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My Lex Concert
My Lex Town Concert Review

My Concert Review

I went to the Lexington KY concert, and it totally rocked. I left Wednesday the 25th, to get there early. I was staying at the Hyatt- where the BSB were also staying. We got there around 3, and we were on the 11th floor. The buses were there already, and the BSB were staying on the 16th. The dancers and band were also on the 14th, 15th, and 1 was on the 11th- my floor.

That day I met two friends off the internet who were also going to the Lexington Concert. We went to the bar, to sit and who walks in Dennis from the band. We sat next to his able and Mindy even comes in for a while. They were having a good time- so we didn't bother them. We got bored- so I went up to the 15th floor. We found the stairs and and went up to the 16th floor. There we stayed from 11 to 3 in the morning. The BSB weren't on the floor, because Brian was called out on ome family emergency. But at 3 a security guard came up and asked why we weren't on our own floor. So we left. After that- yes it was 3 AM we ran into the dancers in the lobby. I got my pic taken with Red the dancer, and one of the black dancers. He and his other friend (another dancer) sang Happy Bday to me and my friends- we were there for our bdays. They were really wild. Then I saw Tommy-he looked mad and alot older than I thoght he looked. I was really tired so I went up to my room.

The next day- the day of the concert- I went out earlier with my mom and got a T shirt, and tourbook and all that other stuff. At 6 everyone was already there. They let us in around 7. ((I heard that at some gates they checked for cameras, but at mine, they had no one checkin.)) We had to wait for at least 30 minutes. Finally- Mandy more came out. She sang a few songs, and she wasn't too bad. She had 5 dancers, and sang along to a track...she could've used a band.

Then EYC came out. The were very self-involved and kept repeating their names over and over. The dark haired one kept lifting his stupid shirt, it was annoying, but I was too excited to really care.

FINALLY- 20 minutes later, the smoke came out from the black box where the BSB were and Star Wars music came on. The rose up and slowly came toward the stage. They landed and went into a routine completely different from the video. At the end they introduced themselves. AJ's hair was average length and it was brown, Nicks hair was the perfect length, and Brian couldn't stop smiling, when Kev's turn came up- he could barely talk. He said that they made a bet on which song he would start crying on. He was choked up already-Aj won the bet.

They continued with The One, As Long As you Love Me (where they flew over the crowd and threw teddy bears), Don't Wanna Lose You Now, Quit Playin Games, Don't Want You Back- where they climbed on these ladders and hung upside down-Then came the Perfect Fan.

Brian and Kevin brought their moms on stage. Tates Creek High School choir-brians old school, and the choir that sang on the actual CD-came on stage. They were in tuxes. Nick had a little girl walk around on stage with him, and AJ's girl seemed very uninterested, so he paid more attention to Nicks little girl. I couldn't see Howie' girl. Kev and Brian spent most of their time with their moms.

Then came Back to Your Heart, where Kev sat at the piano and played with Mindy on the saxophone. Everybody was next, followed by We've Got It Goin On, That's the Way I Like It, Spanish Eyes, I'll Never Break Your Heart, No One Else Comes Close, the pink suits with All I Have To Give, Then Show Me the Meaning- where the dancers danced like salsa dancers- then they said good bye, and came back for It's Gotta Be You and introduced the dancers and Howie did his funny little rap...... left again and came back one more time for I Want It That Way.

The whole show was great, and - the lights were really cool, and the guys were in a great mood. Nick was pretty darn personable- and I like him alot more now. I took a whole bunch of pix- but I don't know if they turned out. They were throw away cameras.

After the concert- I went back to the Hyatt. I stayed in the lobby and hung around to wait for my friends. We went on the elevator and saw that the 16th floor was lit up. So we stayed on and went up to the floor. We stayed up there for a while and the BSB bassist came to the elevator doors. He was really nice (Louis Vigilante) and signed an autograph for me and some stupid teeny boppers. The Teeny Boppers were being really loud and that attracted the security guards- so evryone had to leave.

I went downstairs, and as soon as I get there- I hear this ear piercing scream. Some girl spotted AJ in the lounge below-we could see by the stairs. So of course 50 girls come out of nowhere to see him. I couldn't see for like 2 minutes, then when the security guards pushed everyone back- I got a peek. He was looking up, and quickl apologized for not being able to talk. Then he went back to playing pool.

I knew where the bar/sports lounge was so I went downstairs and stood outside it with my mom and about 15 other girls. We weren't allowed in unless you were 21. So my mom went in. She sat there just 10 feet away from AJ. Girls were being really stupid and even actually tried to climb the windows. AJ was handling everything really well. He couldn't sign autographs, and the security guards would kick you out if you took a pic. I felt bad- AJ was just trying to play pool, and all of those girls were making all the attention go on AJ.

The people in the bar barely cared. Finally I had to leave-I hadn't eaten since 2 and it was 1. I went to bed, and the next day my friends saw Howie working out. I missed it. Security was really tight, and there were so many teeny boppers around that made it extra tight. I went and checked out with my mom, and we left to go find Long John Silvers- the one Brian worked at. We found it and I got a pic of me in front of it.

I'm gonna try my best to get tix for the next tour.

Tegan 'Richardson'

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