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The Next Generation of Pony Express Riders. Kirsten's new boyfriend, Kirst, Pony Express Dude, Anna, Ike-lookalike, Me, Shannon (in back) Pam, and Wendy. (Courtesy of Anna)

Kirsten and Shannon in the cemetery...They were kissing the dirt just before the picture was taken, at least that's what Anna said! (photo courtesy of Anna)

Shannon and Anna in the cemetery! (Picture courtesy of Anna)

Here they are, Lady K and Lady T!! (Picture courtesy of Anna)

The Queen of Beauty, Kirst, Jason(as in Pam's fiance) and Pamalicious (Photo Coutesy of Anna)

Hey, it's the two unknown members of the Spice Girls!! URINAL Spice and Peppy Spice! (Courtesy of Anna)

Who are those gorgeous gals??? Wendy, Jess, Anna, Shannon (in back), Cass and Kirst.

Kirst, Jess, and Wendy on Mt. Lemon.

O.K, we still don't know what Kirst found so funny...I think she was laughing at Cass who was dancing on top of the bar...who knows? (Photo courtesy of Anna)

Shannon and Anna in front of a corral at Old Tucson Studios. (Photo courtesy of Anna)

Anna, Tanya, Jess, Cass and Kirsten posing in the cemetery. (Photo Courtesy of Anna)

Kirsten and Shannon were roll playing while we were waiting for Tanya. Kirsten as Kid delivered a mean left hook to Shannon's Jimmy...;-) (Photo courtesy of Anna)

Cass, Jess, Kirsten and Wendy practicing our saloon girl moves. (Photo courtesy of Anna)

Anna, Kirsten, Tanya, Jess and Cass posing before the Mission! (Photo courtesy of Anna)

Jess posing with Doc Holliday at Tombstone...I was giving him some tips since I'm such a sharp shooter myself...;-)

Jess posing with Billy Clanton in Tombstone...he had wandering hands I tell you!

Bathroom anyone?

Wendy as conductor of the TYR Love Train!

Two stuntmen from Tombstone posing with Wendy...they couldn't get enough of her gun!

Jess in front of the Boothill Cemetery in Tombstone.

We got lost on our way to Tombstone and got directions from a local.

Kirst and Jess on Top of the World!

Wendy went slightly bonkers on top of the mountain...All Cass did was mention that Josh Brolin was seeing Minnie Driver.

Kirst, Jess, and Wendy...up close and personal!!

Kirst decided to celebrate reaching the top of the Mountain by breakdancing.

"Come and get me Josh!"

Kirst and Pam chowing down at Peppy Lou's Diner in Tucson.

Our trail guide Armor, Pam and Anna getting saddled up!

Kirst on top of her trusty mount, Newt.

Kirst at the ATM...for those of you that weren't there, Kirst did a wonderful presentation of "I'm a Little Teapot".

Wendy and Kirst getting some shots of the mountains.

Kirst and Jess at the was a sad day.;-(

Whoo hoo...there's my boyfriend Xavier and Wendy's man (one of them anyway), Noel.