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Many practicioners on the feast of Babaluaye or San Lazaro do a special offering as a means of asking for the Orisha's blessings and good health. This offering is called AWAN, which means basket in the Lucumi dialect. The Orisha is placed on the floor and in front of the Orisha is placed a wicker basket. In the basket is placed first a piece of sackcloth and on top of that is placed a piece of purple cloth. The cloth must be big enough to fill the entire basket. If you have not received this Orisha, you may use a statue of San Lazarus or a picture of the Saint. Around the basket is placed 7 white dishes, each filled with different kinds and dried beans such as red beans, white beans, black beans, etc. and toasted corn. At exactly 12:00 midnight on the 16th of December, water from a Jicara (empty half-gourd) is sprinkled in front of the Orisha or Saint and Babaluaye is asked to remove illness and to give good health for the coming year. Then everyone present takes a handful of beans from each dish and passes them all over the body and then throws them into the basket. When everyone has done this, the four ends of the cloth in the basket are tied and the offering is taken to the woods and left. Naturally, offerings are also left for the Orisha such as aguardiente (raw sugar cane liqour), vino seco (dry cooking wine without salt), peanuts, yellow flowers, purple onions, etc. The offerings are left several days before being taken to the woods. If possible music of the Orishas and songs to Babaluaye are played to honor the Orisha. In short, we have a party. Usually, food is served and everyone welcomes the Orisha on his day.


Azowano is an Orisha very connected to the Dead. For that reason, offerings are often left for him in the cemetery or at the gate of the cemetery. This is only natural, since Azowano was born in a grave, as we have mentioned before. Due to this association, many spirits often accompany the Orisha, and do his bidding. Most spiritualists have a strong connection to this Orisha for the same reason. We hope that you do not fear this great Orisha, because of his association with the Dead, but rather come to appreciate his uniqueness.