Chapter Twenty


Ok, I am completely convinced Micki should never drink another alcoholic beverage again.

Within the time of her and AJ sitting down with us to now, she managed to get herself drunk.

We were on our way home now, because Micki thought it would be cute if she danced topless in the club. AJ was finding it hilarous, he was wasted himself.

“I’ll drive Micki home, you can drive AJ home,” Lexi said to Kevin.

“Ok,” he smiled.

The rest of us were pretty good about handling our alcohol.

When we got home, Micki and AJ stumbled to the couch and fell on it. AJ was at one end, Micki at the other. I decided I wanted to sleep in Micki’s bed, so Lexi and I crashed in there. Adrienne slept on a beanbag in the middle of Micki’s bedroom and Megan crashed on the loveseat in the living room. Kevin and Brian fell asleep in the guest room, leaving Howie to sleep on the living room floor. Nick, however got the comfortable recliner.

*The Next Afternoon*

“Oh, I think Im going to vomit,” Micki said running the bathroom.

“Are you ok?” AJ asked, stumbling after her.

I have been up for a good hour. I had taken a shower, brushed my teeth, and I feel fresh now. Brian woke up a little after I did. In fact, Micki and AJ were the last to wake, even after the late sleepers, Megan and Lexi.

I heard Micki in the other room throwing up, and I have to admit, it didnt sound pleasant. When Micki returned, she looked awful.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“I brushed my teeth,” she told me.

“Ok, thats not what I asked,” I said smiling.

“Yeah, I’ll be ok,” she nodded and looked at AJ who walked into the kitchen after her. That was really sweet, he didnt leave the bathroom once while she got sick. Most guys would think that was disgusting and leave so they wouldnt have to watch.

“Ok, now can you please tell me about you drunken incident?” AJ asked sitting down at the bar.

Micki looked at him and smiled.

“Lexi, since you think this is so amusing, you tell him,” she told her.

“Ok, when Micki was younger, I dont remember how old she was, she got really drunk one night. Well, she decided she wanted to disturb the peace, by yelling at the top of her lungs. She also thought itd be cute to do it topless. She got arrested for it,” Lexi explained.

“But! It’s off my record,” Micki assured.

Nick looked at AJ and started laughing.

“What?” Micki asked.

“Before the show I told AJ, he’d probably get a girl who got arrested for indecent exposure or something,” Nick explained.

Everyone in the room, except Micki thought this was funny.

“Lighten up Micki. It’s ok,” AJ assured her. I looked over at Brian. He was so gorgeous.


I really Kevin. He’s a really nice guy. We were all still laughing about Micki’s arrest.

“How long are you guys staying?” I asked.

“Not sure yet,” AJ shrugged.

“Stay as long as you can,” Adrienne blurted out.

“We will,” Brian said looking at Leah and smiled.

Aww... that’s adorable, he has a crush on Leah.

It’s really weird and very unreal that here we are, 5 girls that you wouldnt think would ever meet a famous person in their entire life, and we’ve been hanging out with them. It’s great.

It’s weird because I dont even think, “Oh my G-D, Im talking to Kevin Richardson,” or something, you know? It doesnt even cross my mind. Kevin is a really good listener. We’ve talked about everything under the stars so far and it’s been great.

You know I wouldnt mind maybe dating him, or something along those lines.

I looked at Kevin and caught him looking at me. My heart started pounding and I didnt know what to do. I smiled and looked away shyly. Me! Someone who doesnt get shy. I looked away shyly!

“I need a shower,” Micki said getting up.

“I think we all do,” Nick agreed.

I decided that getting to know Kevin better is definite step I want to take. I mean, so far, he’s been as nice as can be.


*Later In The Day*

“Hey guys, let’s go to the park,” Micki suggested.

“Yeah, that sounds cool,” Leah agreed.

So, I guess we’re going to the park. I looked at Lexi and she was concentrating hard on painting her nails.

“Lexi, Ive never seen your nails painted,” Adrienne said walking by.

“Eh, I decided to paint them today,” she shrugged.

“Well, let’s go then,” Megan said jumping up.

“Im ready,” Micki announced.

Everyone got their shoes on, Lexi taking a little longer, considering she just painted her nails.

For some reason, I couldnt keep my eyes off her, it was like looking at her face was an addiction, something I just couldnt get enough of.

