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Tegan's connections
I Have a Friend Who's Dad Knows Robbie Carrico

Hey, at least it isn't I know a friend of my cousins friend, who's dad lives in the same town as Robbie.

Anyway, as soon as I get a pic of Robbie, I'll put it up. But Mr. Robbie is pretty darn hot. Think Just Timberlake, but better, and w/ better hair. He is in the up and coming band Boyz N Girlz United. There are two boys and two girls in the group. Boys- Robbie, and Double D. Girls- Cris Ruiz, and Rina. I have their demo tape- which Steph- the friend that knows him- oh so kindly gave to me and a B/W pic.

Their single drops in January, Thats What They Say, and their album will in March. Robbie was born in the city that I live in now, and he just dropped by Stephanie's house yesterday. So check em out, will ya?

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