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The story-Ch.2


Same comments apply as first chapter....


Sparks fly. A light lands 3 feet away from AJs feet in mid-pelvic thrust.

AJ~ What the f*ck???

The crowds screams as vengeful laughter fills the Rupp Arena.

Each and every BSB look up exct for Kevin- who used the distraction to make out with Tegan.

JC and Justin from above~ Hoo-hahaha. Thought we were dead, huh? Well-we're very much alive!!! They step out onto a balcony. JC has a bullet proof vest on and Justin is wearing a neck cast.

JC- thought you could take advantage of me,eh? Just because I'm dumb doesn't mean I'm an idiot!!! (crowd murmurs in confusion) JC pausess to think. YOU....KILLED..MY....BAND!!!!!

Howie-uh no we didn't. Steph and Tegan did.

JC- oh, um then why an I here??? Huh. Umm....well, can I have an autograph? My cousin loves you guys.

Brian- well, sure!

JC- OK. (He makes his way over to Brian.

Justin- What the hell are you doing??

JC- well, Its not THEIR fault my band died.

Justin- ummm, yah- whatever- get the hell out of here.

JC gets his autographs and leaves.

Justin--well, I'm still mad. My neck is broken!!! Look what you did to me!!!

AJ- Huh? What'd we do? You fell off the stage!!!

Justin- You pushed me!!!

AJ- What??? That was part of the choreography!!! Haven't you ever danced before???? Oh- wait- you were part of 98°. Ohhhhh.....That explains it.

Justin- Oh. Well, OK. Ummm...ByEEE then.

He leaves.

Howie- well....(speaking out to the audience).....((wink))...sorry about that...((wink))...where were we?...((wink, wink))...

Kevin- AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! God dammit Howie!!! He tackles Howie. "Stop winking!!! I can't stand it!!!! You son of a..."

Nick- Dude, man get off him!!! (whining)He's Miiiiine!!

AJ pulls Kev away with the help of Brian.

Kev~ I'm gonna rip his god damn...

(Brian~Don't use the lord's name in vain)

Kev~....Eye OUT!!!!

Howie~ I'm sorry man- I'll stop! Promise!!!!

Kev- really? Promise? OK.

Howie goes to hug kev.

Kev- get the hell off me!!!

Brian-(in order to save the show)...."all the way, uh huh, uh, huh, everyday....

(The rest join in)

After the concert- the after party.

AJ-(with beer in hand- slurring wordsss-talking to Kev)~, I 'hiccup' reeeeeally like .....liked Justin.......he....was....niiiiiice....why'd he go byee again???? heyyyyy.....(looks at Brian)hasn't Beer ok been...alot of coffeeee?

Kev-(sober eyeing Tegan across the room) Uh- I dunno. Why don't you...go...sit...down.

AJ- OK.....(he sits down on the floor......and passes out)

Kevin grabs a couple beers.

Brian-(drinking loads of coffee and walks over to Stephanie)" Guuuuuueeeesss what! (he jumps when his says what for emphasis) I-think-tonite-went-great!-That's just great-you!-know?-the!-justin!-and!-JC!-thing! -was!-weird!-b ut!-thats!-ok!-you!-know!-what?-i!-like!-chee se!-i'm-gonna- go!-get!-some!-cheese!-do!-you!-mind!-if-I-ge t-cheese-no?-i 'll!-be!-right-back-then-bye-!!!!"

Stephanie- decides to take advantage of Brian's over hyperness. "Here, let me get you another coffee, K? Then we can go back to your hotel room and put that "energy" to good use...."

Brian-Ok-but-I-have-to-get-some-cheese-fir st-or-I-can't- function-okay?

Stephanie-Ok....(looks around room, and asks Howie) ummm......How? Where's Kevin? I haven't seen Him in a while. I wanted to-(interrupted by large thud coming from the hotel room-and a giggle from Tegan inside)-Oh-nevermind.

Steph again-Well, I gotta go tear Bri from the Cheese.

She walks past AJ who has woken up and was coming on to an uninterested end table.

Brian meets Steph, hungerily chomping on cheddar, and grabs Steph.

Brian-Let's go baby


Brian-Oh- I was talking to the cheese, but yah-you too


Tegan-(in bedroom with Kevin) You can't get meee!!!!!! Your too S....L.....O...WWW!!!!

Kevin- hey! what's

Tegan- Nothin baby, I just was teasin'. You know I love your sexy, southern, sl....ow....voice!!! (giggle)

Kevin- That's it!!!!! (he lunges after her)

They passionately kiss again

Tegan- maybe thats why you never get to sing, you take too much CD space!! (she giggled )


tegan- I didn't say that!!!

Kevin- I'm gonna resolve this once and for all!!!

He storms out of the bed room and chases after Stephanie and Brian.

Kevin- BRIAN!!

Brian- Hmmm?

Kevin- I am sick and tired of you not letting me sing!!!! Dammit! I never get to! Yu are a song hogging, short,balding, selfish pig!!!!

Brian- What????!!!!!


Brian-It's not my fault you can't sing!

Kevin- (Slugs Brian- brian flies and hits the wall 20 feet behind him)

Kevin- OMG! I'm sorry! I had a few beers, and you know what a 'few' beers is for us southerners! OMG. Are you OK?

Brian- (the sense was knocked into him from Kevin's blow) OMG too! I didn't mean what I said! I thought you were Howie! You can sing!! Really!

They embrace, and after a second, their man hood steps in...."dude!" they say in unision- pushing each other away.


and PS- I wrote all on this page- so I didn't make it yellow.Entertainment Tegan