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Clara Bell

Source: Doug Roberts ( Issue #244, 9/2/89

This is simple, yet a little different from any of my previous batches. Ingredients were ordered from Great Fermentations
of Santa Rosa---great company...good stuff and two-day delivery


     7 pounds, light, unhopped syrup
     1 pound, Cara-pils malt, cracked
     1-1/2 ounces, Hallertauer hops pellets
     1 teaspoon, salt
     1 teaspoon, citric acid
     2-1/2 teaspoons, yeast nutrient
     2 tablespoons, Irish moss
     2 packs, Munton & Fison yeast


Put cara-pils and crystal malt in 2 gallon pot with 170-180 degree water for one hour, stir occasionally. Sparge into boiling pot with
enough water to bring volume to 3-1/2 gallons. Add syrup and 1 ounce of hops. Boil one hour, adding Irish moss in last 1/2 hour
and 1/2 ounce hops in last 10 minutes. Add salt, citric acid, and nutrient. Put in primary with enough water to bring volume to 5
gallons. Pitch yeast at about 75 degrees.


     O.G.: 1.059

Dry Ale

Source: Martin Lodahl (pacbell!pbmoss!mal@hplabs.HP.COM) Issue #203, 7/18/89

This beer had an unpleasant "dry" feeling to it and left me thirsty. Possibly my sparging procedure could be at fault with
too much hot water being passed over the grains. It is also possible that the yeast was too attenuative or that the
fermentation temperatures were too high (ambient temperature fluctuated between 70 and 90 degrees).


     3 pounds, light Scottish malt extract
     3 pounds, 2-row pale malt
     9 AAU, Kent Goldings hops
     Edme ale yeast
     1 teaspoon, gelatin
     1 ounce, PolyClar-AT
     1 cup, corn sugar (priming)


This beer was made using the small-scale mash procedure described by Miller in The Complete Handbook of Home Brewing.