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From the very beginning, WWTT has been comprised of three very distinct and very simple ideas. Due to many reasons, these three ideas have not been conveyed in the manner they should have been. There is a link at the bottom of this page to the original concept that was debated many times. The material on this page represents the core ideas behind WWTT.

The Purpose:
1) To create awareness of different types of fanfics posted to the internet. When this challenge began, disclaimers and ratings were NOT a common feature on websites that featured fanfics. Two years later, it's hard to find a website that doesn't have some sort of disclaimer on it somewhere.
2) To remind people that the Backstreet Boys are real people. It seems like a silly idea, but thanks to the abundance of fanfics and websites available, some people may forget that Brian, Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick are living, breathing people - not characters. Many people write fanfics about television or movie characters (all fictional characters) and then there are fanfics featuring celebrities (all real people).
3) To provide a list of sites that agree with what WWTT has to say. Not everyone wants to read the same kind of fanfics for many reasons: age, religion, morals, personal beliefs, personal interests, etc. The sites listed on the Supporters list belong to people who have made the personal decision NOT to post sexually or graphically explicit fanfics on their sites.

Not The Purpose:
1) To attack any person, story, or website.
2) To say that one person is better than another.
3) To argue religion or morals.
4) To speak for the Backstreet Boys.
5) To force our views on anyone.
6) To censor anyone.

We here at WWTT would like to apologize for any confusion from information we posted on this site (excluding any entries in the guestbooks but our own) that resulted in any bad or hard feelings. We would also like to apologize for any overzealous person who "flamed" or attacked any person or site in the name of WWTT. We did not put this site up to cause a war among BSB fans.

[Original Concept]