Chapter Fifteen

"Are you sure you want to do this NOW?" Nick asked Alli as they were driving.

"Uh-huh." She nodded happily. The two decided to get married at the first place they saw.

"There's one." Alli pointed to a sign. It was a run-downed place, but the two were eager to be married.


"AJ, are you sure you don't wanna have a big wedding?" Marissa asked while in the car.

"Positive. We can have a big wedding but were all ready now...why delay it? We'll have 2 weddings, ok??"

"K, cause I promised Megan she'd be my maid of honour and she's gonna be pissed when she finds out I did this without her." AJ smiled at Marissa's constant consideration for others. They stopped at a small place a little outside of Tampa.

"Ready?" AJ asked grasping Marissa's hand as they walked into the building.


"Where are we going??" I asked Brian frantically. I looked behind us and there was nothing but a car, w/ no headlights and darkness. Brian kept his eyes glued to the road like a madman. The car with no headlights followed down a crooked road and stopped a few feet from a turn we took to the left.

I saw a brightly lit sign "weddings, funerals, and barmitsvas. Open 24 hours?" I read. Brian nodded.

"I wanted to wait," his eyes glittered, "but I couldn't I need to you to be mine forver, say you will," he pulled out a ringbox from his pocket.

"Oh Brian," I cooed (Mick) I kissed him passionately.


"What are you two doing here?" Marissa asked Nick and Alli at the front desk.

"What are you?" Nick asked.

"We're gettin' married," AJ shone proudly.

"Us too!" Alli grinned excitedly. The four turned around startled by two familiar voices.

"Rok!" Aj turned.

"Bone, you dog!" We all laughed at the situation.

The 6 of us decided to spend this special day together. It was almost mid night by the time we were all ready. The 6 of stood side by side. AJ and Marissa went first.

"Do you, Alexander James McLean, take Marissa Lynn Long to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, blah, blah."

"I do," AJ looked deeply into his fiance's eyes. He saw them glisten with tears. The man continued his monotone speech.

"And do you Marissa Lynn Long, take Alexander James Mc Lean to be your, blah, blah."

"I do!" she proclaimed. The two kissed happily.

The "priest" moved over to Nick and Alli and proceeded to marry them as well. I swear he left out a few key points in the vows, but...

And finally it was Brian and my turn. After my vows were said Brian was ready to say his,

"Do you Brian Thomas Littrell take Leah Marie Johnson to be your lawful wedded... wah wah." Brian slipped the ring on my finger. And that's when it happened.

I heard the shot and then it went black. The room began to spin. I saw blood, masses of it, I couldn't tell where it was coming from until Brian fainted. I saw the gunman run from the building, I heard screams, but I couldn't see. Everything went black.

Chapter Fourteen
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