I mean, Ive known her for a whole 2 days, thought she was beautiful a week ago and now Im completely infatuated with her.

We all left for the park, deciding to walk the short distance, instead of driving.

“I love this park,” Micki commented as we walked.

“I know, it’s not much, but I love it,” Leah agreed.

“I like sitting on the dock,” Lexi followed.

“Yeah, especially at night,” Adrienne said.

“Especially for the boat show,” Megan finished.

“Do you come here often?” AJ asked smiling.

“You could say that,” Micki shrugged.

Now, I dont know how all of us got such beautiful girls willing to hang out with us. Just because we’re Backstreet Boys doesnt mean we get all the ladies. A lot of people get intimidated by us or our careers and that’s something they cant handle. We’ve all tried relationships, none of which have worked out.

All these girls were best friends too, it was great. No one was jealous of the other and no one talked behind the others back. They were all pretty laid back and seemed to take life as it came, not as they thought it would come.

“What’s wrong Kevin?” Lexi asked breaking my thoughts.

“Huh?” I asked looking down at her.

“You were mouthing something to yourself, are you ok?” she asked smiling.

“Uh, yeah,” I said, knowing my face was turning bright red in embarrassment.

“You ‘re a character,” she laughed.


Micki is so beautiful. I really like her because she doesnt bitch about everything. If something doesnt go her way, oh well. But, I cant really bring that statement to truth until after Ive known her awhile.

“Here we are!” Micki announced.

“I got the swings!” Leah announced taking off for the swings. Brian, right behind her. You know, if I wasnt mistaken, Brian has been following Leah around all morning.

“I got the slide!” Micki announced taking off towards the huge slide in the middle of the park.

It wasnt a huge park, in fact it was rather small, but no one was in it, so we were all alone, it was nice.

The river was beautiful, and I saw the dock that the girls were talking about. I followed Micki to the slide. By the time I got there, she was already at the top, sliding down.

“You’re like a little kid,” I said smiling.

“Sometimes you have to be,” she shrugged.

I smiled, she was so beautiful. I wonder if she knew how beautiful she was.

We spent all day at the park. Leah and Brian were now just sitting on the swings, talking quietly to each other. Lexi and Kevin were sitting at the top of a huge tree that was on the other side of the park, they werent talking, just looking out onto the water, quietly. Adrienne and Howie sat contently on the monkey bars, talking, as always.

Megan and Nick were on the little kid’s toy horse thingy. Micki and I were laying on the grass next to the slide, staring up at the sky.

It was dark, the stars were out, and you could only hear crickets and the soft whispers of Leah and Brian and Howie and Adrienne.

“You know Micki?” I asked sitting up.

“What?” she asked looking up at me.

“You make me happy. You’ve really made me happy. Even in a week,” I said looking down at her. Her brown eyes sparkled as she smiled.

“I do?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“You do to,” she said shyly.

“Then, do you want to try to make a relationship work?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said smiling. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, I was going to make this work.


The words AJ just said to me were like music to my ears and I didnt want tonight to end. The beautiful night, the stars, the moon, AJ. I dont want anything to make this night end, but time wasnt on my side.

AJ had just kissed me, sending more shivers down my spine than the first time he kissed me. It was like this kiss was sealing our vow to make a relationship work for us. Even if his career sometimes didnt allow time for a girlfriend, I am going to grow patience and faith for him.

I dont know what it is about AJ, but he makes me have butterflies and I get all giddy when Im around him. It was obvious to anyone, I had a thing for him.

“You know what Im going to do?” he asked.

“What?” I asked as he looked into my eyes.

“Im going to give that host a personal thanks,” he said smiling.

“Me too,” I agreed.

“Let’s go sit on the dock,” AJ said standing up.

“OK,” I agreed. AJ held out his hand and helped me up, he didnt let go of my hand as we walked over to the dock. I glanced over at Leah and Brian and she had a huge smile on her face.

Adrienne and Howie were talking, but it was hard to tell what they were talking about.

I couldnt see Kevin, Lexi, Nick, or Megan. But, I was quite content with just seeing AJ.

AJ and I sat down, with our feet hanging over the side of the dock. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, enjoying this moment.

Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
I Want Only You Index
Group Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
