-to-toe, eyeing each other angrily. Kid lowered his eyes first and took a step back. "I'm sorry Jimmy…I know it ain't your fault. I'm just worried is all."

"I know Kid…me too." Jimmy replied just as quietly.

"Now that's settled, what are we goin' to do?" Teaspoon asked.

The room grew silent, but it was Kid who spoke first. "Whatever happens…I ain't lettin' Jesse have Frank." He left the small office hurriedly, ignoring the shocked glances of his friends.

"He can't be serious!" Jimmy exploded once he got over his initial shock. His head ached at the outburst, but right now a headache was the least of his concerns.

"Of course not…he's just in shock." Teaspoon agreed, not believing for a moment that Kid would refuse to hand Frank over to his brother if it meant saving Lou's life. "Besides, Jesse wouldn't hurt Lou."

"You didn't see his face Teaspoon…he's changed. He'll kill her." Jimmy returned.

"You really believe that son?" Teaspoon asked.


"Well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen." Teaspoon whispered.

"What are we gonna do Teaspoon?" Cody asked worriedly.

"I know I ain't just gonna sit around waitin' to get word. I'm ridin' out." Jimmy said hotly as he turned to exit the office.

"Now hold on a minute son…you don't even know where they're headed."

"The tracks lead south…I'll be able to catch up with them."

"And what will you do when you find 'em? You can't go in there shootin'. Lou might get caught in the crossfire. 'Sides, you'd only be one against how many?"


"Yeah, well I wouldn't take those odds Jimmy. Best to wait and see what we're supposed to do…then we can come up with a plan."

"We don't need to come up with no plan…just give Jesse what he wants, and we'll get what we want." Jimmy replied.

"It ain't that simple Jimmy…Frank's supposed to stand trial in Laramie. We can't just let him go." Cody said quietly.

"Are you so caught up in the army that you'd be willin' to sacrifice Lou's life?"

"I don't like it anymore than you do Jimmy, but I got a duty. We'll figure somethin' out."

"Duty? What about your duty to Lou, huh? Jesse will kill her Cody…none of you seem to understand that! He's not the same boy who you knew…he's all grown up now."

"Boys! I've heard enough of this! We ain't gonna get nowhere arguin' with each other. I suggest you go for a walk to cool down Jimmy."

Jimmy looked like he was about to argue, but instead he turned around and stormed out of the office, knocking over the water pale in his anger. Cody and Teaspoon knew his temper well enough to know that he needed time to be alone. The older man and young army officer exchanged glances, but said nothing.


Lou shivered as the cool night breeze blew across her shoulders. She looked longingly to where a small fire burned in the middle of the clearing. She wanted to sit in front of the flames and warm herself, but she knew they wouldn't allow that. They hadn't even offered her any of the food they had prepared. She hugged her knees to her chest, trying to stay as warm as possible. She knew it was going to be a cold night.

Her felt tears spring to her eyes, but she refused to let her captors see any sign of weakness. She buried her face into her skirt and tried to ignore the raucous laughter coming from the men around the fire. Soon she felt herself drifting off into a fitful sleep.

"Lou! Lou, wake up." A gentle voice called.

Lou's head snapped up and she found Jesse crouched in front of her, his blue eyes soft in the dark. She looked around and saw that the men were all asleep, except for Miguel who had just taken a seat before the fire.

"You hungry?"

Lou looked at him angrily and narrowed her eyes. She merely shook her head and Jesse sighed in frustration. "Well, I brought you a blanket. It's getting cold out here." He continued as he placed the thin blanket around her shoulders.

"I don't want anything from you." Lou said harshly as she shrugged the cover off.

"Look, this ain't personal. I'm just tryin' to get my brother back."

"I don't care Jesse…just leave me alone." Lou spat, turning her head away from him.

"Have it your way then Lou." Jesse said angrily as he rose to his feet. "Just to let you know, Miguel and I are ridin' ahead in a few minutes. Jake's goin' to ride back and deliver instructions to Kid…if he doesn't come back…well, you better hope he does." Jesse said cryptically as he stalked off and signaled to Miguel.

Meanwhile a tall older man was walking towards her. He had a kind face and she wondered why he was riding with Jesse. His brown eyes looked at her in sympathy, but he quickly averted them so she couldn't see. She looked back to where Jesse was mounting along with Miguel and another man she took to be Jake. Once the riders were gone, Lou looked back to the campfire where the Collier was snoring loudly. She didn't have a very good feeling about being left alone with him, but then, she had no choice.


Kid walked into the dark house and sighed. He clumsily fumbled into the living room where he lit the lamp. He jumped in surprise when he noticed the silent figure sitting in the large chair in the corner. Kid put his hands on his hips, preparing himself for the inevitable fight.

"Where you been Kid?" Jimmy drawled slowly. Kid looked at him closely and could tell he'd been drinking heavily.

"Out." Kid replied simply.

"Out…I'd expect that from you Kid." Jimmy said sarcastically as he stood up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kid asked angrily even though he knew Jimmy was just trying to bait him.

"Nothin' Kid, nothin' at all."

Kid watched as Jimmy stumbled out of the living room to stand on the front porch. The rational part of Kid warned him not to follow his friend out, but the other part of him wanted a fight.

"You don't know anything that happens around here Jimmy, so just stay out of it."

"I know that Lou's unhappy…and maybe if you were home every once and a while, you'd know that too."

"You don't know nothin' about Lou! She's my wife, not yours. You still can't get over the fact that she chose me over you!"

"A choice I know she regrets!" Jimmy bellowed.

Before either of them knew what was happening, Kid was flying towards Jimmy, all his frustrations bubbling to the service. Jimmy caught him as they fell down the stairs into the yard. The alcohol had dulled Jimmy's perception and slowed his motor functions so that he found himself on the receiving end of Kid's fury. Kid swung blindly, not seeming to care where his punches landed.

Jimmy could feel the blood pouring from his nose, but his brain couldn't make his hands move fast enough to block Kid's attack, nor retaliate. He lay there dumbly as Kid continued to punch him mercilessly. I've gone too far this time, he's going to kill me Jimmy thought idly.

