Chapter Nine

~ "That's the last suitcase." Brian said shoving my duffel bag under one of the bunks.

There were 8 bunks on the bus, a beautiful rec room (with tv and couches), and a luxurious kitchen. Too bad Marissa and I had to leav in 6 weeks.

Marissa bunked with AJ, under them was Kevin (whom I felt very bad for, not only because he had to sleep underneath the snoring queen (Marissa) and the testosterone driven y chromosome (AJ), but Nicole couldn't go with him on tour.), Next to them were Nick on top and Alli on the bottom. Brian slept across from Nick and me across from Alli, while Kelly and Howie shared the top bunk next to us. The bottom bunk was open-just incase. It was going to be a great trip, I could hardly wait.

~FIRST STOP-- Pittsburgh, PA

We got put up in a fancy hotel for our 2 day stay in PA. We got 2 huge suites.

Brian and I planned to spend some down time together since he'd been so busy rehearsing. The guys had dance rehearsal in the morning but had the afternoon off before the show (which they had to be at 6:30) So at 1:00, Brian met me by the pool side in his cute red trunks. I had on a brown bikini (kinda like vinyl, the kind you don't get wet!) "You look amazing," Brian said kissing my lips quickly.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"How about, don't care? As long as I spend it with you..."

"I was thinkin' a little walk around the facilities, maybe a game of B-ball, go home lay in bed watch some flicks and have a little fun before the gig." I looked at him shocked, *keep in mind we are NOT sexually active* I leaned up and kissed Brian.

We got up and I pulled my shorts on and we skipped off to find the basketball courts...

~~~Meanwhile. In other parts of PA~~~

"I'm so..." Marissa trailed off searching for a word.

"beautiful. amazing. fun." AJ filled in.

"fat." Marissa finished. She eyed herself in the mirror, "Am I fat?"

"No!! You're gorgeous." Marissa smiled. "As a matter of fact, I'd like to take my gorgeous THIN girlfriend into our room, so we can be alone..."

"I don't know AJ..."

"C'mon, pregnant people gotta have little fun!"

Marissa smiled as AJ led her into the room...


"You haven't told Brian??" Alli exclaimed.

"No, he wouldn't understand." Nick sighed. They had been discussing sleeping in differnt bunks because noone knew they had sex.

"He's your best friend,"

"And you saw Leah flip out on Marissa and that was her best friend."

"True," She paused and smiled. "Brian's not here now is he?"

"No one's here now..." Nick grinned mischeviously, and led Alli to the bed. (Remember in hotel theres a wall w/ a door connecting rooms... and remember where we left AJ and Marissa...and remember that sex is a secret, and ... you get the point LOL!)

AJ and Marissa were lying in bed kissing and watching t.v. when they heard moans coming from next door...

"Who is that??" The other bed in their room was Kelly and Howie's and Brian and Marissa didn't do it yet, so, Marissa got up and peared into the room.

Alli was on top of Nick, naked.

"AJ!" She whispered.

"Oh my..." AJ covered his eyes and giggled.

"SHHHH!" She said and took him back to the bed.

Marissa took a piece of the hotel paper and neatly wrote, "The sex secret is safe with me.- Marissa"

She put in her wallet and had to remember to give it to one of them later.


"AND HERE ARE..." :::drumroll::: "THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!" The annoucer bellowed. The fans cheered as one by one the guys got on stage.

We watched proudly from backstage as each guy proved themselves to be amazingly talented individuals. Afterwards, at about 11, everyone had showered and changed to go out.

Once at the club we had decided to party at, Brian, Marissa, AJ, Alli, Nick and I went to the bar and ordered drinks. It was going to be a wild night.

Howie, Kevin, and Kelly went back to the hotel. Kevin switched rooms so the 3 of them, Alli and Nick were in one and the four of us in the other. After a few drinks we were all in party mode, Brian behind me grinded against me and I turned around to face him and held him close dancing dirtier than I ever have.

Marissa was on the table taking her shirt off and giving AJ a lap dance.

Al and Nick were in a corner making out as always!!

At 1 everyone got kicked out because, not mentioning any names, (Marissa) decided to run around nude and pass out on the floor. She was getting it out before motherhood, I guess.

Safe at the hotel we all decided to keep the party alive. Inside our bathroom was a massive hottub. Marissa got in first having no problem taking her clothes off, AJ got in next.

Nick and Al went back into the actual room to do whatever it is they do.

And Brian looked at me cautiously before removing my shirt then his own. He pulled his kahkis off and pulled my skirt down quickly. We removed our under garments and I realized it was the first time we'd seen each other naked. We both giggled but hurried to get into the water.

So there the 4 of us were...

Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Brian Fanfiction Index
BSB Fanfiction Index
Backstreet Island
