Chapter Nine

"So, how was New Mexico?" Kevin asked when the four of us were seated in a Hawaiian resurant.

"It was amazing. Her mother," I gave Maria a squeeze. "is the greatest."

Maria smiled broadly. Her hand rested on my thigh under the table. She rubbed it up and down knowing that it was exciting me. We continued to chat, enjoying Kevin and Michelle's company while knowing we'd enjoy what was waiting for us back at the hotel.

"I'm gonna hate when Kevy goes back on tour," Michelle whimpered. Maria looked at her sympathetically. Kevin gazed into her eyes.

"It'll be okay, baby." He planted a kiss on her forehead. Maria looked around thoughtful.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why don't you go on tour?" She asked Michelle.

"I would, but I don't know anyone, besides living with 5 guys, no offense boo, isn't my idea of living," she stiffled a giggle while trying to still sound sad.

"I tour with them," Maria told her. She looked at Kevin,

"Would you mind if I toured with you baby?" She asked him.

"I'd love it!" He pulled Michelle into his arms and kissed her deeply.

"Aww," I wispered into Maria's ear.

"That was my good deed of the day," she whispered back.

~Later in the room~

"That was fun." Maria said as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Yup," I called hoping she'd hear me through the door.

Moments later she emereged. She was wearing a nighty, a short lacy nighty. My thin boxers were tightening. She walked over to me and leaned down exposing more cleavage then I could handle.

"I need you baby." She cooed (micki!) in my ear. Her warm breath sent shivers down my spine.

She climbed on top of me and pressed her lips down hard on mine. I reached up and grabbed her vulumptous breasts. She groaned and threw her head back. She grinded against my hardened man hood.

"Baby..." I managed.

She started pulling my wifebeater off and stroking my chest with her finger tips. She lower her head and began kissing my abs working her way down to the waist band of my boxers.

"Do you like this baby?" She croaked. I pulled her hand to my throbbing cock.

"Does that answer your question?" She nodded and pulled her nighty off revealing a silken pair of breasts and a pair of high cut thongs. I was very pleased with the sight. She brought my head up to her breasts where I delighted in licking my tongue slowly across her hardened nipples. I kissed my way down till I got to her moist panties. I slid my finger into her body and felt her walls tense up, her warm juices encased my fingers as they gently massaged her insides.

"I...need it, in me D, in me" I pulled her panties off as she pulled my boxers down. She sat on my manhood and I could feel myself climaxing as she rode me. Slowly at first but picking up her pace until I felt her climax and her juices flood all over. She rode me faster and faster until I cummed. She collapsed on me and our sweaty bodies were as one. I kissed her sweetly and the two of us fell asleep.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Howie Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanficition Index
Backstreet Island