He hadn't realized that Kid had stopped his assault until he heard the young man sobbing. He was still poised over Jimmy, but his face was buried in his bloodied hands. Jimmy wasn't sure of what to do. He knew he should be angry, but the sight of his best friend heaving with sobs was too much.

Before Jimmy could do anything however, Kid stood up and stalked back into the house, slamming the door so hard Jimmy wondered how it stayed on the hinges. He sat up slowly, wincing as his hand traveled over his swollen face. He knew he must look terrible. He jumped in surprise as he heard loud crashes inside the house.

Just as he stood on his feet, he heard a gutteral, almost animal sound, which he knew came from Kid. It was then that Jimmy understood just how much turmoil the Kid was in. He waited until the sound of shattering glass subsided before he opened the door. He was taken aback at the chaos that greeted him. Broken shards of porcelain and glass from plates and vases crushed even further beneath his booted feet. In the middle of the floor, clutching a picture frame in his bleeding hand, was Kid.

"Kid, you all right?" Jimmy asked. It seemed a ludicrous question given the scene before him, but he didn't know what else to say.

Kid didn't answer him. He didn't even seem to know that Jimmy was there. He continued to stare blindly at the picture in his hand, hardly breathing. Jimmy walked closer to his friend and crouched down, looking over his shoulder.

He wasn't surprised to find Lou staring back at him. Her dark eyes were shining brightly and her teeth flashed brilliantly. He sighed as he placed his hand on Kid's shoulder. "We're gonna get her back Kid." Jimmy said simply.

The Kid finally looked at him, tears standing in his blue eyes. He nodded half-heatedly before standing up and surveying the damage. He had lost all sense of reason, tearing through the house like a madman. He saw Jimmy staring at him in a mixture of anxiety and amusement.

"I guess I'd better clean this up." Kid finally said, smiling wryly.


Lou felt a rough prodding in her side as she opened her eyes. She craned her neck up and found herself staring into the cold eyes of Collier. Her whole body was stiff and sore, not only from the hard ride the day before but also from sleeping in a cramped position the entire night.

"Rise and shine Missy…it's time to get a move on."

Lou was hungry and thirsty, but she knew the brutal man had no intention of feeding her. As he bent down to untie the rope binding her legs she almost sighed in relief. She could see the ugly marks surrounding her ankles and knew that her wrists must look the same. He pulled her rudely to her feet and Lou started to stretch her limbs.

"Well come on, we ain't got all day." Collier said harshly as he pushed her to his horse. She saw the other man that had guarded her last night saddling his mount. She knew that she might have a chance playing on his sympathy.

"Please, can I have something to eat?" She asked him, her voice sounding rough even to her own ears.

"Sorry…we ate it all." Collier laughed, cutting off the other man's reply.

"Pig." Muttered Lou under breath.

"What did you say?" Collier asked.

Lou knew it would be wise to keep her mouth shut, but she was angry at being treated less than animal. Collier was a dangerous man to mess with, but at that point she just didn't care.

"I said, you are a pig! A fat, greedy pig!" Lou shouted.

She knew from the way the other man winced at her words that she had made a mistake. She definitely knew she had made a serious error when Collier's fist slammed into her jaw, sending her sprawling to the ground. She looked at him through narrowed eyes and then swept her feet under his so that he was knocked to the ground beside her. She clamored to her feet, trying to escape his wrath, but before she even took a step, he had an iron grip on her arm.

"Oh, you are going to pay for that!" Collier said darkly as he struck her face again, leaving her dazed.

Lou seriously thought she was dying. At that point, she really wished she were dead. Her legs felt like they would give any time now, but she knew she couldn't afford to collapse. She had been running behind Collier's horse for what seemed like hours. Sharp rocks and sticky burrs dug mercilessly into her tender feet, leaving a trail of blood behind her.

She was hot and tired. She mouth was full of dust, and she was so desperate for something to quench her thirst that she would have killed someone for one sip of cool water if given the chance. Her dress was covered with orange dirt and the hem was torn pitifully. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on anything but the pain.

"C'mon Collier, don't you think she's had enough? I don't think she can take much more of this."

"Shut up Jones…I'm tryin' to teach her a lesson."


"I said shut up." Collier replied, digging his feet into his horse's side to spur it on.

Lou tried to match it's pace so that her arms wouldn't be pulled from their sockets, as the rope binding them was tied to Collier's saddle horn, but the hours of running bootless over the hot desert had taken it's toll. Lou fell down and let herself be dragged across the ground, not even crying out as her inert body passed over jutted rocks and cactus. She was towed in this manner for about a mile before Jones put a stop to it.

"I'm warning you Collier, if you don't stop that horse right now, I'll kill you in the saddle." He said dangerously as he pulled his gun from its holster to stress his point.

"I don't think you have it in you Jones." Collier replied as he slowed his mount.

"You willin' to stake your life on it?"

Collier studied him for a moment before finally pulling his horse to a halt. Moving deliberately slow, he untied the rope from his saddle horn and dismounted. He crouched before Lou and turned her prone figure over. Even he seemed a bit surprised at her state. Her dress had been torn to shreds, modestly covering her body. He could see the scratches and purpling bruises on her exposed flesh, but he felt no remorse.

"What in God's name." Jones breathed as he knelt beside the young woman, cradling her head in his lap.

Lou moaned and tried to move, but her sore muscles wouldn't allow her. "Stay still." Jones commanded quietly as he tried to survey her wounds.

"My baby…" Lou whispered, still not fully lucid.

"Baby…Oh God, she's pregnant…" Jones muttered as he screwed the top off his canteen and brought it to her lips.

She gulped it down eagerly, as if she were afraid it would be taken away at any moment. Jones tenderly brushed her matted hair from her face and glared at Collier. The man stared back at him defiantly, almost daring him to say something. Jones didn't take the bait though, and looked back to Lou.

"It's all right now…I won't let him hurt you again." Jones said loudly, aiming his comment more towards Collier than Lou.

"It's time to get a move on…if we wanna make it before nightfall we better hurry. She'll be fine." Collier said as he mounted his horse.

