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The WWTT Forum

This is the place to ask a question that anyone can answer. The guestbook rules apply here as well.

The WWTT Guestbook Rules

If you would like to leave your opinion in the What Would They Think? guestbook, we ask that you adhere to a few simple rules when posting.

    1. Read the FAQ before posting anything in the guestbook. Your question may already be answered.
    2. No posting of fanfics.
    3. No excessive foul language.
    4. No attacking, insulting, or harassing anyone.
    5. No discussion on any of the following topics:
      * Morals and/or religion
      * Child labor and/or sweatshops
      * "Sex is a part of life"
      * Freedom of Speech
      * Politics
    6. No use of the "it's only FICTION" argument. Fiction is defined as literature in which the plot and the characters are imaginary.(The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, New Third Edition) The BSB are REAL people, not imaginary.

If any entries violate these rules, they will be deleted.

These rules are subject to change at the will of WWTT's co-founders. Make sure you read this page carefully before posting future entries.

Do you agree with these terms?

I Agree / I Disagree

View WWTT Guestbook v.02
View WWTT Guestbook v.01