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TJ's Family

Meet TJ's wonderful family:

The Tanbergs *grin*

Mom and Dad

This is TJ's mom and Dad........Candi and John!!!
(Okay.......really it's not, but it is until I get a picture of them to put in this place!!!) :)

John, TJ's dad is a concrete salesman. He is an avid fisherman and also likes to ski, hike, camp, roller blade, mountain bike (anything in the mountains). He plays on a adult hockey and soccer team. John and Candi enjoy watching the Avalanche, Broncos, Colorado College and of course the Tiger Sharks.

Candi, TJ's mom is a homemaker and was a stay at home mom. She enjoys going on walks with their chocolate lab Kahlua, shopping, playing on the internet and Las Vegas.



Cheryl is TJ's oldest sister. She is 28 years old. She is married to Mark Grimaldi.

Cheryl graduated from TCU in Forth worth. After graduation she went to Europe. Cheryl lived in Vail for a year then went to DC and worked for a Senator. She also worked for Tangent a recruiting firm in DC. When she decided to move back to Vail Tangent decided that they didn't want to loose her and put her in charge of starting Tangent West.

Cheryl has her own business--she is a recruiter and lives in Edwards, Colorado.

Cheryl's husband, Mark, is a private ski instructor at Beaver Creek--in Skiing magazine he was listed as one of the top 100 in North America. Mark also has his own Real Estate Company.

Mark and Cheryl are the proud parents of a baby boy! Max was born on September 26, 1999.



Tammy is TJ's other sister. She's older by 17 months. Tammy graduated from University of Miami at Ohio. After graduation she went to Australia for an internship. She worked on the opening ceremonies at the Olympics in Atlanta and the half time show at the super bowl in San Diego. In addition to media sales Tammy has done several promotions for Wheel of Fortune. Tammy is currently in training for a marathon that will be held in Alaska in June.

**Thanks to Mom (Candi) for the information.**

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