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Pele, as everyone knows is the goddess of the volcano in the Hawaiian Islands. The Japanese also have a goddess of the volcanos. It appears that in the eastern cultures, the gods of the volcanos are all goddesses. Remember Ochun's close association with Agallu and how they both are associated with rivers. It appears that Ochun has taken over Agallu's place as volcano god in the East. All of you who know the Orishas know that the fury of Ochun can be equal to an erupting volcano. We have always noticed that the children of Ochun always seem to like Oriental statuary and ceramics. Perhaps that is because Ochun likes beautiful things and likes to surround herself with them. This is the only explanation that might possibly explain why in the Orient, the diety of the volcano is female, instead of predominately male, as in the rest of the world. Perhaps this is also related to the fact that in the East, the sometimes superior spiritual strength of the female is more recognized. Although males are stronger physically, they are spritually more passive, while females are more agressive on the spriritual level.

Above you have a picture taken of a ceiba that is more than 100 years old from Cuba. The Ceiba is considered to be a holy tree in the religion. Many elders say that you must cross your arms and ask permission before entering into the shade of a ceiba. The Ceiba is considered to be the home of Agallu, along with the Royal Palm. Other Orishas also congregate at the ceiba and spirits of the dead are always there. Many offerings are taken for Agallu and other Orishas to the ceiba after they have passed the specified time in front of the Orisha to whom they were offered. The other Orishas that often meet at the ceiba are Iroko, Boma, Obatala, and Nana. Many ceremonies are performed at the ceiba, including cleanings and cures for diseases. The ceiba is not only sacred in the Lucumi tradition. The practicioners of Palo Mayombe and other Bantu-based Congo rites also work with the spirits that live in and around the ceiba. If you have ever been around a ceiba, you can feel the Mysteries there and automatically treat this special tree with respect.