Jones looked at him murderously, but said nothing. Instead he took the empty canteen from Lou's lips and gathered her gently in his arms. He gasped at the rawness of her wrists as he removed the rope, but still he said nothing. He winced as Lou cried out once he put her atop the horse. Climbing behind her, he pulled her back so that she could rest against his chest.

"He'll pay for what he's done…I promise you." Jones said darkly as he spurred his horse off.


"Here…thought you might like some coffee." Kid said as he extended a steaming mug to Jimmy.

"Thanks Kid."

Kid sat beside his friend on the porch steps, watching as the sun made its ascent into the sky. Neither of them had gotten any sleep the night before. After they had cleaned up the mess in the house, they had sat companionably in the living room, neither speaking. Cody and Teaspoon had stayed in town at the office.

"Uh Jimmy…I'm sorry about…" Kid spoke, gesturing to his face.

"I shouldn't have said what I did." Jimmy replied softly.

Kid nodded, but didn't respond. He felt incredibly guilty at Jimmy's appearance. His face was swollen and bruised to a point that Kid hardly recognized him. He transferred his gaze to the horizon where he could just make out the figure of a rider. Initially he thought it was Cody or Teaspoon, but as the man came closer, his instinct told him it was the messenger they'd been waiting on.

Standing up and placing a hand on his gun, he walked down the porch and into the yard. Jimmy quickly followed suit, leaving the forgotten mug on the step. They hardened their gazes as the man dismounted and walked towards them. Removing his hat, he glanced between the two men.

"Which one of you is Kid?" He asked in a soft voice, not noticing the badge pinned to Kid's chest.

"I am." Kid responded as he stepped forward.

"Then you're the man I need to talk to…You still got Frank?"

"You know I do."

"You, and you alone, are to take him down to a little town in Mexico called Blanca Sierra. It's right beyond the Texas Mexico border…it'll take you about five days to reach it. If you're not there by the sixth…the woman dies. You'll leave tomorrow at sun up. Let me warn you, don't try anything funny. Jesse is not a man to be taken lightly. If you don't do exactly as he says, he will kill her."

Neither Kid nor Jimmy said anything, but when the man started to mount his horse, Jimmy pulled his gun and pointed it at Jake's chest. "Where do you think you're goin'?"

"Oh, one more thing…if I don't meet back up with them by tonight, she'll meet with some unfortunate accident."

"But then the advantage you have will be gone." Kid pointed out.

"Jesse plans on getting Frank out one way or another. Whether your wife stays alive depends on you."

Kid looked at him a moment before placing a hand on Jimmy's arm. He nodded to the man and Jake rode off. Jimmy sighed in frustration and looked to Kid. "Well, what are we goin' to do?"

"We got to head to town and tell the others."


"That's all he said?" Cody asked.


"Well…?" Jimmy asked.

"I've been thinking about it, and I've come up with a plan." Kid said. From the look on his face, Jimmy knew he wasn't going to like it.

"Teaspoon, you Cody and Jimmy, are going to take Frank to Laramie, as planned. I'm goin' down to Blanca Sierra to get Lou."

"What?? That ain't no damned plan!" Jimmy exploded. Every time he and Kid seemed to make progress in their friendship, Kid always did something to destroy it. "Don't you remember we tried that with Pike and Amanda?? That didn't work out to well, now did it?"

"We all made it, and we'll do it again." Kid said quietly.

"You're a damned fool and I ain't goin' to let you do this!" Jimmy yelled.

"If I remember correctly, I'm the Marshal, not you. It's my decision."

"Kid, I ain't so sure-"

"Look Teaspoon, I know what I'm doin'. If you feel you can't handle this, then I'm sure Cody could transport Frank by himself, hell I'll even assign a deputy to go with him." Kid said through tightly-pressed lips.

Jimmy was about to explode when a thought struck him. He almost smiled, but quickly hardened his face. He knew he had to play his cards right if his plan was going to work. "You're right Kid. We can't just let this scum get away without standing trial. I know I ain't exactly been makin' this easy on you."

Everyone seemed surprised by this sudden change of heart, but none more so than Kid. He wasn't quite sure how to handle Jimmy's words, so he just nodded. Teaspoon eyed Jimmy in suspicion, but said nothing. Instead he turned back to Kid, who had begun to speak.

"We'll all leave tomorrow at dawn then."

Jesse stood up from the campfire he and Miguel had just started at the sound of approaching horses. His hand went unconsciously to his gun as he walked forward to greet the visitors. He sighed in relief when he recognized Collier's horse bringing up the front.

"What took you all so long?" Jesse asked quietly as he approached the riders.

"It was hot and we didn't want to push the horses to hard." Collier said lamely as he dismounted and headed towards the fire.

Jesse watched him go in a mixture of curiosity and foreboding. Collier was never concerned for the horses and always had to be ordered to take care of his mount. Why this change of heart now? He turned back to Jones to get an explanation and nearly fell to his knees at the sight of Lou. Her dress was torn and bloodied and scantily covered her battered body. He wordlessly accepted Lou into his arms as Jones handed her down to him. She moaned in pain, but didn't open her eyes. Jesse could feel how frail she was in his arms and he was filled with a murderous rage.

He had been trying to keep his feelings for the woman buried deep beneath the surface. She was only a means to get his brother's release, but he could deny his feelings no longer. Not when she lay in obvious pain in his arms. He collapsed to his knees, shaking off Jones' hand.

"What happened to her?" He asked quietly as he observed her swollen face.

"Collier, he-"

Jesse didn't have to wait to hear the rest. Gently depositing her on the ground, he stalked towards the fire. Collier looked up unconcerned from his plate. "What did you do to her?"

"I had to put her in her place. She was backtalking."

"What did you do to her?" Jesse repeated.

Collier was starting to get flustered at Jesse's deadly expression, but he hung on to his composure. "I-I was just havin' a little fun."

Before Collier knew what hit him, Jesse had pulled his gun and fired it repeatedly. Collier was still clutching the half-full plate in his hand as he looked at Jesse through startled eyes. After a moment, he fell to the ground in a heap. Jesse spit on him before turning around and heading back to Jones who stood shaking in his boots.

"I tried to stop him, I swear."

