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Ryan sighed audibly and picked up the gleaming knife. He looked at Lou’s face, contorted in pain and almost didn’t want to proceed. Wordlessly he dug the knife into her arm, searching for the bullet. She screamed in agony and tried to sit up, but Kid abruptly pushed her back down, holding her shoulders firmly against the surface. Both men tried to ignore the anguish-filled cries that escaped from Lou’s lips, hoping the job would be done soon.

After what seemed like hours, Ryan finally removed the deeply-imbedded bullet. Kid’s eyes seemed to flood with relief, but Ryan knew the worst of the task wasn’t yet finished. He wiped blood from her arm and walked over to the blazing fire. He placed the tip of the iron poker into the fire, waiting till it shone a dull red before walking back toward Lou. Kid looked at him in alarm and was about to protest when Ryan held his hand up.

“Kid, she’s lost far too much blood. We can’t just wait for it to stop, we have to seal the wound. Now, I need you to hold her still.” Kid nodded, dazed and looked down at Lou’s tear-streaked face. Suddenly, Ryan brought the tip to Lou’s wound and closed his eyes as her flesh sizzled. She let out a scream that would haunt him for the rest of his life, but then fainted from the pain. Kid looked at him in horror and back down at Lou. He released his grip as Ryan pulled the poker away, satisfied that blood was no more oozing. He let the iron rod clatter to the floor as he wiped the remaining traces of blood from her arm. He turned his gaze to Kid.

“You have to let the burn breathe, you hear? Don’t bandage it up.” was all he said as he walked out of the bunkhouse and into the darkness.


You have a job to do, you can’t start getting feelings for these people Ryan thought to himself as he washed Lou’s blood from his face and hands. He silently berated himself for his lapse in judgment. It would have been better to have let her die, then he could have brought in another of his partners. However, he knew that he couldn’t have just watched as she bled to death. For some reason he couldn’t quite explain, he cared about the small girl, who he didn’t even know.

He looked across the yard as teaspoon’s deputies began loading the dead thieves on a buckboard. Fools, if you’d waited like I told you, you wouldn’t be dead. He whirled around as footsteps caught his ear. He recognized Jimmy’s tall form.

“Hey...Ryan, I just wanted to thank you for saving Lou’s life. We all do...I know we haven’t all been that welcomin’, but we appreciate it.” Jimmy said quietly as he extended his hand.

Ryan smiled and took Jimmy’s proffered hand. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea saving her life. I’ve won their trust. This is going to be easier than I thought. He thought as he followed Jimmy back into the house.


Lou opened her eyes and and tried to ascertain where she was. Kid’s worried face peered over hers and he smiled. She tried to sit up, but he gently restrained her. Suddenly, she remembered the events of the previous night and her eyes grew wide with terror. Kid understood her look and took her tiny hand in his.

“It’s all right Lou. Those men are never goin’ to hurt you again. You’re safe.” Lou tried to speak, but her voice was hoarse from the previous night’s shrieks. Kid placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before he rose to get her a glass of water.

She looked across the room and saw that bright rays of sunlight were shining through what was left of the glass in the window. She saw that they’d removed the broken glass from the floor and the door was taken off it’s hinges, allowing for a slight breeze to rustle through the room. Kid followed her gaze as he handed her the cool liquid.

“The boys are makin’ a new door.” He explained. She nodded and then gulped down the water. She finally looked at her arm and grimaced as she saw the ugly burn. She remembered everything from last night and shivered as she thought about the pain. Now though, her arm was only throbbing.

“I thought they were goin’ to kill me.” she finally croaked, fighting the tears that sprung to her eyes. “I came back and no one was here and they showed up and...”

“Shh...Lou, you’re gonna be fine. Jimmy saved you.” Kid said, adding the last part almost bitterly. She looked into his eyes and saw the love that still shone through.

“Oh Kid...” she began, but was silenced as he brought his lips to hers. The kiss was soft and gentle, but filled with passion.

“Lou...I love you so much. If something were to have happened...” Now it was Lou’s turn to comfort. She brought her hand to caress his cheek and brought his head down to hers.

