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Tegan has friends

Friends play and important role in my life. MAJOR big role. I may not have many here, in WV- but where I moved from- they meant the world to me. Here are some of the big ol imortant people that deserve a lil spot on my page...I LUV YOU GUYS!!!

Table of Contents: (scroll down for your name... or the person you are interested in knowing)

1. Mitch 2. Jennica 3. Kristina 4. Stephanie 5. Leslie 6. Michelle 7. Adrian

MITCH-aka Bone jr., 4, Bone


hair color: dark brown eye: dark brown

Likes: BSB, karate like stuff, drawing, japanimation, the Philipines, scary movies, AJ, buffy

Dislikes: pity parties, know-it alls, superficial people, 'perfect' people, untrust worthy people, morons, britney queers

What makes him cooler than cool: his personality, his humor, his intellect, his drawing ability, HE LOOKS LIKE AJ!!!

Location: I knew him in Cali-but he now resides in Vegas


JENNICA-aka Frack, 5, Andie, Monica, Jenn


hair color:dark brown

eye:dark brown

Likes: Nick and the BSB, Buffy and Angel, Christina Aguilera, the Philipines, shopping, jokes, talking on the phone, movies, TITANIC, cleaness

Dislikes: Beeatches, the philipino clan at our old school-she has nothin against that race- She IS Philipino- but some of those people in that group just suck--messiness, Britney queers

What makes her cooler than cool: she gets my jokes, her personality, her intellect, she is responsible, she's just down right cool



KRISTINA-aka Kaycee, Chau, 7


hair color: black

eye: dark brown

Likes: the BSB, brian, Drew Barrymore, movies, talking on the phone, Sanrio-so does Frack-,filipino/korean stuff

Dislikes:mean people, the clan,etc

What makes her cooler than cool: she's very sweet, writes really cool, super nice, likes the bsb, is loyal



STEPHANIE-aka Fricktion, Mrs. Littrell, 25, Steph, Stephers(heh heh)


hair color:light brown/brown

eye:hazelish blue

Likes:the bsb,brian, the internet, making sites, talking on the phone, hanging out, shopping, the Goo goo Dolls, Enrique Inglesias, mandy moore, Robbe Carrico KY, stupid people, perfectionists, 1/2 bsb likers, N Stync, britney Queers

What makes her cooler than cool:She's my psychic twin, my fellow sungoddess, and my KY cousin in law, and and joint site maker, she rocks in HTML, she likes all the stuff I like



LESLIE-aka 19, winner, shortee empress/princess Leslita


hair color:dark brown

eye: dark brown

Likes: r & b, trends, shopping, badtz maru, talking on the phone, hanging out, emailing

Dislikes:mean people

What makes her cooler than cool:she's very sweet, and unique, she's off the wall hyper sometimes, very nice, emotional- but not too much, understanding



MICHELLE-aka 17. shellbert, shell, shelly, shelbertino-add an ending


hair color: dark blonde

eye: blue

Likes: the BSB/Rock/Rap, Brian, hanging out, talking, going places with friends, soccer, talking on the phone

Dislikes:stupid, meaan, arrogant people

What makes her cooler than cool: she's shy-or quiet rather sometimes, she can get as hyper as me, she's fun, she listens, she's sporty, she's lived in different areas, she isn't boy crazy, she's dope

Location: I knew her in Cali, but she's now in Germany


ADRIAN-aka well I used to call her adjee


hair color:brown

eye:hazelish green

Likes:The bsb, movies, surfing, roxy, shopping, alt music, talking on the phone, swimming, adventures on the golf course in the backyard, animals

Dislikes: don't really know

What makes her cooler than cool:she's just cool, she listens, is fun, and even though I don't know her well anymore, we're still best friends, she doesn't need a guy to be complete, I think she's pretty too =)

Location: I knew her 1-5th grade in NC

Online Friends:
Adrianne, Adriana, Becka, Jenny and Amanda, Alison....

SOON TO COME-Megan- Toria- Delila- Tyrone- David- Eric, and all the others I forgot


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