Jesse observed him for a moment before reholstering his gun. He knew that Jones, although a coward at times, was a good man. He nodded and motioned to the dead man. "Go take care of him. Miguel, go fetch me some water… a lot of it."

Both men hurried off to do his bidding while he crouched beside Lou. Picking her up, he carried her to the fire where he could see her wounds more clearly. If Collier hadn't already been dead, he would have killed him again. Suddenly he thought he had let the man off too easy. His world became black as he caught sight of her shredded feet.

"Oh God Lou, I'm so sorry." Jesse sobbed, hoping she could hear him.

He quickly wiped the tears away as Miguel entered the clearing with the water Jesse had requested. Ripping of his shirt and tearing it into long thin strips he began to clean the cuts on her legs and feet. He pulled cactus needles and burrs from her skin, wincing as she shuddered in pain. He moved on to her arms and face, watching in satisfaction as the caked dirt and blood were removed.

Reaching over Lou's body, he retrieved his saddle bags where his clothes were kept. Averting his eyes as best he could to spare her modesty he removed the rags covering her and quickly pulled one of his shirts over her head. The shirt reached well past her knees and he knew it would be no use putting any pants on her; they wouldn't stay on. He then proceeded to bind her feet with the remaining strips of his shirt.

"Lou…Lou, can you hear me?"

Her eyes fluttered open briefly and Jesse smiled widely. "Thirsty…" she mumbled softly.

Jesse immediately snatched the canteen for Miguel's hand and brought it to her lips. She drank slowly, but before Jesse knew it, the contents were gone. He went to get more, but Lou shook her head. All she wanted to do was sleep by the warm fire. Jesse understood her wishes and bundled her in a blanket before the fire before moving off to talk to Jones.

"I should kill you for allowing this to happen."

"And you'd be right too…she's pregnant."

"What?" Jesse exclaimed as he looked back to Lou who was sleeping peacefully.

"I'm so sorry…I should have tried harder, but-"

"Forget it…but if she dies, then so do you." Jesse said harshly as he stalked back to the campfire.


"Cody, time for a break. Kid's got some food at the house for you. I'll stay here with Frank." Jimmy said as he entered the office.

Cody, who was bored beyond belief, stood up and nodded eagerly. It would feel good to be on his horse again, even if he was just riding to Kid's. He needed a break. Not to mention the fact that he was hungry. A hot meal would do wonders he knew. Besides anything was better than sitting around worrying about whether they were making the right decision. Handing the keys to Jimmy, he grabbed his hat from the desk and mounted his horse. Jimmy watched him until he was out of sight before heading to the back where Frank was sleeping.

"Get up Frank, time to go." Jimmy said roughly as he shook the bars.

"Where we goin'?" he asked quietly, as Jimmy slapped the manacles around his wrists. After they were securely locked, Jimmy opened the cell door and smiled sarcastically.

"You're goin' to be with your brother again… nothin' I love better than a good ol' family reunion."

"But I thought-"

"Like I said, I'm takin' you to your brother." Jimmy interrupted as he pushed him towards the door.

"Where're the others?"

"They ain't comin'."

Realization dawned on the man as he smiled at Jimmy. "They don't know you're doin' this, do they?"

"What do you care?"

"I don't." Frank admitted as Jimmy hoisted him onto a large black horse.

"I'm warning you Frank…if they've harmed one hair on Lou's head, you'll wish I had taken you to Laramie."

Frank knew better than to respond to Jimmy's threat, so he simply nodded. The streets were deserted as the two riders kicked their horses into motion. Jimmy had no regrets or second thoughts. He was confident he was making the right decision. He knew the others would be angry at first, but once Lou was returned safely, his actions would be forgotten. Or so he hoped.


Lou opened her eyes and blinked them several times before trying to sit up. She felt strong hands pushing her back to the ground. Then Jesse's face hovered over hers, smiling in relief.

"Take it easy Lou." He said softly.

She nodded as Jesse helped her into a sitting position. She looked around the camp and saw that they were alone. She turned her gaze back to Jesse who sat eyeing her distractedly. There was something different about him, something that hadn't been there in the past few days she'd spent with him.

"Where are the others?" she asked raspily.

"Jones and Miguel rode out to find Jake." Jesse said simply.

"And Collier?" She asked shakily.

"He won't be bothering you any more." Jesse said quietly. "Are you hungry?"

Lou nodded, understanding his cryptic words. She remembered vaguely the sound of gunfire and arguing. She also remembered gentle hands cleaning her wounds and undressing her. She blushed slightly as she realized she was clad only in a large shirt.

Jesse noticed her discomfort as he handed her the plate of beans and biscuits. "I had to get you out of the dress, or what was left of it…" Jesse apologized.

She didn't respond to his statement as she began to eat ravenously. She didn't care how she looked as she ate, she just knew she was starving. Jesse sat back and marveled at her appetite before realizing the source.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Tell you what?"

"That you were pregnant?"

Lou looked up from her plate and eyed him in distrust. "What, so that you could use that to your advantage too?"

Jesse lowered his head in shame. "I guess I deserved that…Lou, I'm not going to hurt you, or your baby. I promise you."

"Forgive me if I don't put too much stock in your words." Lou returned, placing the empty plate before him.

Jesse took one of her hands into his and peered deeply into her eyes. "I could never let anything happen to you. I'll take care of you."

"So why don't you let me go home then? Kid won't bring you Frank. You must know that."

"Are you meaning to tell me that he'd sacrifice you just to take Frank to trial?" Jesse asked incredulously.

"Yes." Lou replied quietly, lowering her gaze.

"Then he doesn't deserve you Lou." Jesse whispered as he gently caressed her face with his large hand.

Lou was frightened by the intensity of his eyes. She tried to back up, but Jesse moved closer to her. "I love you Lou, I have since I was fourteen. I'm going to make sure you never want for anything."

"What are you sayin' Jesse? Lou asked.

Before Jesse could respond, he heard the sound of approaching horses. Standing up, he smiled as three riders came into view. Jake dismounted and Jesse could see he was limping. "What happened?"

"Horse took a fall. I had to slow my pace a little." He explained.

"We can't afford to lose any time…you'll take Collier's horse."

