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Rose’s Home

Hello!  I am a woman of indeterminate age,
which means I lie about my age.
I have been happily married for
thirty-seven years.  I have two
grown sons and three grandchildren.

I have held many positions in my
lifetime, but the one closest to
my heart is that of wife and mother;
but please don’t think this has
limited me in any way.
In actual fact, it has only added
positives to the woman I have become.
I have many fields of interest.
I love to read just about any novel
ever written classic or not.
I have over three thousand books in my humble
library.Of course this is partly due
to the fact that once I have read a book,
it becomes a friend and I can't bear to
part with it.~smile~I also love to crochet,
my speciality being the pleasure I am
gifted with in making blankets for my
family and friends.I also love to paint
seascapes and landscapes in oils.
Also there is my love of ceramics,
which I do as often as possible.
Movies, I love movies especially
the romantic ones, such as my two all
time favorites, Casablanca and Dr. Zhivago.
I know I am an incurable romantic LOL .
I am also an N.F.L. football fanatic.
I love my Washington Redskins, despite
the season, and for all you doubters out
there, we always come back.~smile~

Now my newest hobby is the internet
and the making of web pages, something
I am just learning to do.
Before I forget please let me
thank my two wonderful sisters,
Polgara and ~Guanja, who have showed
unlimited patience and understanding
in attempting to teach me the ropes.
They are two of the best friends
anyone could have, and I love
them dearly.

Oh, and let me not forget cats.
I am a lover of all animals, cats
being my favorite.I am presently
owned by four cats, Yuri, Tiger,
Ginger and Samantha.They would be
heartbroken if I were to leave them out.

Thank you for visiting my page,
I hope you enjoyed your visit.~smile~

~Ayor Anosh'ni~

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July 27, 1999