“Kid, I’m fine. Everything’s fine..” She was interrupted as someone stepped into the room. Jimmy quickly tried to leave as he realized what was going on, but Lou stopped him. “Jimmy, don’t go.”

He turned around and watched as Kid placed a light kiss on her cheek before rising to go. He passed Jimmy and smiled, but he thought he saw some resentment in his eyes. Lou beckoned him over and he knelt down to the place Kid had occupied earlier. She reached out to grab his large hand and squeezed.

“Thank you Jimmy. You saved my life.”

“Lou...I said some things I shouldn’t have and I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me...I never wanted to hurt you. I could never hurt you...I’m sorry.”

Lou looked at him and smiled tenderly. “I know Jimmy.”

She sat up in the bunk and tried to stand. Jimmy immediately stood up to support her. “Lou...this ain’t a good idea...”

“My arm was shot, not my leg Jimmy. I’m hungry.”

“I can bring you some food in here.” but he knew it was futile to argue with the spirited girl.

As he looked down at her, he felt a sharp pang in his heart. He knew that she would always love Kid and he would always love her. She would never belong to him, and in his heart he knew this was the way things had to be. She was destined to love another man; his best friend. He noticed how her eyes lit up ever so slightly as she spotted Kid, and in turn how he smiled widely as he caught sight of her. Kid walked over and tried to look at her in mock anger.

“You shouldn’t be up Lou.”

“What is it with you two? I’m fine.” she returned, laughing.

“Where you headin’?”

“I’m goin’ to the house to eat.”

“Would you like some company?”

“As a matter of fact, I would. Now where is Cody?” she said as she scanned the yard.

Kid laughed and swept her up in his arms, careful of her wound. They made their way across the yard and Jimmy felt terribly alone. He looked across the yard and spotted Ryan looking at the young couple, his eyes narrowed to slits. Jimmy felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. There was something in his eyes that bespoke trouble, but Jimmy shrugged the feeling off as he walked to the stable to attend to his horse.


Lou walked out on the porch and jumped as a voice called from the darkness.

“How are you feeling?”

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she recognized Ryan’s lithe form. She walked over to the swing and sat beside him. “I’m fine, thanks to you.”

She could feel, rather than see him smile. “Don’t mention it. Just do me a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“The next time some thieves demand the mail, give it to them. I don’t know if I could make a repeat performance.”

“Would you have given it to them?”

“No, but...”

“So, why should I have, and if you say it’s because I’m a girl, I’ll hit you.”

“Fine, I won’t say it.” he answered amiably. “Look, I just don’t want you to get hurt, or worse and you came pretty close to that last night.”

“It’s part of the job.”

“I suppose so, but can I ask you something personal?”


“Now, don’t take this the wrong way...but why? I’m not saying that women can’t do as good a job as men, but not only are you a woman, you’re a small one. You probably don’t weigh more than ninety pounds. You’re askin’ for trouble because you look like an easy target.”

“You want to know why I do this? What decent job is out here for a single woman? I got a brother and sister back in St. Joe that I plan on bringing out here once I get enough money saved up. I know it’s dangerous, but there’s not much else to do, a woman ain’t got a lot of choices.”

Ryan nodded thoughtfully and knew there was more to her story than she was telling. He knew that something had to have happened to her to force her to take such drastic measures, but he could tell that she wasn’t ready to talk about it. He didn’t know why he even asked, he didn’t really care, did he? Oh Ryan, you better watch yourself. You can’t let a woman ruin your plans.

“I take it you and the Kid are more than just friends?” he asked sarcastically.

“Once...I don’t know I guess we still are. I love him if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Well, if you love him, and I know he loves you after the way he worried over you last night, why not marry him and get away from all this?”

“I ain’t ready.” she said simply “Now, can I ask you something personal?”

“What?” he asked, his mind already on alert.

“Where’d you learn people up?”

“My father was a doctor in Ireland. I used to go all around with him before...he passed on.”

“Oh. Well, that brings me to my next question. Why are you working here, putting your life at risk when you could be a doctor? I mean, I’m sure the pay’s better and you’d get your brothers and sisters over here a lot quicker.”