Jake nodded, already having been briefed on Collier's demise. Jesse patted him on the shoulder and walked back to Lou. Gently lifting her into his arms he walked towards his saddled horse. Miguel, Jake and Jones exchanged glances, but they just shrugged their shoulders and mounted their own horses.

"Hopefully we'll reach Blanca Sierra before nightfall." Jesse said as he spurred his horse off. The others followed suit, leaving a trail of dust behind them.

Kid ain't gonna like this one bit." Cody muttered to himself as he mounted his horse and rode off as fast as the horse could carry him.

He had gone to retrieve Frank and Jimmy so they could set off, but upon reaching the office, he found both prisoner and guard gone. In retrospect he realized that he had known what Jimmy was up to. When he had reached Kid's house the night before, both Teaspoon and Kid had been asleep in the living room. There was no food waiting, or any indication that there had been any in the first place. He had been too tired to ponder over the matter and soon joined Kid and Teaspoon in a fitful sleep. He just hoped Jimmy knew what he was doing.

The small house finally came into view and he could just make out Kid and Teaspoon leading their mounts out of the stable. Both men stopped as they noticed Cody riding in by himself. "Jimmy's taken Frank." Cody said as he stopped before them, sending dust flying over the two men.

"Damn him! Damn him to Hell!" Kid spat as he mounted Katy and rode off without a word to either Cody or Teaspoon.

"Well son, we better hurry up and follow him. He's liable to kill Jimmy once he catches up with him." Teaspoon muttered as rode off, Cody beside him.


"Well, they should be discoverin' our absence right about now." Jimmy said to break the silence.

Frank laughed a little and looked sideways at Jimmy. "You must care a lot about her, to go against your friends."

"I do."

"Seems kinda strange her husband ain't the one here instead of you."

Jimmy gave him a look that silenced him. He wouldn't let anyone talk bad about the Kid. Jimmy knew he had his reasons, even if he didn't agree with those same reasons. He had seen the anguish in the young man's eyes as he sat among the ruins of fine china and crystal vases. Kid had always seen in black and white. He thought he was doing the right thing bytransporting Frank to Laramie, but Jimmy wasn't willing to risk Lou's life just to appease Kid's sense of right and wrong.


Lou widened her eyes as the small town came into view. Although night had long settled across the plains, she could see the buildings clearly as the city was lighted by lanterns and brilliant bonfires. Jesse let out a loud whoop that made most of the inhabitants emerge from their homes at the late hour. Cheers and applause greeted the returning riders and Lou thought for one moment that everything was staged. However, the genuine relief at their arrival was apparent on several faces and Lou knew that the townspeople were indeed joyous that Jesse and his men had arrived.

Jesse dismounted and carefully pulled Lou into his arms. She was too busy staring at all the colorful decorations that littered the rooftops and hung by strings across the town to put up much of a protest. Jake, Jones and Miguel were immediately surrounded and Lou knew instinctively that this was Miguel's place of birth.

She was taken into a small, dark house and placed on a soft bed. She could see Jesse's outline as he lit the small oil lamp sitting on the wood nightstand by the bed. Just then an older Mexican woman entered the room, dragging behind her a copper tub. She smiled sweetly at Lou and took Jesse aside. She couldn't hear what words passed between the two, but she could tell that Jesse was being lectured. After more than five minutes had passed, he threw his hands up in defeat and turned to Lou.

"Lou, this is Maria, my house keeper. She'll be taking care of you."

"Where are you goin'?"

"Strict orders from Maria…I'm not to enter the house until you're decent."

Lou smiled widely despite the circumstances as she watched Jesse exit the room. The large woman turned to Lou and laughed, throwing her hands up. "I'll go heat some water up…you look like you could use a hot bath." She said softly in her accented voice.

Lou nodded and said, "I think you're right."

Maria left and Lou looked around the sparsely decorated room. There was a single chair in the corner of the small room, and only a mirror and a painting of a small farmhouse hung from the white wall. There was a closet, but the door was shut and Lou couldn't see the contents. She wanted to curl up and go to sleep, but she knew she would feel better after soaking in the steaming water. It wasn't long before the woman re-entered the room carrying a large pot. She ceremoniously dumped the water into the tub and smiled at Lou. She took something out of the pocket of her apron and sprinkled it liberally into the water. Lou began to take her shirt off and was about to stand up when Maria gathered her in her arms and gently placed her in the soothing water.

Lou jumped at first, the water wreaking havoc on her cuts and bruises. Soon however, she sank lower into the hot water and closed her eyes. She quickly opened them as Maria gently lifted her right foot from the tub and began to remove the makeshift bandage. She gasped as she looked at the deplorable state her soles were in.

"Ay Dios mio!" She exclaimed softly as she began to softly run a wash rag over the sores.

Lou tried not to flinch as the woman washed her feet, but they were still very tender. Once Maria was done with her feet, she picked up a small clay water pitcher and filled it with bath water. Lou closed her eyes again as the water fell across her face and hair. She sighed in contentment as the woman began to massage her scalp with soap. She had just about fallen asleep again when the woman began to rinse her hair.

She sensed, rather than heard Maria leave the room. She sighed as she luxuriated in the still-steaming water. After an interval of ten minutes, Maria re-entered the small room, carrying fluffy towels and a long nightgown. Gently lifting Lou from the water, she began to dry her with a towel as she sat her on the bed. Lou had never been taken care of like this, and although she had been shy at first, she was no longer. Once the woman had thoroughly dried her body and hair, she begun to rub soothing ointment on Lou's feet and legs. She quickly pulled the cotton gown over Lou's head and sat behind her with a comb. Tears sprang to Lou's eyes as she was reminded of her mother. The woman was gentle as she combed through the tangles in Lou's long hair.

"How could he have let this happen?" The old woman asked more to herself than Lou. "I tell him that man no good, but does he listen to Maria? No!" Once Maria had combed Lou's hair to her satisfaction, she stood before the woman and placed a small kiss on her forehead. She pulled the comforter and sheets down so that Lou could slip underneath them. "Jesse is a good man…he just make bad choices sometimes." Maria said as she turned the lamp out. "Sleep well." She said as she closed the door behind her. Lou didn't even have time to ponder her words before she drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


"Kid? Kid?" Don't you think we ought to stop soon and rest the horses?" Cody asked.

