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Kirsten--Hey Chica!!! Where would this have ended up if not for you? I know I would have ended up in the looney bin in a padded cell! Thank you so much for all your technical expertise and for convincing me to take a chance and use the advanced editor!! It saved my life!! I also can't forget how in the early days you were kind enough to send me episodes! My literary Muse might have died if not for your inspiration!

Kristin--How can I thank you enough for the photos and words of encouragement you have sent my way? I probably would have given this up long ago, but you kept me going! Muchas gracias!

Broedy--Thank you so much for allowing me to pick and choose among your screen captures!

Cass--Hey Ty(ger), hee hee, couldn't resist! Your e-mails and chats kept me laughing hysterically through out this entire process! How can I find the words to express my gratitude to the woman who named my page??? All I can say is "Look out Tuscon, here we come!" That town will never be the same after we rip through it! I'm still waiting on your story!!

Angela--Thank you so much for the autographed Anthony Zerbe picture! I really appreciate it!

Lisa--I can't believe there's another TYR fan in Pensacola!! How can I thank you enough for making TYR tapes for me?? Maybe I could get you a date with Ty? (No Way!! I'm going out with him first!;-))

Carol--Thank you for allowing me to post your fabulous stories!! I think everyone was getting tired of reading mine, so thank you for the variety! I can't wait to read more!

Nesciri--Muchas gracias for suggesting I put up a filmography...I promise it'll be done soon! Also, thank you for creating that banner for Teaspoon's Tales for me!

Joanna, Tanya, Kirsten, Aimee, Sarah, Carol and Kristin--Thank you gals for trying to help poor little ol' me to come up with a name for this page. I thought they were all great, even the whacky ones!;-)

A special thanks go out to Joanna, Kirsten, Kristin, and Ann for offering all their help and advice on the making of this page!

Tammy--Hey roomie, are you ready for June??? I promise to keep my music down, and to wash my toothpaste out of the sink!;-)

Ant'ny--The Don Quixote to my Sancho! I hope you're getting excited about our little road trip! Thelma and Louise don't have anything on us!

I'm sure there are others I am forgetting in my haste to get this page complete, but blame my mind, and not my heart!