Chapter Nine

"AJ!" I called throwing my car keys on the counter.

I had just arrived home from a long day of shopping, getting my hair and nails done, etc. It was great.

"Yeah!?" he called from the computer room, as always. I walked to the computer room and stood in the doorway.

"I like your hair," he smiled looking up at me.

"Thanks," I shrugged.

My usually long and completely straight hair, was now layered and felt a lot lighter on my head, not that that was significant or anything.

"Did you have a good day?" he asked turning off the computer.

"Yeah, did you?" I asked.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes. I looked down at the ring AJ had bought me, the engagement ring and smiled.

"Hey, Kevin wanted us to go have dinner at his place," AJ told me.

"Oh, ok, cool," I said looking up.

"Why dont we go get changed and we can head over there," he said walking past me.

"Ok," I said, I had a feeling something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked following him.

"Nothing," he shrugged and started rummaging through his side of the closet in search for something to wear.

"Are you sure?" I asked, ok I was being paranoid.

"Marissa," he glared at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled and looked on my side of the closet and picked out black leather triangle top and my leather pants.

"What's the occasion?" AJ asked looking at what I had picked out.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked, annoyed.

"Nothing, but we're just going out to dinner," he shrugged.

"Fine," I threw the outfit into the closet. I grabbed my Gap bootleg jeans and a yellow tank top and changed into that. I put on my brown sandals and a brown belt. When I finally looked at AJ, he was wearing baggy jeans and a white wifebeater.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I snapped and grabbed my bag.

We walked out of the house and to his car. Surprise, we were in another "argument".

After ten minutes of tension and complete silence, we arrived at Kevin's.

"Hey guys!" Kevin greeted. Nick ran out the front door, and down the path towards AJ and I. He ran right past AJ and grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder and ran back into the house, me yelling at him the whole time.

"What are you doing Nick?!" I shouted.

"Hey Marissa," Brian said coming up behind Nick. He was smiling and he did the famous duck face. I laughed.

"Let her go Nick," AJ said annoyed. Nick gently me down, without a single whine.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

"Hey Marissa," Howie said walking into the room.


"I like your hair cut," Brian said ruffling my hair.

"Thanks," I said, straightening it back.

"Let's all eat!" Nick said rushing outside, where Kevin was barbequeing.

"Mmm, it smells great Kevin," I smiled as he returned to his chef duties.

"Thanks," he said. AJ hadnt even said a single word. I turned around and saw him talking to Howie's girlfriend. I shrug off the jealousy and turned and was face to face with Nick who was smiling devilishly with a water gun pointed at the middle of my forehead.

"Nick," I warned.

"What?" he asked innocently. He squirted the gun.

"Get back here!" I shouted. I chased Nick around Kevin's large backyard. Finally, he turned the chase around and started chasing after me. I ran up to where AJ was standing and stood behind him.

"Get away from me," he told me bitterly.

"What?" I asked hurt. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"You heard me. You need to grow up Marissa," he said coldly.

"AJ, calm down, Nick and her were just goofing off," Kevin said defending me.

AJ shot him the Look.

Kevin sighed and turned away.

I felt the tears sting my eyes.

"Dont cry," Brian said as AJ walked away and into the house. Brian put his arm around me.

"He was nice to me when I first came home and then suddenly he started giving me the cold shoulder. I dont know what I did," I said as I sat down on the swing in Kevin's yard, Brian right next to me.

"It's ok, dont let him bother you," Brian whispered.

"How am I supposed to not let him bother me, when he's almost always like this and we're supposed to be getting married?" I asked.

"I dont know Marissa. I know he loves you and he doesnt mean it when he hurts you," Brian assured me.

"Sometimes, I dont know Brian," I sighed.
