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"JUSTIN!! JUSTIN what the HELL?!" Savannah yelled, running through the crunch of the white snow as she watched Justin speed off in his car... She gave up after only a couple seconds and stood, breathing heavily. The air had warmed and she looked up to the white Christmas lights that hung around the trees on every side of her as she turned around. Snowflakes began to fall gently.. one landing on her nose.. Savannah started walking towards the beach. Not knowing at all what Justin had been doing to her and feeling pretty pissed off on the inside, she stuck her hands in her pockets and roamed the area alone. It was so beautiful this time of year, this time of day. She had never been down there in the winter and she was amazed at the new found beauty she had been missing all these years... The snow covered the ground just perfectly... Not too much of it, but just enough to cover all the dirt and grass. A blanket of white. The trees had caught a thin layer of the snow on the tips of their branches, and the carefully placed white lights sparkled on each one. Savannah sighed quietly...

Being in Kevin's arms and feeling the total comfort of feeling a part of someone else moved Savannah more than anything before. As she swayed on the dance floor she watched as his hips slowly moved to the beat of each new song. She kept her eyes after on his.. They sparkled with the twist of every new dance move and she saw the Christmas lights off the tree reflecting perfectly in his eyes as he stared down at her.
"This is the first Christmas in a long time that I have someone to share it with..." She whispered. Kevin smiled and kissed her forehead.
"I'm just glad I could be the one you're sharing with..." He answered instinctively. She placed her head on his chest and heard the faint sound of his heart beat through the black suit he wore so well. She sighed as she felt his arms tighten around her small back...

Savannah was easily snapped out of her flashback when she felt a crunch under her boot on the snow. Not the crunch of the snow this time, but as she lifted her boot and looked down, she was three twigs. She looked around her to see if there were more around but, seeing none and considering it as nothing, she kept on walking. Savannah looked ahead of her, expecting sometime to realize why Justin had left her here. He was her best friend, there would always be a reason for something like this- and she was sure it must be a good one. Keeping in mind the words from Kevin in his letter, she kept walking. "You can go home now?" She repeated to herself quietly... shaking her head she realized- the words meant nothing to her. Suddenly she heard the same crunch under her foot again. She stopped and looked down.... three twigs again... The snow continued to fall on Savannah's boot and as she stopped to think for a second. Eventually it hit her. As she bent down touching the twigs she noticed how they were placed. And she turned back to see the last three she had tripped on to see they were placed the same way... In the shape of an arrow. A smile lit up her face as she traced her fingers through the snow and looked ahead of her. The arrows continued through the snow... Savannah, now realizing there WAS a reason for her being here, got herself up and continued on her path through the snow, following the twig-arrows, now with a permanent smile on her face. The snow fell and it made it hard for her to see what laid ahead, but looking down she would always find another arrow leading towards the beach. She began to laugh as it hit her how adorable all this was.. She didnt know where she was being led though. "Kevin?" She yelled out to the abandoned beach. No answer.
After a while of following the arrows on the snow and searching around her for any sign of life, Savannah was about to give in. She had no clue where she was going! Until she saw it... The faint glow a couple metres away. It was hard to make out what it was when the snow fell so lightly on her face, but she found it astounding. As she finally reached closer she felt her heart skip a beat.. There in the snow of the beach, next to the frozen water, abandoned on its own, was a heart. A heart layed out bigger than her if she were to lie down, made of candles. The candles flickered as the snow gently fell near them, but over 50 candles stood lit in the middle of the snow covered ground, and seen from above a huge heart warmed the air. The only lights around, it managed to light up for metres around her and as she edged closer she saw in the middle- written with rocks, the words "I love you Sailor"...