He was about to ask her what she was talking about when he remembered the lie he’d told them a few nights ago. “’s just a selfish boyhood fantasy. I get to play the hero, be a part of history.”

Lou looked at him and smiled. “Well, I’m glad you’re here.”

He was about to respond when Kid opened the door and poked is head out. He gave Lou a dazzling smile as he said, “Lou, me and the boys are waiting.”

When Ryan cast her a curious gaze, she explained, “I’m goin’ to clean them out in poker.”

“That’s what she thinks. She don’t know that we’ve been practicing when she’s out on runs.” kid responded as he affectionately tugged at her hand.

“Kid, all the practice in the world ain’t goin’ to stop me from bein’ able to read your face.”

Kid turned around and tried to look hurt. He suddenly pulled her to him and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “Bet you didn’t know I was goin’ to do that.” he responded as they entered the warm bunkhouse.

Ryan looked after them and felt an emotion swell up in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time, jealousy. He tried to dismiss the feeling, but he found he couldn’t. After hearing the girl’s story he’d come to admire her more. It was dangerous to have feelings for her, and he knew he had to suppress them. He hadn’t come this far to be stopped by a woman, albeit a beautiful, brave and intelligent one. He shook his head as if to clear the thoughts and entered the bunkhouse to find that Lou indeed was cleaning the boys out.


“Teaspoon, this is the fourth attack of a Pony Expess Rider in the past week.” Kid complained as he looked at the beaten man before him. “We gotta do something.”

“I agree Kid, but what do you want me to do? Send out armed guards with every rider? That’d just draw more attention.”

Kid nodded and looked at Buck sympathetically. He’d come back from his ride a few hours before, bruised and battered. He’d explained that he’d been halfway to his destination when he’d been ambushed by a gang of five or more men. They’d taken the pouch and left him for dead. He now looked at Teaspoon from his swollen eyes.

“Is there some kinda pattern? I mean, location, documents, anything?”

Teaspoon thought for a minute before deciding to tell them the truth. “I didn’t want to say anything before, but it seems all the riders have been carrying information for the Union.”

“So, I guess it stands to reason that all these raiders are southern sympathizers.” Kid said quietly. “Wait a minute, how are they finding out all this information? I mean, they don’t seem to follow a pattern, except in the fact that they seem to know exactly what each rider is carrying. How are they finding all this out?”

“Well son, the army’s working on that. They think some one has been leaking information from the inside. They don’t know if it’s a rider or stationmaster, but they’re determined to find out.”

“How are they goin’ to do that?”

“I don’t rightly know son.”


Lou walked into the bunkhouse and found the others sitting around the table, their faces set in tight lines, especially Kid’s and she knew right then that they’d been discussing her. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and cleared her throat. They looked at her in surprise, and Teaspoon stood up.

“Lou darlin’, why don’t you sit down here for a minute, we got somethin’ to discuss.”

She didn’t like the way Kid avoided her gaze, but she sat down and looked back at Teaspoon. “Now honey, you know the army’s been investigatin’ all these assaults on our riders. They still haven’t found the leak, but they need to get some important documents out, without risking it’s theft.”

Kid snorted in disgust and Lou tried not to smile. “All right Teaspoon, what do I have to do?”

Teaspoon smiled in relief that he didn’t have to go on any further before reaching the plan. “Well, we won’t be sending you out alone, but we will be sendin’ you out as a lady. You and Ryan are goin’ to go out carryin’ some important documents, disguised as a young couple, teachers to be exact. All you have to do is make the run to St. Joe, it’s that simple.”

“You don’t have to go Lou...” Kid started, but Lou interrupted.

“Well, what time do we leave?”

“Lou, don’t be a fool. This could be dangerous.”

“I’m not the one actin’ like a fool Kid.”

“You’ll leave tomorrow, first thing in the mornin’.” Teaspoon said quickly, hoping to prevent the argument he knew was coming. He walked towards the door and motioned for the others to follow him, knowing the couple needed to talk things over.

