Why is Babaluaye associated with dogs? This is one of the reasons that the Catholic Saint, San Lazaro, was chosen to represent him in his cristianized version. The image of San Lazaro contains dogs, and naturally he was chosen to represent Babaluaye. He was chosen also for the fact also that Lazarus rose from the dead, just as Babaluaye did. When Babaluaye had to leave the kingdom of the Yorubas (Why is another story), he consulted Orunla and Orunla told him to take two dogs with him. Ogun and Ochossi gave him the dogs and they accompanied him on his journey through the rain forest. The dogs helped guide him on his journey to the land of the Araras, where he became King. (That, too, is another story). For that reason, it is recommended that when you see beggars on the street, accompanied by dogs, that you give them something. It might be Babaluaye in desguise!