How do I tell you what that word means to me?
Some of us were blessed enough to have sisters born by our mothers.
Those who are not blessed in that way are doubly blessed by the sisters we meet along lifes highway.We the ladies that travel that perilous road known as life, we too are blessed.
Around a corner one day we meet a stranger.
We do not know her, but she looks so familiar.
We greet her and extend a smile and our hand.
Before we know it, is as if we have known her always.
We share the laughter, the tears, the triumphs, and the disasters.
We find we have many things in common.
We love life, we love mankind and we long to make a better world.
We are unafraid to take an unknown path in search of enlightment.This is only a small part of what the word sisters means to me.
It is impossible to write everything on paper. So many meanings are of the heart and can be felt but not explained. The path we follow is always bumpy, it has its peaks and valleys. A sister is always there for each step and each misstep we make. She gives always her love, loyalty and encouragement. She is truly one of God's greatest gifts.
This page is dedicated to my two dearest sisters, who have always been there for me, who have given fully of the gift of love, light and laughter.
To you my sisters ~Guanja and Polgara2, thank you for being my sisters.
~Ayor Anosh'ni~
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