"You stop if you want to…I'm going on." Kid said stubbornly as he urged his mare forward.

"Dammit Kid, you're goin' to kill that horse, and then how will you get to Blanca Sierra?" Teaspoon asked in frustration.

Kid looked down at his horse and nodded his agreement. Katy shouldn't suffer just because Jimmy was acting like a jackass. He dismounted quickly and took led her to the small stream they'd been following for the past few hours. He hadn't spoken to either Cody or Teaspoon since the day before and they were getting worried. They had thought his anger would abate some as the days wore on, but he seemed bent on being as unforgiving as possible.

"What do you think's gonna happen Teaspoon?" Cody asked quietly.

"I don't know son, I just don't know."

Jesse opened the door and closed his eyes as he breathed in the fresh morning air. The sun had been up for hours now, but days of being on the trail riding hard had taken its toll on him and he had slept the morning away. He caught the curious gazes of some of the children and smiled. They all looked away shyly as they hurried home from school for lunch.

"I thought you were going sleep the whole day away." A young woman said as she stepped behind him, placing her arms securely around his waist.

"I was just tired Anna." Jesse replied quietly as he gently extricated himself from her embrace.

The young woman came to stand before him, her dark eyes looking at him in suspicion. Usually he was more affectionate with her, but ever since he'd returned the night before, he had been trying to avoid physical contact with her. She suspected it had something to do with the woman he'd returned with.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothin'." Jesse replied in irritation.

"Nothing, hmm?"

"I have some things to think about…I'm goin' for a walk." Jesse said as he brushed past her. She watched him go with a feeling of dread. Before she had time to ponder her feelings, her brother stepped out onto the porch.

"I don't want you throwing yourself at him, it is an embarrassment."

"What are you talking about Miguel?" She asked angrily, avoiding her brother's dark eyes.

"I'm talking about the way you have made a fool of yourself, and our family. He does not love you." Miguel said softly, trying to lessen the hurt he knew his words evoked.

Anna looked him straight in the eyes and knew what he was saying was true. She didn't care, however. She loved Jesse and she wasn't going to let anything or anyone stand in her way. Throwing her hands up she walked back into the small house, muttering to herself while Miguel watched her curiously.


Jesse squinted his eyes against the bright sun as he walked through the small town. Various people waved and smiled at him and he felt warm inside. He and his brother had discovered the town while running from the army after a robbery in Benton. The poor peasants had hidden them, pretending they didn't speak English to avoid the officers' questions. To show their appreciation, the two brothers had donated their money to the destitute town, replacing leaky roofs and rebuilding the burned down structures. They had become heroes to the population, a role that sometimes became burdensome.

He had stayed the night at Miguel's drinking strong tequila and telling anyone who wanted to hear of their latest adventures. They only made it back to Blanca Sierra every few months and were always welcomed with expensive alcohol and home cooked meals. He was anxious to get away from Anna as he walked towards his house. At first he welcomed her attention, but soon it began to consume him and he couldn't bare to be around her for long. Especially since Lou was in town.

Lou. He quickened his pace to the small house he used whenever in Blanca Sierra. Maria stayed there in his absence to make sure nothing was disturbed and that it stayed ready for his return. As soon as he turned the corner, he spotted her sitting on the porch, her head thrown back to soak up the sun's rays. She was wearing a thin white blouse that billowed in the wind and a long colorful skirt he knew was borrowed from one of the local women. Her long auburn hair fell across her shoulders and back, shimmering in the sun. His stomach felt like a sledgehammer had slammed into it and it took a few moments to regain his composure.

"Mornin' Lou." He said almost shyly as he took the seat beside her. He could see the remnants of her breakfast sitting on the table as she opened her eyes to study him.

"Mornin'." She replied noncommittal.

"I'm sorry about everything Lou…I didn't know you'd get hurt."

"When can I leave?" She asked in clipped tones, ignoring his apology.

"Leave? I thought I made it clear to you. You're gonna stay here, with me."

Lou snapped her neck around to look at him and her eyes flashed dangerously. "I'm not stayin' here, do you understand? I have a husband to go back to."

"Seems to me like he'd come to get you if he really wanted you back." Jesse said harshly.

Lou stood up suddenly, ignoring the excruciating pain at the bottom of her feet. She tried to rush back into the house before Jesse saw the tears his words had evoked, but it was too late. He had already seen the glistening water in her wounded eyes.

"I'm sorry Lou, but it's the truth."

"Yeah, well, here's another truth…you'll have to kill me if you want me to stay here with you because it will be over my dead body." She spat as she slammed the door behind her.

Jesse stood staring at the door, her words still ringing in his ears. He turned around as he heard steps behind him. Maria stood with her broom in her hand, eyeing him sternly. Her matronly bosom heaved with indignation and her face was red.

"You must not upset her so. Is not good for baby."

"She needs to hear the truth…Kid doesn't love her, not like I do. I'd give my life for her."

"You will only end up making her hate you. You can not make someone love you, and you can't keep them against their will."

"It may take a while, but she'll come around and realize how much I love her. I know I can make her happy."

"You are a fool Jesse. I will not let you keep her if she wants to go."

"Don't try to stand in my way Maria, I'm warning you." Jesse spat as he turned around, not noticing Anna standing behind him, nor Maria crossing herself repeatedly.


Jimmy hadn't spoken a word to Frank since the day before when they had found the dead body, and what was left of Lou's dress. Frank recognized the man and told Jimmy so. The young man was filled with dread at the sight of the discarded rags and his heart feared the worst. They hadn't found Lou's body, so Jimmy was sure that she was alive, but if the dress was any indication of her health, then he knew she would not stay that way for long without help.

Frank had sat stiff, scared of Jimmy's reaction. He knew the man meant every word he said when he threatened him. He knew that Jesse would never let anything intentionally happen to Lou; he was in love with her. He remembered the way his younger brother used to prattle on about the young woman, praising her. That's why he was so surprised when Kid had told him that she had been taken in exchange for him.

