Chapter Nine

Micki got up, without disturbing AJ and went into the kitchen. All the guys were still asleep. She smiled and decided she wanted to go to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. She smiled and picked up the phone, dialing LaDawn's number. "Hello?" LaDawn asked. "Hey, wanna go to Outback?" Micki asked. "Ok, is Brian still over there?" she asked. "Yep, and sleeping along with the rest of the guys," Micki answered. "Oh, ok. Well I'll get ready and come over. Ok?" LaDawn asked. "Sounds good," Micki replied and hung up. She picked up the phone again, but dialed Megan's number this time. "Hello?" Megan's roommate, Jillian answered. "Hey is Megan there?" Micki asked. "She told me she was going over to your house," Jillian replied. "Oh ok, then I'll see her in a few," Micki said and hung up. She proceeded to call Alexis and Adrienne, both agreeing to come over to go out to dinner. Micki went into the bedroom after making the calls and saw AJ still sleeping. Micki went over and kissed his lips. "Baby," Micki whispered. AJ opened his eyes and smiled. "Get up, we're going out to dinner," Micki informed him. "We are?" he asked. Micki nodded and walked over to the closet and got out a knee length black skirt and a pink tank tap with a dark shade of pink outlining roses on her shirt. She set out her flip flops and when she turned to AJ, he was staring at her. "What?" she asked. "You're so sexy," AJ answered smiling. "What can I say? I learn from the best," Micki said smiling as she walked over to the bed and leaned down and kissed AJ. "Now get up, you have to take a shower," Micki ordered grabbing his hand and pulling him up. The two walked out of the room and towards the bathroom. "Bone, Megan's here," Nick said appearing. "Oh, hey keep her entertained, actually, you need to go home and take a shower and wake the other guys up and tell them to go home and shower, we're going out to dinner tonight, everyone be back here in forty five minutes," Micki said disappearing into the bathroom, AJ following. ~Later~ "What can I get you to drink ma'am?" the waitress asked Micki as everyone else had already told her. "Just coke I guess," Micki answered. AJ had his hand on Micki's leg, rubbing it. Micki leaned her head on AJ's shoulder as she enjoyed the massage. "I had a weird dream," AJ whispered into Micki's ear. "What?" Micki asked, wanting to know about the dream. She closed her eyes and listened. "You got pregnant," AJ answered. Micki's eye flung open and she sat up straight and looked at him. "Really?" Micki asked. "Yeah, weird huh?" AJ asked. Micki shook her head and AJ looked at her. "I had the same dream," Micki told him. AJ smiled and kissed her forehead. Nick and Megan were talking about something that seemed to be very interesting and funny, because they were both laughing their butts off. LaDawn and Brian stared at each other and kissed and stared some more and muttered "I love you" to each other. Howie and Alexis were talking about something to do with tornadoes (dont ask). Kevin and Adrienne were obviously arguing about something, as usual. "I love you," AJ said. Micki smiled and kissed him. She knew for sure AJ was the one for her. He had the same dream she had had. "Micki, wow, we just keep running into each other," a low male voice said from the head of the table. "You know they have laws about stalking," Micki snapped. "Im not stalking this is strictly coincedental," Matt said grinning. Micki rolled her eyes and looked at AJ, who looked like he wanted to kill Matt. Micki took his hand and squeezed it to let him know it was ok. "Matt just leave no here wants to see you," LaDawn said noticing the tension. "Shut up LaDawn no one here was talking to you," Matt growled. "Dont talk to my girl like that," Brian defended. Matt rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to Micki. "Can I just talk to you for one minute please, and then I'll stop bothering you," Matt begged. Micki looked at him and considered the suggestion. "Im sorry baby, I'll be right back," Micki said kissing AJ's lips. "I love you," AJ said, not having a good feeling about this. Micki smiled, " I love you too." Micki followed Matt out of the restaraunt and into the parking lot. They stood in front of Matt's car. "Micki, I am really sorry for what I did to you," Matt said looking at her right in the eyes. Micki didnt say anything, she wasnt about to forgive him. "I love you Micki," Matt told her. "No, you dont," Micki replied. Matt put his arm around her and hugged her. Micki tried to pull away, but found herself struggling within Matt's embrace. Micki tried to scream, but Matt had covered her mouth and shoved her into the car. He got in and started it up and drove. Matt looked at the road hard and angry. Micki didnt dare do a thing, but cry. "Let me go Matt!" she screamed. Matt turned to her and slapped her hard across the face, causing Micki to cry even harder. She wanted to be in AJ's arms, him holding her. Protecting her. Micki was being taken down a dark road she didnt recognize, before she knew it though, she was sleeping, dreaming of nothing. Micki woke to the feeling of the car stopping. She was dragged into a house, in the dark. She could tell she was in the woods or something. Matt dragged her into a room and threw her down on the floor. "I'll deal with you in the morning," Matt said locking the door and leaving. The room had no light, no window, nothing. Micki felt around and found a bed, where she layed down on. She cried herself to sleep, wishing AJ would find her and rescue her. She didnt want to be alone with Matt, who at this point she was terified of. ~The Next Morning~ "You plan on taking me back?" Matt asked harshly. "No!"Micki screamed. "No? Oh, well then," Matt slapped Micki hard across the face. "Still no?" Matt asked. Micki nodded and Matt hit her again. "Now, Micki, I dont like doing this. You know? But you know, it's been awhile since I've gotten any," Matt told her. "No wonder," Micki spat. Matt slapped her again. Matt began to take off Micki's shirt, sliding his hand up her skirt. Micki pushed him away and tried to run, but was only tackled by Matt. Micki started to cry. That was the worst day of her life. Matt took advantage of her and who knows when she'll see AJ again. Matt was determined for her never to leave the building he brought her too, but Micki had plans of her own...

Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Never Let Go Index
AJ Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
