Little Hubert
This is my grandson Hubert the third. As you can see by his eyes he is a rascal. More like a carbon copy of his dad, my oldest son. The little ditty about snails and puppydog tails could have been written just for him. LOL His sense of humor is unbounding. In answering me once and I can't even remember the question, he told me " a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do". He had us rolling be- cause he was all of 4 years old. He is a loving child always ready to give or recieve a hug. Of course he is a scamp as are all boys that age. LOL He can get into more trouble than Huckleberry Finn. Then just as his father before him, he looks at you with those big blue eyes, a wide eyed inocent look as if to say "who me"? Of course you tell him, don't try that one on me, it didn't work for your daddy either. LOL One can't help but love him with all the love he shares with everyone. Unfortunately we don't get to see him as often as we would like, he lives in Kentucky and thats a far ways from Florida. He is always in our thoughts and prayers.My grandson may your path in life be lighted with love, wisdom and compassion. May Our Father guide you over the bumpy spots in your life. May the angels stay close and protect you from harm.
I love you Little Hubert
Your Grandma Rose