Frank was lost deep in his thoughts when they heard horses approaching them from the front. Jimmy drew his gun faster than Frank had ever seen and lay in wait for their company. He saw Jimmy's body relax slightly as the three riders came into view. Reholstering his gun, he smiled softly. He was about to greet the visitors when Kid launched himself at his friend. Both men fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs, exchanging blows before they even hit the hard dirt. It wasn't long before Jimmy felt himself being pulled away from the angry man and he was thankful. He still had the marks from the last fight he and Kid had.

"What in the hell is wrong with you Kid?" Jimmy bellowed as he spit blood from his mouth.

"You're under arrest." Kid said simply as he effortlessly slapped the metal handcuffs on his wrists.

A stunned silence fell over the group as Kid finished twisting the key in Jimmy's manacles. Jimmy had expected Kid to do a number of things when they met again, but this had never entered his mind. He mentally kicked himself for lowering his guard. They were only about an hour away from Blanca Sierra and he was being put under arrest for trying to rescue Lou. How in the hell had they caught up with him so fast?

"Kid, I really don't think-"

"He obstructed justice by helping a known fugitive escape. He has to be put under arrest." Kid replied cutting off Teaspoon's protests.

"He's right Teaspoon." Jimmy sighed. "I helped Frank James escape so I could exchange him for Lou. I'm guilty…but if trying to save a friend's life is wrong, then I don't want to be right."

"Shut up Jimmy." Kid ordered.

"Now, I ain't no Marshall, but the last time I checked, as a prisoner I am allowed the right to defend myself. I just want to apologize. I'm sorry for being the only one brave enough to save the life of your wife when you weren't willin' to do it yourself. I'm sorry for makin' you chase us all over the territory when you should have been with us in the first place, but most of all, I'm sorry I didn't shoot you when I had the chance."

Jimmy's words seemed to shake the world around them and Teaspoon gripped Kid's shoulder so that he wouldn't do something he'd regret later. Jimmy wasn't finished however. He wanted Kid to feel the pain he did. "I got somethin' for you in my saddle bags Kid, go take a look." Jimmy said quietly.

Kid narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He knew that Jimmy was up to something, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what it was. Shaking Teaspoon's hand off his shoulder he walked over to Jimmy's horse and opened the leather bag. As he caught sight of the torn and bloodied dress, his knees buckled beneath him and he fell to the ground. He clutched the dress in his hand as he sobbed relentlessly, not caring if the others saw him.

The sight of his friend crying brokenly was too much for Jimmy and he lowered his head to hide the tears that had begun to cascade down his smooth cheek. Teaspoon sat heavily on a fallen limb while Cody pinched the bridge of his nose. Frank looked at them in wonder and honestly felt remorseful for all the pain his brother was causing them. He had a nagging suspicion that exchanging Frank wasn't Jesse's only motivation for abducting the young woman.

After almost twenty minutes, Kid's sobs subsided and he stood up, throwing the dress to the ground. Walking towards Jimmy, who stood stiff, preparing himself for the blows he was sure would be coming any time now. Instead, Kid gently began to unlock the cuffs, not quite meeting Jimmy's eyes. "I'm sorry Jimmy."

Jimmy didn't know what to say or do, but instinct took over and he pulled Kid into an embrace, hugging him tightly. The hung on to each other for a few seconds before Kid broke the embrace. He turned around to meet every one's eyes. They were waiting on him to decide what to do.

"How much further to Blanca Sierra?" Kid asked Frank.

"About two more hours." Frank replied softly.

"Well, let's get goin'." Kid said as he mounted Katy. It didn't take the others long to mount their own horses. They had been waiting for days to go after Lou, and now it seemed they would be taking her home.


Jesse crept quietly into the house. The two horses he'd saddled stood waiting by the side of the house, ready to ride. He'd decided earlier that it wouldn't be prudent to keep Lou in Blanca Sierra. He had given instructions for the Kid to meet him here with Frank, and if the Marshal had a change of heart and decided to make the exchange, Jesse didn't want to be there. He'd already given instructions to Miguel and Jones to head North in hopes of meeting up with Frank and Kid. If they didn't, they were to ride to Laramie and wait for Jesse, who'd join them after he deposited Lou in a sleepy town further south.

He found the front room empty and he began to search frantically through out the house, but there was no sign of Lou. She couldn't have just disappeared. His first thought was that maybe Maria had taken her on a tour of the town, but Lou was in no condition to go for a walk. His eyes narrowed as he remembered Maria's words; had the old woman helped Lou escape?

The thought had no sooner entered his head when he found Maria unconscious on the floor, a nasty cut on her temple. Lou wouldn't have hurt the woman who had taken care of her, so who had? Just then the house keeper moaned and began to stir. Jesse tenderly cradled her head in his lap, waiting impatiently for her eyes to open.

"Jesse…Anna…Louise. You must go!" She said loudly as she tried to sit up.

"Easy Maria…what are you talkin' about?" Jesse soothed.

"Anna, oh Jesse, she was so jealous. I just know she's going to hurt Louise. I didn't have time to warn her."

"Where were they going??" Jesse demanded, his voice becoming shriller in his worry.

"I don't know…but Louise has no idea that Anna is going to hurt her, you must go now! I will be fine."

Just then, he heard shouts from outside, and he recognized his brother's voice. He was too worried about Lou's safety to be concerned with the four angry men awaiting him outside. He just prayed they would believe him when he explained the danger Lou was in. Placing a gentle hand on Maria's cheek, he ran outside where Kid and the others were waiting.

"I brought Frank…now where's Lou?" Kid said tightly, trying to keep his emotions under control.

"I don't know, but she's in danger."

"What are you talkin' about?!" Jimmy exclaimed as he drew his gun.

"I don't have time to explain…please, just follow me if you don't believe me! We have to find Lou!"

Cody, Teaspoon, Jimmy and Kid all exchanged glances. There was a note of desperation and urgency in Jesse's voice that scared them. They knew he was telling the truth, even though they didn't completely understand what exactly was going on. Kid nodded and Jesse fled to his horse, signaling to the others to follow him.


"I just want to thank you…I don't even know your name." Lou said as she looked at the other woman riding beside her.

"Anna. My name is Anna."