When they were gone, Lou rose and sat next to Kid, taking his large hand in hers. “Look Kid, I know that you’re worried, but there’s no need to be. I’m goin’ to be fine, besides Ryan will be with me.”

Kid smiled, thinking of Ryan. Over the past two months, he’d grown very close to the slightly older man, as had Lou. Kid trusted him, eventhough he knew that Ryan had more than just brotherly feelings for Lou, no matter how hard he tried to hide them. He’d seen Ryan staring at Lou from across the room with a look in his eyes that mirrored Kid’s when he looked at her.

“You know, Ryan tried to talk Teaspoon out of sending you.”

“What?? Why’d he do that? Don’t tell me you’re starting to rub off on him. Oh Lord, I don’t know if I can handle another Kid.”

“He loves you.” Lou looked up startled and tried to read Kid’s eyes. She saw no anger or jealousy in his eyes though.

“I know that, I didn’t know you knew though. So tell me Kid, why aren’t you out there poundin’ his head in?” Lou teased.

“Aw Lou, that ain’t fair. I can’t be mad at him for carin’ about you, I mean he obviously has good taste.”

Lou swatted his arm and looked into his eyes. Her tone had turned serious as she said, “ Kid...I know things ain’t right between us now, but you know that I love you, don’t you?”

Kid answered her by pulling her close to him and kissing her passionately. He pulled back first, but still held her in a tight embrace. “I love you more than anything else in this world Lou, and that’s why I want you to be careful tomorrow.”

Lou smiled as Kid gave her his blessing and hoped that things would go smoothly tomorrow. She wouldn’t admit it to the others, but she didn’t have a very good feeling about any of this. Her burn scar had just started fading, but the scar on her memory hadn’t even begun to heal. She was still haunted by the memory of the men and what they’d done. She’d thought she was going to die that night, and had come pretty close to it. She felt better though, just knowing that Ryan was coming along. She felt safe with him, almost as safe as when she was with Kid and Jimmy.


Lou descended the steps of Rachel’s house and blushed under the gazes of the boys. She wore a lavender dress that accentuated her female figure. Rachel had bought it for her the day before, complete with white gloves and shawl, which she pulled tighter around her self-consciously. Her hair was swept back in a bun at the nape of her neck, but her bangs and and several strands of her dark hair framed her small face. She carried an elegant hat in her hand and placed it on her head as she made her way to the buckboard. Kid approached her first and took one of her gloved hands to his lips.

“You look beautiful Lou.” Kid whispered huskily. She stepped closer and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. She looked around embarrassed as she noticed that the others had been watching them intently.

“Well, I’m jealous that I ain’t goin’.” Buck smiled as she passed him.

“Now Buck, you’ve ridden with Ryan before, it’s my turn.” Lou teased as she boarded the wooden transportation.

They all laughed, except Ryan, who didn’t even seem to notice that Lou had clambered in beside him. She cleared her throat and he finally took notice of how beautiful she looked. He’d always thought she was pretty, but now she looked more lovely than he though possible. Worry and fear crept into his heart for the young girl as he thought about what could happen to her.

He smiled at her and suddenly spurred the horse into action amidst the cries of “Ride safe”.

Ryan felt Lou’s eyes upon him, and he turned to her irritated. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Lou was taken aback, although she didn’t show it. She knew he was just edgy about the job they were doing. “I was just wonderin’ what’s been on your mind since we left the station. You haven’t said two words since we left.” Lou snapped back.

He avoided her question and instead turned to lecture her. “You know, you shouldn’t have come on this mission.”

She rolled her eyes. “Look, I can take care of myself.”

“Oh yeah, you did a real good job of that last time didn’t you? Face it Lou, you’re not as efficient as you claim. You’re just a little girl tryin’ to prove yourself.”

Lou looked at him in shock, and then in rage. She didn’t trust herself to speak, so she turned away from him, crossing her arms around her chest. A sudden movement attracted her attention in the trees in the distance. She reached under her dress and pulled her gun from the strap on her leg.

Ryan looked at her and snapped, “Put that away, you’re going to get our heads shot off.”

