My Katie Ann
My Katie Ann is the grandaughter of my heart. She is a loving sweet child. I call her my Sarah Bernhardt, for those of you who don't know, Sarah was a very well known silent film actress. Sarah was known for her ability to emote hugely. This a joke between Katie Ann and her Grandma Rose. She is given to histrionics in the extreme. LOL Every- thing is a major crisis with her. I can't help getting tickled watching her acting talents. She is such a joy to have with me whenever I can. Un- fortunately she lives in Kentucky, a fair distance from Florida. How we miss her when she isn't here! She is as mischievous as a kitten. Her sense of adventure is a joy to behold. She will tell you in a heartbeat that she wants to grow up just like her Grandma Rose. What a wonderful honor she gives to me!! I don't think that anyone she has met has been able to do anything but love her back. Her personality is such that is like the sun shining so brightly after a storm. You can't help but smile back at her.
My darling Katie Ann, may the white light of love surround you always. May your path through life be rich in love, happiness, compassion and peace. May your guardian angels cradle you softly in their wings and keep you from harm. May Our Father guide you and shower you with His goodness all the days of your life.