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My Brush With Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek is set in MA. But the actual place where it's filmed is Wilmington NC. One hour south from where I was born. When I was in dancing..I had recitals at University of North Carolina- Wilmington.((Its a good College- Tait may transfer there later))

A couple of years ago when I still lived in CA, Mom was considering moving there. So over the summer, we flew there to check it out. We stayed in Havelock NC because we wanted to visit Morehead- a small lil beach nowhere town- too.

Any ways....we went to Wilmington and I was a huge freak of Dawson's Creek. I still like the show, but I watch it less frequently. I wanted to get pics of the Ice House and places where it's filmed. I had heard that James Vander Beek and Joshua Jackson used to live above this restruant by the water called the Deluxe. I begged mom to go so to shut me up we did. We reached the Deluxe and saw a menu outside. So we were all lookin at the menu, and decided if it was worth going to. We finally thought we knew what we wanted, and opened the door.

We almost collided into this guy and some blonde chick. A very hot guy. With brown hair About 6 feet tall. Hmmm........any idea who the hell I'm talking about?? Josh Jackson- for all you non- DC watchers. Anyway- I'm basically stuttering...and mom is like,"Isn't that?" And I have a camera in my hand.

Well- I stupidly decide to not interrupt him and his persomal life...while he and my mom have a short convo. There was some construction going on down the street, and dust was everywhere. He said," Whoa- what is going on down there?" and mom says,"I think it's construction."

And It manage to still stutter and not breathe. I watch him walk away, and finally my hand eye coordination comes back. I take a pic of him when he's 20 feet away....of his back. Oh well. It was him dammit.

When we went inside to eat, the waiter guy asks if I knew who that was. I nod and tell him how stupid I was for not asking for a pic. And he tells me I should have because Josh is really nice and he would have. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Stupid stupid Tegan.

Well- there was my brush with Dawson's Creek.

Note- I did get a pic of the Ice House, and the Deluxe. I'll try to have them scanned one day. Wilmington is a really cool lil town. It has some cool beaches too.

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