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The night was dark, outside, and inside. Kim held Kevin's hand tightly as he pulled her onto the floor. She searched around the club frantically for a second to make sure that Jen was okay, when she spotted her through the crowd with Nick. The two met eyes for a second and smiled at each other. They both knew this night was unbelievable still to them both... Jen glanced back into Nick's eyes and smiled, he smiled down at her, and looked over at Kim's. It was clear they were happy, and as she looked up to Kevin, it was clear HE was too. Nick still glanced down at Jen, dancing away and smiling.
"You like this song?" Nick asked, trying to start conversation again. The music was a little too loud for that, but he tried. Jen could hardly even tell what song it was, she had blocked out the sound so much as she was in her own kind of "world" right now. So she just smiled up at him.
"Yeah!" she answered, laughing.
Kim didnt like dancing too much exactly, she had that feeling that everyone was watching her. But tonight, with HIM, it didnt seem to matter to her, she was too happy, she didnt care anymore. She looked back up to Kevin's green eyes, even more amazing looking in the dark. He was smiling down at her, not saying a thing.
"What?!" Kim asked, laughing. Kevin then realized he had been staring, and his smile grew for a minute.
"Oh nothing" he said over the loud beats. "I..I AM really glad you could come here tonight with me." That sentence again. With me. Nothing could make Kim happier than that. There's something drawing me towards this girl... Kevin thought to himself. He glanced over at Nick. Dancing away with Jen. Looks like HE'S feeling the same thing though.. he realized. He looked back down at the brown haired girl in front of him, back into the hazel eyes that shone so much in the light reflecting them. He would get to know this girl somehow, even if he WAS on tour all the time, and he WOULDNT be in Ottawa forever. That thought all of a sudden shocked him. He wasnt going to be in Ottawa forever. What would he do when he had to leave?! He finally decided to GO for it..he had nothing to LOSE, right??
Kevin slowly slid his arms around Kim's waist, around her tight baby blue shirt, and pulled her forcefully towards himself. Kim was SHOCKED at first, but she wanted this, so grinned up at him meaningfully and slid her arms around his waist as well. She couldnt help but go crazy feeling THAT..feeling his warm body against hers..his strong body next to her stomach... his leather pants...
Without them even realizing..the DJ switched to a slower song. The song was familiar to both of them, but they couldnt quite hear the opening notes. Suddenly Kim clued in "..lying beside you, here in the dark, feeling your heart beat with mine.." It was her and Jen's favourite song...Open Arms. Kim looked up at Kevin, who was still smiling down at her.
"My favourite SONG..." She whispered. Kevin tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her closer to her.
"Dance with me." He said softly, and placed his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes.
The song echoed loudly.
"...Oh so could our love be sooo blind.." Nick sang softly. Jen looked up at him, getting ready to take him closer to her.
"You like this too?" She asked quietly. Nick nodded. "It's my favourite" She smiled. Nick looked down at her and grinned.
"Perhaps we could dance together to it then??" He asked, his teeth showed as he smiled to her and took her hand in his again, then placing it on his shoulders. She quickly followed and put the other one behind his neck, as he rapped his around her waist. She smiled up at him and laughed as he sung the words.
"You goin to SING it too?" She laughed. He brushed her black shirt with his hand.
"I'll sing it to you" ...

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