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Sisters Of The Heart

I stand beside you, my sisters,
To dance on the rainbows, and sing in the clouds,
To howl at the moon, and laugh at the stars,
And to share the delights of our lives together.

I stand beside you, my sisters,
To cry at the heartaches, and revel in the joys,
As well as sharing ideas, new and different.
Together we can reach the full potential of our hearts.

I stand beside you, my sisters,
In good times and bad, the happy and the sad,
In order to stretch the limits of who we were,
So that we can blossom to who we really are.

I stand beside you, my sisters
, As equals in the eyes of the Universe,
But I also will stand in front of you,
To defend you with all that I have in me.

We are the dreamers, sharing the power of real Love
Of this Sisterhood that we can awaken in each other.
We stand beside each other and know this joy:
For we are truly Sisters of the Heart.

Written By:1999 Kari Schad

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