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Missing The Woman I Love

Life is full of difficult times,we all know this is true
But nothing is harder for me to handle,than being away
from you.
When we are apart,time seemingly stands still
The frustration mounts and challenges my will.

At those times,I'd give anything to see your face
To look into your eyes,to feel your warm embrace
Cause it's then that everything feels right
And all that matters to me is holding you tight

No matter where I am,you are on my mind
And those are the thoughts of the very best kind
The love I have for you continues to grow
I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world, that
much I know.

I want nothing more than to be by your side
When I am,I feel happiness,inner peace,and pride
And the simplest things mean so much more
Cause I am sharing them with the woman I adore

One thing that I cannot deny
Is that I long for when we no longer say goodbye
Until then,I look at your pictures and it's crystal
What I need, more than anything,ist to always have you

Written to me by my Boyfriend Jeff!!:-)

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