
One Year Later~

"How are you?" my sister asked coming up to me.

We were celebrating my divorce to Rob this evening. It was final yesterday. Now, we're having a huge barbeque in Kevin's backyard. Kevin and I are as happy as can be. He is so sweet to me. I moved in with him about a month ago.

I didnt want anything from Rob, so I got the furniture I took awhile back and a restraing order. He got the house, his car, and he pays me no money.

I have a better job. I am working as a secratary at JIVE records. So, I get to see Kevin often. The guys just got back from tour about a month ago. They were gone for a good three months, but I would occasionally fly (yes, fly) to see Kevin on the weekends.

"Im doing good," I smiled at Angie.

"You look so much healthier," she observed.

"Its because I dont have bruises all over my body," I joked.

"Yeah, I know," she laughed.

"Hey baby," Kevin said coming up behind me and kissing my neck.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Let's go eat. Everyone else is," he suggested. Angie and I nodded and followed Kevin to a picnic table. The rest of the guys were there, Kevin's family, my family, Carol and her boyfriend, anyone we could think of.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Kevin asked standing up. I looked at him questionly. What was he doing?

Everyone stopped what they were doing and faced us.

"I hae something very important to do," Kevin told everyone. He pulled out a small box from his pocket and looked down at me. Tears filled my eyes.

"Micki, would you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?" Kevin asked looking down at me.

"I would love to!" I exclaimed jumping up and hugging him. Tears flowed down my cheeks. But this time, they were tears of joy. Kevin slipped the beautiful ring on my finger, kissing my lips softly. Everyone cheered around us, but we were completely oblivious of them.

Chapter Nine
I Promise Index
Kevin Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island

Email: skittles2020@webtv.net