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Here are just some of the cages that I have built. Well the ones that I have made a picture of. I can make just about any kind of cage for a pet that you may like.

Tarantula's Cage

This was the first cage I made back in 1989. It held my Mexican red knee tarantula. This unique cage has a black light bulb in it so it wont be disturbed when you wish to view it. As you can tell I tried to make it look like an pyramid.

Scorpion's cage

This was the second cage that I have made. It held my to empire scorpions. This cage I wanted to like something like a house. Under the top I put a computer fan in, so it would blow fresh air in and blow air out of the cage. This one also had a black light in it. But I put an Florissant light in there because the Scorp's would turn like an neon green when it was on.

Small Reptial Cage

These was my first sell in cages. When I was working at Cage-it 2. We sold a lot of chameleons. Well a guy bought one but did not have anything to put it in.He said he looked and looked, and still no one sold anything he liked. Well with my experience with wood, I told him I could try making something for him. Well he figured out what he wanted, then told me and I built it. Not to brag but he loved it. he told his friends and that is why I build cages now.

Big Reptial Cage

This is his friends cage I built.It holds two chameleons.They were just a little bit bigger.

If you need a cage built and need someone to help you with it. Just e-mail me..

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