My Friends
This Page is Dedicated To My Friends
A friend to me is someone whom I can
call day or night, and they will answer,
"how can I help?" A friend is someone who
sees when you're in pain and comforts you.
A friend is someone who sees your joy and
celebrates with you. A friend is someone
that sees you stumble and fall and comes
running to help you back to your feet. A
friend always gives you counsel but never
tells you which path to take. A friend is
someone who listens to your sometimes unwise
statements, but never judges. A friend is
someone who sees you start down a path that
is far from the path you really wish to take,
and your friend will gently steer you with love
towards the path that is alight with His love.
The word friend means so many things to me,
but I think the most important meaning of
friendship is the giving of yourself.
~Ayor Anosh'ni~
Below are the names of some of the people
I am honored to call my friend:
~Guanja Malvolio Polgara Ntu Dollyangel watcheer Bingo91 spiritsong Celestial Son Here2talk Metis Lutenist Dee Tam KingTut Gmajor Pippo Pnut Kat Ausz Caprm JtheBear