"I don't know how I'll ever repay you. Won't Jesse be angry when he finds out what you've done?" Lou asked, concerned that the woman giving her aid would bring trouble on herself.

"I can handle him…besides, if all goes as planned, he won't find out."

There was something about the way the woman looked coldly at her that caused warning bells to go off in her head. Anna had entered her room quietly only an hour before, offering to help her escape. Lou had been so focused on finally being able to go home that she hadn't even questioned the woman's motives. Now she wished she had.

"Well Louise, this is where we part ways." Anna said softly.

Lou looked at her and was taken aback at all the hate in her dark eyes. It was then that she knew she was in trouble. Even before the woman pulled her gun and pointed it at Lou, she knew that the woman meant to harm her.

"I don't understand…" Lou said, trying to buy time, all the while looking around the barren plain in hopes of finding a way to escape.

"No I don't suppose you do…Jesse was in love with me before you came…I plan on keeping it that way."

"But I'm goin' home…I won't be a bother to you."

"No, you won't…not when you're dead."

"Do you know how many times I've heard your name come from his lips when he is asleep and dreaming? Or how many times I've overheard him talking to his brother about you when he thinks no one else is listening? He's in love with you, and always will be if you're alive…a dead woman isn't hard to compete with."

"But don't you think he'll be angry at you for killing me?"

"Of course…but he will get over it, once he sees how happy I can make him."

"You're crazy!" Lou exclaimed before she knew what she was saying.

Anna knocked Lou off her horse with a slap to the face that left her dazed. Anna was soon standing over her, her hair and eyes wild. Lou inched away ever so slightly, looking for something to use as a weapon. It was then she heard her name being screamed. She must of hit me harder than I thought. I swear that's Kid's voice Lou thought as a shot rang out into the night.

Lou braced herself for the bullet she knew would be entering her chest at any moment. Her eyes were closed tightly and her only thoughts were of Kid and the baby that would never be born. As she felt strong arms around her and soft lips kissing her face feverently, her eyes flew open trying to process the events. She looked into Kid's unshaven face and wept for joy. No words were needed as their lips met and the world stood still.

She had never thought she would see her husband again, let alone feel his lips pressed firmly against her own. It was too much for her to take and she broke away from him, sobbing loudly. Kid took her face into his hands and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Lou, are you hurt? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, probing his hands gently across her body.

Lou shook her head and instead wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face into his shirt. Kid laughed and gathered her into his arms. It was then she caught sight of Anna's eyes staring lifelessly into the sky. Kid tried to steer her away from the gruesome sight, but it would be etched in her memory for life. She looked over Kid's shoulder and met the happy eyes of Teaspoon, Jimmy and Cody.

"God I love you Lou." Kid breathed as he hugged her even closer, refusing to let the others even get a look at her.

"I love you too." She whispered right before she kissed him passionately.


Jesse watched the reunion from the top of a vast hill. He still had the gun he had used to kill Anna clutched tightly in his hand. He had never been filled with fear as he had been when he thought the woman would shoot Lou where she stood. He stared through tear-filled eyes as Kid finally set Lou upon her feet and allowed the others to envelope her into their embraces. He was transported back to the past where Noah was still alive and he was working for the blacksmith. He was innocent back then and in such a hurry to grow up. Now he longed more than anything to be back in the golden days of his boyhood.

"Come on Jesse…we best get a move on."

Jesse turned around to where Frank was mounted on his horse, his hands still chained together. He knew they had to leave before the others realized they were gone. He didn't know if Kid would still insist on taking Frank in, but he didn't want to take that chance. Instead, he looked back one more time at Lou, memorizing every detail about her. He knew it'd probably be the last time he'd see her, but he felt secure in the knowledge that she would be well taken care of. He need only to look at Kid's face as he gazed lovingly at the petite woman. Mounting his horse, he avoided his brother's gaze and spurred his horse off into the black night.


Kid smiled as Lou snuggled into his arms, resting her head against his chest. Her eyes were closed and Kid watched as the light from the fire danced on her face. He leaned in and kissed her forehead softly. He laid a large hand on her distended abdomen and was surprised when he felt movement beneath his palm.

Lou laughed as she opened her eyes and placed her hand atop her husband's. It would only be two more months until the baby was due and she was definitely looking forward to seeing her ankles again. Kid rested his chin on her shoulder and placed his other arm around her.

She had regained most of her health following the months of her rescue and the doctor found it quite remarkable. He was now confident that Lou would make it through childbirth with little complication. Kid had abdicated his position as Marshal so that he would be there for the rest of his life to take care of Lou and their child. He just didn't believe his job was more important than his life with Lou. He had instead applied for a loan from the bank to begin his own ranch. He was certain that with a little hard work he could make his business work.

Lou turned her head and placed a soft kiss on Kid's cheek. "What are you thinkin' about?"

"Jimmy." Kid said simply as he looked into his wife's deep brown eyes. "I was thinkin' that if this baby is a boy…maybe we could name him James."

Lou smiled widely as she brought up her hand to run gently down the side of his face. "I think that sounds real nice."

"I owe him so much." Kid whispered, thinking about Jimmy's actions and how they had saved Lou's life.

They had never talked about that night. Everyone knew that Lou assumed Kid had come after her with Frank on his own volition and they allowed her to think so. It would hurt her too much to know the truth. Kid shook his head at his previous foolishness. He should have rushed after her, Frank in tow. He should have been willing to do anything to ensure her safety. He should have-he stopped in mid-thought. It would do no good to berate himself now. The past was in the past and he planned on making their future as bright as possible.

Frank and Jesse had slipped away that night before anyone had noticed their absence. Kid smiled ruefully. He had known they were gone as soon as Teaspoon had pulled Lou into his embrace. It just hadn't seemed important to chase them down. Jesse had in fact saved Lou's life, even if he was the one who had put it into danger in the first place. They hadn't heard anything about the young man in quite a while and they both secretly hoped that he and Frank had settled down somewhere.

Lou yawned and Kid smiled at her. "C'mon, I think it's time to go to bed." He said as he gathered her into his arms and carried her up the steps to their bedroom.

"I love you Kid."

"I love you too, Lou."



Chapter 2