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My Love

This page is dedicated to the love of my life, my dearest husband Sandy.  We met in 1961 at the Navy Hospital Corp School, at Great Lakes, Illinois.  I still remember the day, he was one of the last people to enter the classroom.  He was also the petty officer picked to be in charge of our company.  I remember watching him as he entered, and I thought boy that is one good looking sailor, its too bad he knows it. LOL  All I could see was, arrogance with a capitol A.  Little did I know that the rest of my life would be entwined with his, and if anyone had told me at that moment, I wouldn't have believed it either.  Of course the fates of love were working in the background, he knew it instantly, it just took me a little longer.  We still enjoy a giggle when we remind each other of the time the woman officer in charge of my barracks, took me into her office to warn me about Sandy.  He was a fleet sailor, whatever that meant.  At the time I was only 18 years old and very naive.  What she was trying to tell me that was that he had been in the navy awhile and was a love em and leave em sailor.  LOL She hadn't reckoned with the mysteries of destiny that seem to control our lives.   Of course I didn't listen and it wasn't very long before I was so in love with him, that the thought of being seperated even one day was unbearable.  What a wonderful, marvelous time we have had, and for that matter are still having!  His love is totally unconditional, and truly without boundries.  His heart is beyond measuring in size.  He is very much a man, but his soul is gentle.  His soul is that of a romantic though he would not say so.  We were married in March of 1962, we have reared two boys and now have five precious grandchildren.  The most wonderful thing is that we are now more in love than when we married.  We have traveled some very bumpy roadsand sailed some very rough waters, but this has only resulted in bringing us even closer together.  I can proudly say that this man is my whole world!  He has given me the world!  One of joy, laughter and most importantly love.  He is the shining star of my sky, because of his love I can look backand say, I wouldn't change a single thing!  I can look forward with such excitement and expectation for the memories we are going to make.  I love this man deeply and with all my heart, beyond eternity.  Sandy, is the greatest blessing our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon me.  I shall be eternally grateful and thankful.

May God forever Bless you my husband, and may the angels cradle you softly in their wings.  May you always know how much you are loved and how much you are my heart.  May your path in life be always lighted with love, kindness, joy and happiness.

I love you my heart.

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