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Let's see...where do I begin? In a galaxy far, far away...nah...once upon a time...noooo...fourscore and seven years ago...nope. Putting it simply, the world was graced with my presence June 29 1979 (remember that date...I accept cash, candy, gift certificates...sorry, no personal checks!). I have one older brother who absolutely tortured me growing up. I could fill up a novel the size of War and Peace with all the things he's done to me, starting with cutting off all my hair when I was three...I'm not bitter or anything!;-)

My parents have been divorced since I was four and I've lived with my mom most of my life. She's in the military so we moved around a bit. I've lived in Miami, Boston, Virginia, and Pensacola (where I was born whoo hoo). Hmmm...I live in Santa Barbara, Ca right now. I work full time at an engineering company (nothing important...I mean I only deliver the mail and allocate all the little parts they need for projects), and I go to school at Santa Barbara City College part time. I still don't know what I want to major in (and at the rate I'm going, I'll have plenty of time to decide), but I've been thinking of crimminal psychology...hee hee scary isn't being a psychologist I mean!

Anyway, in the spare time I have, I like to read, sing, dance, drool over Don Franklin, go shopping (window of course because I am broke as a joke), watch jeopardy, um...did I mention drool over Don Franklin?? I love music period. All kinds...but my favorite artist/groups are Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs, Tracy Chapman, Bob Marley, Sublime, En Vogue, Bon Jovi, The Cranberries, Mariah Carey, DMX, Eve, and the list goes on. Suffice it to say I have an extensive cd collection ranging from hip hop to country!

Well, I guess that's me in a nutshell...actually this is the censored version. I don't want to scare anyone away!;-)