Chapter Fifteen


When I walked up to AJ and Micki, a girl, about 13, was walking away.

"Who was that?" I asked looking at the girl.

"A fan," AJ laughed.

Micki had obviously been laughing.

"Ok," I said confused.

"We are now boarding flights to Tampa," the intercom told us.

"I guess that's me," Micki said smiling.

"Yeah," AJ said, looking suddenly sad.

"Well, Micki it was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again. Soon," I said smiling.

"You too Kevin," she followed.

"And I will leave you two alone to say your good-bye," I said smiling.

I walked over and hugged Micki and then walked away, giving the two their space.

I looked around the airport, trying not to look at AJ and Micki.

I didnt look at the two and then when I did, Micki was giving her plane ticket to the person who checks them before you get on the plane.

AJ waved when Micki looked back, she smiled slightly and gave a little wave back.

"You ready?" AJ asked coming up to me.

"Uh, yeah I guess," I said. AJ:

"So, you'll call me when you get in?" I asked looking down at Micki.

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Ok, good. I cant wait to know you better," I told her.

She smiled and looked down at her hands.

"Same here," she said looking back up at me.

"Well, I guess I'll talk to you later," I said knowing she had to go.

"Ok, bye AJ. Thanks for a great date," she smiled.

"No, thank you," I smiled.

I leaned down and kissed her lips softly and she picked up her bags.

"Bye," she said.

I watched her board and then walked up to Kevin.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah I guess," he said.

"Do you really like her?" Kevin asked.

"No," I said looking up at Kevin.

Kevin looked shocked.

"Of course I like her man. Look at her, she's wonderful," I said smiling.

Kevin's face relaxed. Why was he so worried about what I felt for Micki? Oh, Lexi. That's right. I laughed to myself as we walked to our cars that were parked right next to each other.

I got into my car and followed Kevin out of the airport. I decided I wanted to go over to see what Brian was doing.

I picked up my cell phone and dialed Kevin's.

"Hey," he said picking up his phone.

"Go to Brian's," I told him.

"I was thinking of that too," he told me.

"Cool, see ya," I said and hung up.


Oh my G-D, if she doesnt shut up Im going to slap her. The whole freaking way was "Robert this" and "Robert that". I mean, we've been on the road for like an hour and that's all Ive heard. I mean I wouldnt mind if she talked a little about him, but she doesnt shut up. I mean, I like Howie. I really like Howie, but Im not going to annoy the hell out of everyone by talking about the littlest things he does.

Did you know that Robert does the cutest things in the morning. Like gets Jennifer's toothbrush "ready" for her? Ok, something I dont care about!

"Oh! And one time Robert did the cutest thing," Jennifer began.

I chuckled slightly and looked at her annoyed.

"What?" I asked.

"One time, I really wanted this one C.D. and he went to four different stores looking for it," she said smiling to herself.

"How sweet," I said sarcastically.

I miss Howie.

"Oh, look we're almost there," she said pointing to a sign.

"Good," I mumbled.

"Tired?" she asked looking at me sympathetically.

"You could say that," I said flashing her a fake smile.