Before she could respond, five men emerged from the brush, surrounding them menacingly. Ryan slackened the reigns and laid them down slowly. He put his hands up in a sign of peace. One man rode forward and let his eyes roam over Lou’s body. He smiled lasciviously and Lou shivered.

“Where is it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Where’s the maps, don’t make me ask again.”

“You seemed to be mistaken. My wife and I are teachers...”

Suddenly, three soldiers emerged from behind them, their guns trained on the ragged men. The man who’d been eyeing Lou looked to Ryan sharply, confusion in his eyes. The soldiers rode up and looked at Lou and Ryan.

“Throw down your guns.” a Lieutenant ordered. The men did so reluctantly. “Are you two all right?”

“Yes, but how...” Lou started

“We’ve been following you since you left the station. We obtained some information that these men would try to attack you, seems they’ve been tipped off. With them in custody, we can pinpoint the leak.”

“It’s a good thing you followed us.” Ryan said strangely as he withdrew his gun and shot the three men before they knew what he was doing. Lou screamed in shock and looked at Ryan in disbelief.

“For a minute there, I thought you sold us out Murphy.” The grizzly leader laughed as he and the other men hopped down from their horses to retrieve their guns. Lou took the opportunity to jump from the buckboard and mount the Lieutenant’s horse, riding off speedily.

Ryan motioned for the men to lower their guns as he jumped on a dead soldier’s horse. He started after her and it wasn’t long before he was close on her. Her dress hampered her ability dramatically and before she knew it, Ryan was beside her, yelling something she couldn’t understand. Without warning, he jumped at her and both of them tumbled to the ground. Lou struggled under his greater weight, but to no avail. He slapped her hard against the face, cutting her cheek. She quickly regained her composure and looked into his eyes.

“Why?” she cried

“You wouldn’t understand. Everything would have been fine if those damn soldiers hadn’t showed up, now I’m going to have to kill you.”

She looked at him fearlessly and closed her eyes as she heard the hammer on his gun click. He pressed it hard against her throat, but found he couldn’t go through with it. She opened her brown eyes, wide with shock and looked into Ryan’s dark ones.

“Damn you, I can’t do it.” He whispered as leaned closer into her. Her chest was still heaving from the chase but she couldn’t move. “You’re going to have to come with us.” he said finally as he pulled her roughly to her feet. He dragged her over to the horse and pushed her on, climbing on behind her, trapping her in his arms. He rode to where the others were waiting and met their gazes head on.

“She’s coming along for insurance Cole.”

“This wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Well, the plan’s changed. I can’t go back know, they’re on to me or they wouldn’t have sent those men.”

“Why not just kill her?”

“I told you. Insurance.”

“You’re the boss.”

“You’re damn right. Just remember that.” he growled as he rode off.

******************************************************************* “Boys, I need to talk to you.” Teaspoon called from the front porch. Dusk was beginning to settle across the land and the boys were finishing their chores.

He waited for them all to assemble before taking a deep breath. He wasn’t going to enjoy this. “I wasn’t completely honest yesterday.”

“Honest about what?” Jimmy asked suspiciously.

“The mission.”

“What in the hell are you talkin’ about Teaspoon?” Kid asked furiously.

Noah placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. “Calm down Kid.”

“Look, the army thinks they know who’s been selling us out.”


“Ryan Murphy.”

“And you sent Lou out with him alone?? Are you crazy?” Jimmy almost yelled.

“She ain’t exactly alone. Three soldiers are supposed to be following them. They know that sooner or later, them band of thieves is goin’ to catch up with them. Of course Ryan’ll play along as the victim since Lou’s with him, but the men will be in custody and hopefully they’ll testify against him.”

“Ryan won’t let that happen.” Kid said quietly, dangerously so. “Have you thought about what he’ll do? He’s got Lou teaspoon...he could hurt her.”

“I told you Kid, those soldiers...”

“I’m goin’ after them.” Kid interrupted.

“Me too.” Jimmy said standing up.

Teaspoon looked at Buck, Noah and Cody and smiled ruefully, “I guess it’s unanimous. Saddle up boys, I’ll go tell Rachel.”


