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Little Buddy

The "little buddy," as we affectionately call him
is our wonderful grandson, David.
He will be three years old this September.
He is all the wonderful things
little boys that age are supposed to be.
He is a happy child with the
sweetest disposition I have ever seen in a
child He has his moments of mischief
but they are never mean spirited.
He has a wonderful sense of adventure.
He has no fear, of course the no fear
thing is normal for a child his age.
LOL His wonderful laughter is totally infectious.
Everything is an adventure to him.
Of course he loves his poppa and
My mema which we return tenfold.
He has recently moved out of state
with his mama and daddy, but
there isn't an hour of any day that
our thoughts don't lovingly dwell on him.
I must say, however, that we are
probably slightly predjudiced on this count,
but after all that's what grandparents are for.
To put it simply he is our heart!

I have put on this page a few of his favorite things.
He is mad about Steve and Blues Clues.
I must say we have all gotten some very strange
looks when we have been heard humming
one of the programs songs in public. ~smile~

For you, my grandson, may the light of God's
love forever shine on you.
May your path in life be filled with loving souls
and many blessings. May your Guardian Angel
always cradle you gently
and protectively in her wings.
My greatest wish is that you always know
how much you are loved by poppa and my mema.

May God Bless you Always

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