"O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
O brave new world, that has such people in't."
The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1
This page is dedicated to my bestest brother.
He is a caring, gentle man with the heart of
a lion and the soul of a poet.
The first thing you notice about him is
his delightful sense of humor, his friendliness
to strangers and his kindness. His bravery
and his decency are inherent traits that are so much
a part of what he is. He is loyal to his friends
and that is a quality much to be admired. I
count the blessing of having him for a much loved
brother each day as I thank my Heavenly Father for
all the blessings I have recieved. The crossing
of my brothers path with my path in life is one of my
greatest blessings. He has many admirable qualities.
His ability to bring love and sunshine into a room with
with his entrance is unequealed. My brother's
heart has no boundries, just as his caring qualities
of thoughtfullness, giving and caring do not. I
know if I were ever to call upon him, he would answer;
"What can I do to help you my sister?" This is
the very fiber of my brother. He helps with an open
heart, he never hesitates if someone is in need. It
may be a kind word or a smile, but whatever it is
my brother stands ready to give of himself; and
to me, that is the greatest gift of all!
Now I must say a word about his cooking. LOL
We have had much fun teasing him about his
escapades in the kitchen, and he always replies with
the rare quality of being able to laugh at one's self,
and to give the gift of humor while doing so. He
really is a marvelous cook despite all our teasing. ~smile~
Oh and not let me forget Shakespeare, how my brother loves
Shakespeare. He has a prodigious memory and can quote his
works at will. Of course my brothers love of Shakespeare is
an indication of his enormous intellect. In
this my brother is extremely gifted.
Malvolio has become a very dear brother. I love him very much.
He is the BESTEST brother of all!
~Ayor Anosh'ni~
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