Lou glared across the fire at Ryan. Her cheek still throbbed from when he struck her and she knew it was bruised. Ryan for his part seemed to ignore her completely. He was involved in telling the men about how he’d tricked all of them into believing he was they’re friend.

“They’re the most ignorant people I’ve ever met. They think they’re hot stuff though. I was stealing information right and left and they didn’t even know it.” All the men laughed, and rage bubbled in Lou’s chest.

“You’re a pig.” she spat. Suddenly, Cole kicked her in the side, knocking the wind out of her. Ryan laughed and walked over to her. He pulled her head back by her hair, forcing her to look in his eyes.

“I’m not Kid little girl. You better watch how you talk to me.”

Lou narrowed her eyes. “No, you’re not Kid. He’s honorable and decent. You’re just a low-down scoundrel.”

His eyes reflected his rage and he released her head forcefully, hitting it on the ground. She cried out in pain, but didn’t back down. He walked back to his place and retrieved a rope from the saddle of his horse. He walked behind her and tied her hands roughly, but she didn’t cry out.

“You boys get some sleep, we’re leavin’ here bright and early. I’ll watch her. She might try something.”

“I think I see something.” Kid said quietly as he rode into the clearing. He almost got sick at the sight that greeted him. Three men laid sprawled on their backs, gaping wounds in their chests. He dismounted Katy and walked closer, the others close behind him.

“Jesus, what happened?” Jimmy asked through clenched teeth as he approached the abandoned buckboard. He spotted Lou’s shawl and hat close by and felt a lump rise in his throat.

“Ryan Murphy.” Teaspoon answered solemnly.

“Well, he’s got Lou wherever he is.” Kid retorted.

“We’re goin’ to find her Kid.” Buck said quietly as he knelt down to examine the tracks. After a few minutes, he looked up and pointed south. The others mounted their horses and reluctantly left the bodies behind them. There would be time to take care of the dead later, right now they had to help the living.

Ryan looked at Lou and felt ashamed. Her cheek was bruising badly from where he’d hit her and her neck showed the beginnings of bruising. Her dress was torn and dusty and her hair was extremely disheveled. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but things hadn’t gone off like they were supposed to. He walked closer to her and sat down, but she wouldn’t look at him.

“I’m sorry Lou.”

“Save it, I don’t want to hear it. I trusted you...we all did and this is how you repay us?”

“Look, I had to do this, you don’t understand.”

“You’re right, I don’t. I don’t understand why you lied to me. We welcomed you and all you did was lie.”

“No...I didn’t. I’m not lying now when I tell you I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you, even though I knew it was dangerous. I don’t want to hurt you Lou.” he said softly as he bent down to kiss her. His lips were soft as they met hers, but she pulled away in disgust.

“I despise you. I will never, ever love you, do you understand me?” she spat.

He moved away from her as if she’d burned him. He stood up angrily and left the camp, heading out into the darkness. She knew it was her opportunity to escape, so she began to struggle with the ropes, but they were too tight. She looked around to see if any of the men were awake. She tried to stand up, but was interrupted as all chaos descended into the camp. She looked in relief as she recognized Kid and Jimmy. Before she could move, Cole seized her arm violently and pulled her to her feet, putting his gun to her head.

“Don’t do nothin’ stupid boys, or this little one’ll be meetin’ her maker.”

Kid lowered his gun and Jimmy followed suit. However, Cole felt a gun placed roughly at his temple. “If you don’t let her go, you’ll be meeting your maker.”

Cole didn’t need time to think before he shoved the girl away. She fell roughly to the ground and turned around to see Teaspoon smiling at her. Kid was immediately by her side, untying the ropes that’d almost cut off her circulation completely. He looked at her face and reached out to softly touch the bruise.

“I’m goin’ to kill him.”

“No...I’m fine Kid.” she whispered as she hugged him tightly.

Teaspoon and the others rounded up the men as Kid helped Lou to her feet. “Where’s Ryan?” he asked her softly.

“I don’t know...he stalked off earlier.”


To Be Continued.....

Part 3