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All About Me

Hi all, thank you for taking the time to go on my website. Let me introduce myself, my name is Jeannie and I live in Buffalo, NY. I live with a wonderful man who was always been there for me when things get rough. I can never asked for a better man. I have 3 wonderful kids, well actually I have a lot of kids. I mother them all lol. But I enjoy being with kids, I'm a big kid myself :-)

My hobbies are reading, listening to my music, shopping of course;) lol and of course lets not forget surfing the web:) I also love to water ski and go on a sea doo!! I love to do a lot of stuff, but unfortunately I have no time to do all the things I want to do!!:)or the money to do what I want!!lol

I also have GREAT friends and I belong to a group called Animalputer Friends and they are all so wonderful!! I'm proud to be one of them!!:-)I thank Monkey for introducing me to all of them...monkey, is a GREAT friend of mine and I'm so glad that she is in my life!!:-)And of course all the animalputer friends!!

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