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Savannah began to cry... Not cry heavily from hurt like the usual cry of the past few months, but just small tears of happiness. She was happy again, completely, knowing someone could love her this much.

*The two sat on the beach again this night, watching the waves hit the shore in front of them. It was where they first met, and where they would always go as long as it was near. The sunset slightly in the distance and it shadowed over the water. Savannah could feel how comfortable she was with Kevin. In his arms. She felt like she was home...
"If there's one place I feel comfortable, its here, with you..." She started whispering. Kevin smiled, and she could feel the small prickle of his goatee on the back of her neck.
"This will be our place then." He breathed. Savannah smiled to herself and watched the waves.
"Yep, feels like home...."*

That was it! She was home now. The beach.. it wasnt the beach she was USED to, but it was a beach, and she was... somewhat.. with Kevin. She could go home now. And she was. As the single tear fell down her cheek, she turned around, looking for any trace of Kevin.
"Time to come out now!" She yelled into the air, smiling. She waited a couple minutes... knowing he'd come out eventually. He had to, right?? He had brought her this far, it was obvious. "Kevinnnn..." She whispered. The snow continued to fall and she looked out onto the ice covered lake of the beach. Still there was no one around... She looked behind her at the big rocks and the forest after that... Nothin yet. She looked back over to the candle heart and smiled. Then one candle blew out, and her smile began to fade. The smoke filled the air for a second until the snow covered it. Savannah sighed. "Kevinnn..." She repeated. Her hope slowly fading, she didnt understand, but she started to walk. She took a couple steps near the edge, where the water should be hitting the shore, but since it was all snow and ice, it just wasnt right. She held her head down and began walking aimlessly, turning her back to the heart on the ground. "He did it again..." she thought to herself, and sighed as she kicked the snow under her feet.

After a couple minutes of walking, Savannah had been going so slow that she had hardly reached a couple metres away. When suddenly she heard something... It sounded like people singing, but she turned around, saw no one. The snow was falling, it was a little unclear, but she saw only the faint glow of the candles a couple metres back. She turned herself around and listened more carefully... When she noticed words she somewhat recognized, filled the air...
"....every night i dream about you.. ever since the day we said goodbye.."
Her smile reappeared as the music grew louder for the next line.
"if i wasnt such a fool... right now i'd be holding you..."
She laughed to herself. The music was familiar, she knew Kevin had written the song... It was such a beautiful tune that she knew nobody else could have possibly thought it up. And Savannah started to run, as the snow fell on her face and crunched beneath her boots on the ground, she ran back to the heart when she saw a figure appear out of the rocks behind it.
"..the words to say the roads to take.. to find a way back to your heart..."
She slowed down and saw a man in a suit walking closer to the heart. She snow covered her clear view, but as she got closer a huge smile filled her face and the single tear fell again. She stopped a couple feet away from him, observed his chiseled jaw line as he smiled, the wrinkle in his nose as he laughed slightly, and the rose in his pocket in the new black suit he wore so well. He kept his eyes locked on hers as the snow fell... It fell now like it was a celebration and as it fell on his suit the white dots showed up and then dissapeared with his body heat. She edged herself closer as he motioned with his index finger for her to come near him. Savannah smiled and stepped towards the lights that were now the only thing lighting up the night, as the moon had just come out. It got warmer as she stepped closer, and eventually the heat was just as if it was summer time again. She didnt take her eyes off of his, and she still observed the cute smile he kept on his face, and the dreamy look he held in his eyes.
