Chapter Seven

~ "Morning," Brian said kissing my cheek.

"Hsdgkljr." was my incoherrent reply.

He smiled and got up out of bed.

"How do you like your coffee?" I checked the clock. 8:45. *yawn* *stretch*

"W/ cream n sugah." He laughed and I went into the kitchen. There he sat in his boxers, his muscular stomach catching my eye.

"What happened there?" I asked outlinging a scar where his heart was.

"Long story," He pulled my head down for a sweet kiss. I murmured and got off his lap.

"I hope everyone on the earth is having as good a morning as we are." I said contently. Once again he kissed me in agreement.


"You're so sexy in the morning," AJ cooed in Marissa's ear. He kissed her neck down to her collarbone. "You make me want you sooo bad." He yearned rubbing his hand across her smooth stomach.

"Do you think she's still mad?" Marissa asked ignoring his erotic attempts.

He removed his lips from her body and said,

"Do I think who is mad at you?" Marissa proped herself up on one arm and looked him seriously.

"Leah," AJ groaned, "I'm sorry. I'm just worried,"

AJ pulled her into a warm hug,

"It'll be okay baby I promise." She held him tighter as she hoped he was right.


"Watch out, who got a lightening bolt now?"

"You'll be sorry if you shrink me." evil laughing.

"I'm sorry Al," laughing and screaming.

"NICK!!" At this point in the intense game of Mario Cart the two "friends" had been playing since the evening before and it was the championship. It was down to the last lap when Alli got her 3 red shells. Nick was nervous, he was close, then *boom* *boom* Alli shot 2 of her shells and won.

"YESSSSS!" She got up and jumped around the room.

"C'mere you." Nick smiled and pounced on her tackling her to the ground where he began to tickle her maliciously. He stoped suddenly, a shy smiled creeping on his lips.

Suddenly, Alli had an urge, she reached up and put her hand behind his neck. She brought him down to her and kissed him, slowly parting his eager mouth with her tongue.He responded probing his hungry tongue into her mouth. I guess now, they were a little more than friends.

~ "Is Marissa there?" I asked the male voice who answered the phone when I called to apologize.

"Hang on," I heard the phone drop to the ground, "Marissa!!" the guy -AJ I presumed- yelled. Seconds later,





"Look I'm--" I started.

"Sorry." we both said.

"You have the right to do what you want with whoever you want, I'm sorry."

"I know you were just being protective, I shouldn't have said anything about Brian,"

To make ammends we decided to have a girls day out, just, Marissa, Al, and I.

We planned to hit the spa, go shopping, and have a slumber party like we did in the old days.

After we pampered ourselves ridiculously at Marquies' Luxury Spa we decided to hit the mall. We shopped all afternoon for outfits to wear to the BSB press conference the guys had invited us to several evenings from then. I -after much consideration- bought a pair of tight black leather pants with a matching top that looked more like a sports bra then a shirt...Thank God I had Brian's credit card.

Alli, who usually dresses conservatively, opted for a long white(almost-see through) skirt with a daring slit up the right side witha shiney baby pink tube.

And of course, the stunning Marissa purchased a white halter top with tight khaki cargo pants. All in all, it was a succsessful day.

"Welcome home," Came three voices when me and the others entered my apartment later that night. On the couch watching SportsCenter sat Brian, AJ, and Nick.

"Can we stay over too?" AJ asked wickedly, Nick looked at me pleadingly, and of course I couldn't say no to Brian. "Sure!" I said enthusiastically. We fixed a few drinks and we all decided to turn in for the night. Me n Brian in my room, AJ & Marissa (grrr) in the spare room, and Alli & Nick on the roll-a-way couch. "Are you sure you don't mind me sleeping in the bed with you?" Nick asked. "Not at all," Alli said seductively.

~ "You know how hard it is to stay on this side of the bed?" Nick asked Alli.

"How hard?" Nick grabbed her hand and place it on his manhood.

Alli smiled and turned to face him,"poor Nicky," she cooed still stroking it through his boxers.

"You don't know what you're doing," He moaned when she began kissing his ears,

"Oh don't I?" She smiled again. Her eyes twinkled.

"I want you," he said to her. She kissed him eagarly, his hands roamed all over her body and discarded her shirt, he kissed her neck letting little butterly kisses drop all the way down to the valley. He the took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked it gently at first then flicked it with his tongue, teasing her. She threw her head back obvioulsy enjoying the torture. She then rolled him over on the bottom and began rubbing her naked flesh up and down on his. He groaned in pleasure and slowly pulled off her boxers revealing that she was a no underwear to bed kinda lady. She kissed down his stomach until she reached his boxers, slowly she removed them with her teeth.Then she came back up for a kiss before mounting him,"Wait," he said,

"What baby? Don't you like it?" Alli asked, fearing that he was going to make her stop.

"It's my first time."

"Oh Nick, I'll go slow." He nodded. (Yes it hurts guys too)

She rode him until he exploded. She collapsed on his sweaty body and kissed his lips which tasted even sweeter.

Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
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