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She sat down on the snow of the parking lot for a couple minutes. Feeling the snow fall onto the top of her jacket, and watching the snow continuously cover the ground before her. Tears began to well up in her eyes as her mind ran through everything he had said. Why would he go to so much work, come all the way home, and dissapear? Why would he write all those words, and not mean them? Why would he try-
"Savannah, come onnnn..." She heard a low voice come from behind her as arms began to help her up off the ground. She felt content thinking it would be Kevin finally coming back, after all her wishing, but when she turned around and saw the man behind her... snow falling onto his blond hair and his blue eyes squinting, her hopes dropped for once to see Justin. She got herSELF up and brushed off the snow that had now left a temporary water stain on her knees. Facing Justin and with her arms on his she immediately froze.
"Where IS HE?" She asked, tears beginning to almost fall from her cheeks. Justin glanced down at her with a small smile.
"Youre crying? Why?" He asked, trying his best to be sympathetic, but knowing what was really going on, felt it hard to. Savannah gave him a shocked expression and wiped some snow off her face with her mittens.
"WHY? Justin.. he... Kevin.... was HERE and... gone?! he's gone and...after that letter and.. I FORGIVE him! I forgive him for ever leaving! Obviously! But he's..."
"Gone.." Justin interrupted. Savannah sniffed and shook her head.
"Why..." She whispered. Justin looked up to the falling snow and then back down to the teary eyes of his best friend.
"You need more FAITH." he said, and handed her another piece of white paper. She wiped her eyes and took the paper..and unfolded it without questioning this time.

You must have forgiven me... because we both know youre my only love... and I'm hoping with all my heart that i'm your only too. You can go home now...

Savannah took a deep breath in.
"What is this? I dont get it..." She said puzzled. Justin laughed.
"You crazy. Come on." He said, and took her hand in his, leading her to his snow covered car they had parked outside the coffee shop. She held herself back as he pulled her.
"But where are we going?! We're gonna miss kevin again!" She protested. Justin kept dragging her and laughed.
"You can go home now." He repeated.
