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My Cross Country Move

On July 13th, 1999 I moved from my lovely little setting of Cali to the wretched East Coast. Of course I don't MIND the east coast, but I just hate the fact I'm soooo very far from my bestest buds n the west coast. Oh well.

But anyways, I didn't fly like normal people to here, I drove with my mom. Here are some of the stops we stopped at to sleep or visit...

Day From To
1 Travis AFB, CA Reno NV
2 Reno Salt Lake City
(((we stopped at Arches National Park)))
3 SLC, UT Grand Junction CO
4 GJ, CO Goodland, KS
(((mom ate a Buffalo burger- eww)))
5 Goodland Higginsville, MO
6 Higginsville, MO Evansville,IN
7 Evansville Lexington, KY
(((I made sure we stopped there. We spent
the nite, and then spent the day)))
8 Lex town here

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